News & Events


Project member Serkan Seker and Anna Sebestyén (interpreter and translator) have successfully concluded the project fieldwork in Hungary, focusing on the relationship between accountability practices and institutional dysfunctions in hybrid regimes. Interviews included members of the Hungarian Parliament, where this picture was taken.

The Margins of Corruption PI, Emanuela Ceva, will be giving a talk on "Engineering Political Concepts" on Wednesday 21 February at 13:30 CET Online on Zoom.

Event Info & Registration:

The Margins of Corruption PI, Emanuela Ceva, and Maria Paola Ferretti (Goethe-University Frankfurt) have signed a contract with the publisher Carocci for a book on The Ethics of Anticorruption. Central to the book is the idea that anticorruption should be conceived as a way to uphold the well-functioning of institutions, protect and facilitate the officeholders’ action, and should not be interpreted simply as a surveillance and legalistic system.


The Margins of Corruption PI, Prof. Emanuela Ceva, has been appointed member of AcademiaNet, The Portal of Excellent Women Academics. Nominated by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). (February 2023)