Projets de recherche en cours
Liste complète
Requérant-e principal-e | Titre | Financement | Site web | Durée |
ACKER Antoine | AnthropoSouth: Latin American Oil Revolutions in the Development Century | FNS Eccellenza | 2021-2026 | |
ACKERMANN Guy | L'équipement de l'éducation et du sport en Grèce antique. Une étude de cas à partir de l'île de Délos | FNS Ambizione | 2023-2027 | |
CESALLI Laurent | Philosophy in the Islamic World During the 'Post-classical Period' (13th-18th Centuries) | FNS projet | Site Web | 2021-2025 |
CHARNAVEL Isabelle | Indexicals, binding and presupposition – towards a typology and a theory of bound indexicals | FNS projet | Site Web | 2023-2026 |
CORREIA Fabrice | Describing the World | FNS projet | Site Web | 2021-2025 |
DEBAENE Vincent | La parole indigène entre littérature orale et culture lettrée | FNS projet | Site Web | 2022-2026 |
DEONNA Julien | In Defence of Affective Benevolence | FNS Projet | 2025-2029 | |
DEONNA Julien (co-requérant) | Emotion and Mental Imagery | FNS Projet Weave | 2022-2026 | |
DUECK Evelyn | Kafkaesk - Die visuelle Rezeption von Franz Kafkas literarischem Werk ausserhalb des deutschen Sprachraums (1924-2024) | FNS Projet | 2025-2028 | |
ERNE Lukas | Shakespeare’s Lyric Poetry | FNS projet | Site Web | 2023-2027 |
FOEHR-JANSSENS Yasmina | Canoniser les Sept sages : Livres, langues, écriture sérielle (XIIIe-XVe siècles | FNS projet | Site Web | 2021-2025 |
FRECHETTE Guillaume | The Origins of Contemporary European Thougth 1837-1838. Texts and Genealogy | FNS Consolidator Grants | Site Web | 2024-2028 |
FRECHETTE Guillaume (co-requérant) | The Crisis of Philosophy in the 1930s | FNS Lead Agency | Site Web | 2025-2028 |
GABAY Simon | The Geographic Horizon of Writers | FNS Spark | Site web | 2024-2025 |
GIDNEY Thomas | Negociating the end of Extraterritoriality | FNS Postdoc.Mobility Retour | 2024-2025 | |
GIRAUD Cédric | Bibliotheca Celestinorum Nova. A la recherche de la littérature latine oubliée | FNS Projet | Site web | 2024-2028 |
GUEX Samuel (co-requérant) | Sustainable Peace: Solidarity and Companionship | Strategic Partneship | ||
HOULLEMARE Marie | Masculinités esclavagistes | FNS Projet | Site Web | 2024-2028 |
HUBER Vitus | Pratiques d’optimisation physique à l’époque moderne. Méthodes et médias d’auto-observation et d’amélioration de soi / Corporeal Optimisation in Early Modern Europe. Means and Methods of Self-Observation and Self-Improvement | FNS Ambizione | 2020-2025 | |
JOYEUX-PRUNEL Béatrice | Visual Contagions | FNS projet | Site Web | 2021-2025 |
KEESE Alexander | Builders of the Nation: a social history of rural workers and employees in late/post-colonial state companies in sub-Saharan Africa (1957-1983) | FNS projet | 2022-2025 | |
KEESE Alexander (co-requérant) | Living with authoritarian repression: everyday life history under the Estado Novo in Portugal and its African colonies, 1926-74 | FNS Projet | 2023-2026 | |
LANGKAU Julia | Creativity, Imagination and Tradition | FNS PRIMA | Site Web | 2022-2027 |
LE BIHAN Baptiste | Space, Time and Causation in Quantum Gravity | FNS Starting Grants | Site Web | 2023-2028 |
MADSEN Deborah | Vegan Literary Studies : An American Textual History, 1776-1900 | FNS projet | Site Web | 2022-2026 |
MELLET Paul-Alexis | Des sources à la loupe: la bibliothèque des Monarchomaques (XVIe siècle) | FNS Projet | Site Web | 2024-2028 |
MERLO Giovanni | Metaphysics We Can Believe In | FNS Starting Grants | Site Web | 2024-2029 |
MERLO Paola | Disentangling linguistic intelligence: automatic generalisation of structure and meaning across languages | FNS Advanced grants | 2022-2026 | |
MIRELMAN Sam | The Dawn of Translation: Sumerian-Akkadian Literary Bilingualism in the Old Babylonian Period (2000-1600 BC) | FNS Ambizione | 2022-2026 | |
Edition de la version Nabû-zuqup-kēnu de Šumma ālu |
FNS Projet | Site Web | 2024-2028 |
MOREL Teymour | La philosophie arabe au prisme de la diffusion de ses témoins manuscrits dans le monde : Averroès, al-Yanyawi et al-Tulawi comme cas d’étude | FNS Ambizione | 2021-2025 | |
PELLO Caterina | Presocratic Philosophers on Life and Death: Ancient Origins of a Modern Debate | FNS Ambizione | Site Web | 2023-2027 |
PIAZZALUNGA Arianna | Peripatetic Legacies: Theophrastus and the Shaping of Stoic Physics | FNS Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships | 2024-2026 | |
PUSKAS Genoveva (co-requérante) | Case-marked subordinate clauses | FNS Projet Weave | 2022-2025 | |
RIEDO Christoph (co-requérant) | Lukas Sarasin and the phenomenon of the "collegium musicum" in circa 1800 | FNS Agora | Site Web | 2023-2025 |
SALVATORE Tommaso | Geografia e storia della tradizione dei Rerum vulgarium fragmenta | FNS Ambizione | 2022-2025 | |
SANT'ANNA André | From Perception to Memory: Naïve Realism and the Nature of Episodic Memory | FNS Ambizione | 2023-2027 | |
SCALAS Giulia | The Epicurean Physics of Virtue | FNS Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships | 2024-2026 | |
SCHRÖTER Juliane (co-requérante) | Kontroverse Diskurse. Sprachgeschichte als Zeitgeschichte seit 1990 | DFG / FNS | Site Web | 2022-2026 |
SCHUBERT Paul | Greek documentary papyri : from architecture to periodisation | FNS projet | Site Web | 2023-2027 |
SOLFAROLI CAMILLOCI Daniela | S’en tenir aux ‘Faits de Jésus Christ et du Pape’. Les imprimés évangéliques romans et les pratiques de communication religieuse à l’époque de la réforme (SETAF) | FNS projet | Site Web | 2022-2026 |
SWIFT Simon | Landscapes of the Mind: Literature of Place, Displacement and Recovery | FNS Agora | 2024-2027 | |
SWIFT Simon (co-requérant) | Poetry, Creativity and Close Reading in the Transnational Digital Age | Strategic Partnership | ||
TERONI Fabrice (co-requérant) | Emotions and Mental Imagery | FNS Projet Weave | 2022-2026 | |
VERES Máté | Excellence and expertise in Hellenistic philosophy | FNS Ambizione | 2022-2026 | |
VINCENT FANCONI Andrés Maria | A Financial Humanity? Humanitarian and Financial Interventions in the Nineteenth Century: A Study from the Iberian World | FNS Ambizione | 2024-2028 | |
WEBER Marcel | Philosophy of Infectious Disease Epidemiology: Modeling, Values, and Policy Advice | FNS projet | 2022-2026 | |
WEDER Christine (co-requérante) | Annemarie Schwarzenbach: Digitale Edition der Kleinen Formen und Briefe. Reisetexte, Intermedialität, Netzerke | FNS Projet | Site Web | 2024-2028 |
WÜTHRICH Christian | Philosophy Beyond Standard Physics | FNS projet | Site Web | 2023-2027 |
WÜTHRICH Christian (co-requérant) | UNIGE-Yonsei Joint Collaboration on the Philosophy of Quantum Cosmology | Strategic Partnership |