La Revue
2e Série
TOMES 36-69 (1990-2023)
A-B | C | D-E | F-G | H-J | K-L | M-N | O-P | Q-R | S | T-V | W-Z |
- Les cent ans de LEnseignement Mathématique. 45 (1999), 3-4.
- ABBONDANDOLO, Alberto, Carsten HAUG and Felix SCHLENK: A simple construction of an action selector on aspherical symplectic manifolds. 65 (2019), 221-267.
- ACOSTA, Daniel and Terry LAWSON: Even non-spin manifolds, spinc structures, and duality. 43 (1997), 27-32.
- AEBI, Christian and Grant CAIRNS: Lattice equable quadrilaterals I: Parallelograms. 67 (2021), 369-401.
- ADICEAM, Faustin: Around the Danzer problem and the construction of dense forests. 68 (2022), 25-60.
- AFGOUSTIDIS, Alexandre: Invariant Gaussian fields on homogeneous spaces: explicit constructions and mean nodal volume. 68 (2022), 483-520.
- ALESHKIN, Konstantin and Anton IZOSIMOV: Euler equations on the general linear group, cubic curves, and inscribed hexagons. 62 (2016), 143-170.
- ALESINA, Alberto and Massimo GALUZZI: A new proof of Vincent's theorem. 44 (1998), 219-256; 45 (1999), 379-380.
- ALESSANDRI, Pascal and Valérie BERTHÉ: Three distance theorems and combinatorics on words. 44 (1998), 103-132.
- ALEXANDER, Stephanie B. and Richard L. BISHOP: The Hadamard-Cartan theorem in locally convex metric spaces. 36 (1990), 309-320.
- ALEXANDER, Stephanie, Richard BISHOP and Robert GHRIST: Capture pursuit games on unbounded domains. 55 (2009), 103-125.
- ALLCOCK, Daniel, Itamar GAL and Alice MARK: The Conway-Sloane calculus for 2-adic lattices. 66 (2020), 5-31.
- ALLEN, Samantha and Charles LIVINGSTON: Unknotting with a single twist. 66 (2020), 541-589.
- ALLOUCHE, Jean-Paul and Roland BACHER: Toeplitz sequences, paperfolding, towers of Hanoi and progression-free sequences of integers. 38 (1992), 315-327.
- ALLOUCHE, Jean-Paul and Amy GLEN: Extremal properties of (epi)Sturmian sequences and distribution modulo 1. 56 (2010), 365-401.
- ALMEIDA, Jean D: Une caractérisation du plan projectif complexe. 41 (1995), 135-139.
- Syst mes d'équations aux dérivées partielles lin aires à coefficients constants associés aux idéaux de colongueur finie. 50 (2004), 19-27.
- AMCHISLAVSKA, Margarita AMCHISLAVSKA and Timothy R. RILEY: Lamplighters, metabelian groups, and horocyclic products. 61 (2015), 373-415.
- AMIROU, Yanis: Elements of uniformly bounded word-length in groups. 67 (2021), 45-61.
- ARAPURA, Donu : Residues of connections and the Chevalley-Weil formula for curves. 68 (2022), 291-306.
- ARAÚJO, Paulo Ventura: Barbier's theorem for the sphere and the hyperbolic plane. 42 (1996), 295-309.
- ARÉS-GASTESI, Pablo and T. N. VENKATARAMANA: The big Picard theorem and other results on Riemann surfaces. 55 (2009), 127-137.
- ARNOLD, Vladimir I.: Contact geometry and wave propagation. 36 (1990), 215-266.
- ARNOUX, Pierre: Le codage du flot géodésique sur la surface modulaire. 40 (1994), 29-48.
- ARTAL-BARTOLO, Enrique: Combinatoire et type topologique des applications polynomiales de C2 dans C. 39 (1993), 211-224.
- ARTEBANI, Michela and Igor DOLGACHEV: The Hesse pencil of plane cubic curves. 55 (2009), 235-273.
- ATHREYA, Jayadev S. and Anish GHOSH: The Erdös-Szüsz-Turán distribution for equivariant processes. 64 (2018), 1-21.
- AUDIN, Michèle: Exemples de variétés presque complexes. 37 (1991), 175-190.
- BAADER, Sebastian: Positive braids of maximal signature. 59 (2013), 351-358.
- BAADER, Sebastian, Lukas LEWARK and Livio LIECHTI: Checkerboard graph monodromies. 64 (2018), 65-88.
- BABENKO, Ivan K.: Topologie des systoles unidimensionnelles. 52 (2006), 109-142.
- Addenda à l'article intitul "Topologie des systoles unidimensionnelles". 54 (2008), 397-398.
- BABENKO, Ivan and S. BOGATYI: On topological properties of the formal power series substitution group. 59 (2013), 271-286.
- BACHER, Roland: Affinely regular integral simplices. 37 (1991), 73-82.
- Cyclic difference sets with parameters (511, 255, 127). 40 (1994), 187-192.
- voir ALLOUCHE, Jean-Paul and Roland BACHER. 38 (1992), 315-327.
- BACHER, Roland et Bodo LASS: Développements limités et réversion des séries. 52 (2006), 267-293.
- BAGCHI, S. C. and A. SITARAM: The Pompeiu problem revisited. 36 (1990), 67-91.
- BAILLIF, Mathieu: Collared and non-collared manifold boundaries. 68 (2022), 161-180.
- BALACHEFF, Florent: Invariant d'Hermite du réseau des flots entiers d'un graphe pondéré. 52 (2006), 255-266.
- BALASUBRAMANIAN, R., A. IVIĆ and K. RAMACHANDRA: The mean square of the Riemann zeta-function on the line s=1. 38 (1992), 13-25.
- BALAZARD, Michel: La version de Diamond de la méthode de l'hyperbole de Dirichlet. 45 (1999), 253-270.
- BALLMANN, Werner and Jacek ŚWIĄTKOWSKI: On groups acting on nonpositively curved cubical complexes. 45 (1999), 51-81.
- BALLMANN, Werner and Panagiotis POLYMERAKIS: Equivariant discretizations of diffusions, random walks, and harmonic functions. 67 (2021), 331-367.
- BALLOT, Christian: Competing prime asymptotic densities in Fq[X]: a discussion. 54 (2008), 303-327.
- BAOUCHE, Amar et Serge DUBUC: La non-dérivabilité de la fonction de Weierstrass. 38 (1992), 89-94.
- BARDY-PANSE, Nicole et Cyril CHARIGNON, Stéphane GAUSSENT et Guy ROUSSEAU: Une preuve plus immobilière du théorème de « saturation » de Kapovich-Leeb-Millson. 59 (2013), 3-37.
- BARTHOLDI, Laurent: Counting paths in graphs. 45 (1999), 83-131.
- BARTHOLDI, Laurent, Henrika HÄRER and Thomas SCHICK: Right Angled Artin Groups and partial commutation, old and new. 66 (2020), 33-61.
- BATEMAN, Paul T.: A theorem of Ingham implying that Dirichlet's L-functions have no zeros with real part one. 43 (1997), 281-284.
- BAUER, Mark and Michael A. BENNETT: On a question of Erdös and Graham. 53 (2007), 259-264.
- BAUM, Paul and Alain CONNES: Geometric K-theory for Lie groups and foliations. 46 (2000), 3-42.
- BAVARD, Christophe: Longueur stable des commutateurs. 37 (1991), 109-150.
- BAYER-FLUCKIGER, Eva: Formes quadratiques devenant isotropes sur une extension. 41 (1995), 111-122.
- BESTVINA, Mladen, Ryan DICKMANN. George DOMAT, Sanghoon KWAK, Priyam PATEL and Emily STARK: Free products from spinning and rotating families. 69 (2023), 235-260.
- BEAUVILLE, Arnaud: Riemannian holonomy and algebraic geometry. 53 (2007), 97-126.
- BÉDOS, Erik and Pierre DE LA HARPE: Erratum pour: "Moyennabilité intérieure des groupes: définitions et exemples". 62 (2016), 1-2.
- BELLIART, Michel: Actions localement libres rigides de groupes de Lie nilpotents. 57 (2011), 349-372.
- BENEDETTI, Riccardo and Paolo LISCA: Framing 3-manifolds with bare hands. 64 (2018), 395-413.
- BENNETT, Michael: voir BAUER, Mark and Michael A. BENNETT. 53 (2007), 259-264.
- BENOIST, Yves and Hee OH: Fuchsian groups and compact hyperbolic surfaces. 62 (2016), 189-198.
- BERGÉ Anne-Marie et Jacques MARTINET: Densité dans une famille de réseaux. Application aux réseaux isoduaux. 41 (1995), 335-365.
- BERGERON, Nicolas: Premier nombre de Betti et spectre du Laplacien de certaines variétés hyperboliques. 46 (2000), 109-137.
- BERLINE, Nicole, Michèle VERGNE and Michael WALTER: The Horn inequalities from a geometric point of view. 63 (2017), 403-470.
- BERTHÉ, Valérie: voir ALESSANDRI, Pascal and Valérie BERTHÉ. 44 (1998), 103-132.
- BERTELOOT, François et Julien DUVAL: Sur l'hyperbolicité de certains complémentaires. 47 (2001), 253-267.
- BERTRAND, Benoît, Erwan BRUGALLÉ and Lucía LÓPEZ DE MEDRANO: Planar tropical cubic curves of any genus, and higher dimensional generalisations. 64 (2018), 415-457.
- BESTVINA, Mladen, Kenneth BROMBERG, Koji FUJIWARA and Alessandro SISTO: Acylindrical actions on projection complexes. 65 (2019), 1-32.
- BISHOP, Richard L.: voir ALEXANDER, Stephanie B. and Richard L. BISHOP. 36 (1990), 309-320.
- BODIN, Arnaud, Pierre DÈBES and Salah NAJIB: Prime and coprime values of polynomials. 66 (2020), 173-186.
- BOCHNAK, Jacek and Terence JACKSON: On integral solutions of quadratic inequalities. 50 (2004), 355-365.
- BOCHNAK, Jacek and Wojciech KUCHARZ: A topological proof of the Grothendieck formula in real algebraic geeometry. 48 (2002), 237-258.
- On successive minima of indefinite quadratic forms. 51 (2005), 319-330.
- BOGATYI, S.: voir BABENKO, Ivan and S. BOGATYI. 59 (2013), 271-286.
- BOGDAN, Nica: A true relative of Suslin’s normality theorem. 61 (2015), 151-159.
- BØGVAD, Rikard and Boris SHAPIRO: On mother body measures with algebraic Cauchy transform. 62 (2016), 117-142.
- BOMBIERI, Enrico: Solution of the Ree group problem. A lecture at Rutgers University in 1979. 62 (2016), 301-311.
- BOMBIERI, Enrico and Nicholas M. KATZ: A note on lower bounds for Frobenius traces. 56 (2010), 203-227.
- BONIFANT, Araceli and John MILNOR: On real and complex cubic curves. 63 (2017), 21-61.
- BOR, Gil and Richard MONTGOMERY: G2 and the rolling distribution. 55 (2009), 157-196.
- BOREL, Armand: Full reducibility and invariants for SL2(C). 44 (1998), 71-90.
- Henri Poincaré and special relativity. 45 (1999), 281-300.
- BORKO, Hilda and Despina POTARI: CIEM: Discussion document twenty-fifth ICMI study. 64 (2018), 499-514.
- BORWEIN, Peter and Colin INGALLS: The Prouhet-Tarry-Escott problem revisited. 40 (1994), 3-27.
- BOWDITCH, Brian H.: Notes on Maskits Planarity Theorem. 68 (2022), 1-24.
- BOWEN, Lewis and Amos NEVO: Geometric covering arguments and ergodic theorems for free groups. 59 (2013), 133-164.
- BOURDAUD, Gérard and Michał WOJCIECHOWSKI: Échelles de Sobolev d'origine arbitraire. 46 (2000), 325-338.
- BOURDON, Marc: Structure conforme au bord et flot géodésique d'un CAT(-1)-espace. 41 (1995), 63-102.
- BOWDITCH, Brian H.: Notes on tameness. 56 (2010), 229-285.
- BRÄGGER, Walter: Kreispackungen und Triangulierungen. 38 (1992), 201-217.
- BRIDSON, Martin R.: Binary subgroups of direct products. 69 (2023), 399-416.
- BRIDSON, Martin R. and G.A. SWARUP: On Hausdorff-Gromov convergence and a theorem of Paulin. 40 (1994), 267-289.
- BRINKHUIS, Jan: Gauss sums and their prime factorization. 36 (1990), 39-51.
- BRION, Michel: Polyèdres et réseaux. 38 (1992), 71-88.
- BRLEK, Srecko, Michel MENDÈS FRANCE, John Michael ROBSON and Martin RUBEY: Cantorian tableaux and permanents. 50 (2004), 287-304.
- BROMBERG, Kenneth: voir BESTVINA, Mladen, Kenneth BROMBERG, Koji FUJIWARA and Alessandro SISTO. 65 (2019), 1-32.
- BROUGHTON, Wayne J.: A note on Table I of "Barker sequences and difference sets". 40 (1994), 105-107.
- BROUSTET, Amaël: Constantes de Seshadri du diviseur anticanonique des surfaces de del Pezzo. 52 (2006), 231-238.
- BRUGALLÉ, Erwan: Pseudoholomorphic simple Harnack curves. 61 (2015), 483-498.
- voir BERTRAND, Benoît, Erwan BRUGALLÉ and Lucía LÓPEZ DE MEDRANO. 64 (2018), 415-457.
- BRUNELLA, Marco: On a theorem of Sikorav. 37 (1991), 83-87.
- Courbes entières et feuilletages holomorphes. 45 (1999), 195-216.
- Sur les feuilletages de l'espace projectif ayant une composante de Kupka. 55 (2009), 227-234.
- Some remarks on meromorphic first integrals. 58 (2012), 315-324.
- BUCH, Anders Skovsted: The saturation conjecture (after A. Knutson and T. Tao), with an appendix by William Fulton. 46 (2000), 43-60.
- BUCHER, Michelle, Roberto FRIGERIO and Tobias HARTNICK: A note on semi-conjugacy for circle actions. 62 (2016), 317-360.
- BUCHER-KARLSSON, Michelle: Finiteness properties of characteristic classes of flat bundles. 53 (2007), 33-66.
- BUDNEY, Ryan: JSJ-decompositions of knot and link complements in S3. 52 (2006), 319-359.
- BUGEAUD, Yann et Maurice MIGNOTTE: L'équation de Nagell-Ljunggren (xn-1)/(x-1) = yq. 48 (2002), 147-168.
- BURELLE, Jean-Philippe, Virginie CHARETTE, Todd A. DRUMM and William M. GOLDMAN: Crooked halfspaces. 60 (2014), 43-78.
- BURRIN, Claire, Amos NEVO Rene RÜHR and Barak WEISS : Effective counting for discrete lattice orbits in the plane via Eisenstein series. 66 (2020), 259-304.
- BUSCH, Cornelia: Symplectic characteristic classes. 47 (2001), 115-130.
- BURLET, Oscar et François HAAB: Un théorème de rigidité pour les surfaces minimales de E3. 41 (1995), 155-178.
- CAIRNS, Grant, Gary DAVIS, Daniel ELTON, Alla KOLGANOVA and Paul PERVERSI: Chaotic group actions. 41 (1995), 123-133.
- CAIRNS, Grant and Étienne GHYS: The local linearization problem for smooth SL(n)-actions. 43 (1997), 133-171.
- CAIRNS, Grant and Richard W. SHARPE: On the inversive differential geometry of plane curves. 36 (1990), 175-196.
- CAIRNS, Grant: voir AEBI, Christian and Grant CAIRNS. 67 (2021), 369-401.
- CANDELPERGHER, Bernard et Marc-Antoine COPPO: Le produit harmonique des suites. 59 (2013), 39-72.
- CANDELPERGHER, B., M. A. COPPO et E. DELABAERE: La sommation de Ramanujan. 43 (1997), 93-132.
- CANNON, James W., William J. FLOYD and Walter R. PARRY: Introductory notes on Richard Thompson's groups. 42 (1996), 215-256.
- CANTAT, Serge: Endomorphismes des variétés homogènes. 49 (2003), 237-262; voir aussi pp. 232-235.
- CANTAT, Serge, Dominique CERVEAU, Vincent GUIRARDEL and Juan SOUTO: Surface groups in the group of germs of analytic diffeomorphisms in one variable. 66 (2020), 93-134.
- CAPITANIO, Gianmarco: Caractérisation géométrique des solutions de minimax pour l'équation de Hamilton-Jacobi. 49 (2003), 3-34.
- CAPRACE, Pierre-Emmanuel: A sixteen-relator presentation of an infinite hyperbolic Kazhdan group. 64 (2018), 265-282.
- CASAS-ALVERO, Eduardo: Roots of complex polynomials and foci of real algebraic curves. 58 (2012), 223-248.
- CASSELMAN, Bill: Dirichlet's calculation of Gauss sums. 57 (2011), 281-301.
- CATHELINEAU, Jean-Louis: Birapport et groupoïdes. 41 (1995), 257-280.
- CATTAFI, Francesco, Marius CRAINIC and Maria Amelia SALAZAR: From PDEs to Pfaffian fibrations. 66 (2020), 187-250.
- CECCHERINI-SILBERSTEIN, Tullio, Michel COORNAERT and Józef DODZIUK: The surjectivity of the combinatorial Laplacian on infinite graphs. 58 (2012), 125-130.
- CECCHERINI-SILBERSTEIN, Tullio G. and Rostislav I. GRIGORCHUK: Amenability and growth of one-relator groups. 43 (1997), 337-354.
- CERVEAU, Dominique: Quelques exemples élémentaires de feuilletages holomorphes et d'hypersurfaces Levi-plates. 58 (2012), 325-332.
- voir CANTAT, Serge, Dominique CERVEAU, Vincent GUIRARDEL and Juan SOUTO. 66 (2020), 93-134.
- CHAPERON, Marc: On the Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem. 55 (2009), 359-371.
- CHAPERON, Marc and Daniel MEYER: On a theorem of René Thom in Géométrie finie. 55 (2009), 329-357.
- CHARETTE, Virginie: voir BURELLE, Jean-Philippe, Virginie CHARETTE, Todd A. DRUMM and William M. GOLDMAN. 60 (2014), 43-78.
- CHARI, Vyjayanthi and Andrew PRESSLEY: Yangians and R-matrices. 36 (1990), 267-302.
- CHARIGNON, Cyril: voir BARDY-PANSE, Nicole, Cyril CHARIGNON, Stéphane GAUSSENT et Guy ROUSSEAU. 59 (2013), 3-37.
- CHATTERJI, Indira (editor): Guido's book of conjectures. 65 contributions, with a foreword by Gwynith Mislin and an epilogue by Guido Mislin. 54 (2008), 3-189.
- CHATTERJI, Indira and Guido MISLIN: Atiyah's L2-index theorem. 49 (2003), 85-93.
- CHATTERJI, Srishti D.: Remarks on the Hausdorff-Young inequality. 46 (2000), 339-348.
- CHENEVIER, Gaëtan and Olivier TAÏBI: Siegel modular forms of weight 13 and the Leech lattice. 68 (2022), 61-98.
- CHÉNIOT, Denis: Topologie du complémentaire d'un ensemble algébrique projectif. 37 (1991), 293-402.
- CHERIX, Pierre-Alain and Gilles SCHAEFFER: An asymptotic Freiheitssatz for finitely generated groups. 44 (1998), 9-22.
- CHOKSI, Jal R.: Vitali's convergence theorem on term by term integration. 47 (2001), 269-285.
- CHOUDHRY, Ajai: A diophantine equation involving fifth powers. 44 (1998), 53-55.
- Ideal solutions of the Tarry-Escott problem of degree four and a related Diophantine system. 46 (2000), 313-323.
- Ideal solutions of the Tarry-Escott problem of degrees four and five and related Diophantine systems. 49 (2003), 101-108.
- Several arithmetic progressions of equal lengths and equal products of terms. 53 (2007), 87-95.
- Quadratic form made a perfect power by a new composition theorem on arbitrary quadratic forms. 57 (2011), 91-102.
- Quintuples of positive integers whose sums in pairs or in triples are squares. 59 (2013), 337-349.
- CLARK, Pete L.: Elliptic Dedekind domains revisited. 55 (2009), 213-225.
- CLARK, Pete L. and Paul POLLACK: Reciprocity by resultant in k[t]. 65 (2019), 101-116.
- CLERC, Jean-Louis: A triple ratio on the unitary Stiefel manifold. 48 (2002), 51-71.
- CLOZEL, Laurent: Transformées de Fourier des fonctions d’invariance hyperbolique sur R2R2. 67 (2021), 403-422.
- COHEN, Stephen D.: Exceptional polynomials and the reducibility of substitution polynomials. 36 (1990), 53-65.
- COLBOIS, Bruno, Constantin VERNICOS et Patrick VEROVIC: L'aire des triangles idéaux en géométrie de Hilbert. 50 (2004), 203-237.
- COLEMAN, Robert F.: Manin's proof of the Mordell conjecture over function fields. 36 (1990), 393-427.
- COLIN DE VERDIÈRE, Yves: Comment rendre géodésique une triangulation d'une surface. 37 (1991), 201-212.
- Une introduction à la mécanique semi-classique. 44 (1998), 23-51.
- COLLAS, Peter and David KLEIN: An ergodic adding machine on the Cantor set. 40 (1994), 249-266.
- COLLIOT-THÉLÈNE, Jean-Louis: Exposant et indice d'algèbres simples centrales non-ramifiées. 48 (2002), 127-146.
- Zéro-cycles sur les surfaces de del Pezzo (Variations sur un thème de Daniel Coray). 66 (2020), 447-487.
- voir HASSETT, Brendan, Yuri TSCHINKEL and Jean-Louis COLLIOT-THÉLÈNE. 67 (2021), 1-44.
- COLMEZ, Pierre: Le programme de Fontaine. 65 (2019), 487-531.
1908-2008. 54 (2008), 405-411. Applications and modelling in mathematics education: 49 (2003), 205-214. Assessment in mathematics education and its effects. 36 (1990), 197-206. Digital technologies and mathematics teaching and learning: rethinking the terrain ("technology revisited"). 51 (2005), 351-363. Gender and mathematics education. 38 (1992), 189-198. Les médailles de la CIEM Felix Klein et Hans Freudenthal pour 2003. 50 (2004), 183-186. The 2005 ICMI awards: Felix Klein and Hans Freudenthal medals. 52 (2006), 187-190. The 2007 ICMI awards: Felix Klein and Hans Freudenthal medals. 54 (2008), 399-403. The 2009, 2011 & 2013 ICMI awards: Felix Klein and Hans Freudenthal medals. 59 (2013), 381-391. The 2017 ICMI Awards Felix Klein and Hans Freudenthal Medals. 63 (2017), 517-520. The 2019 ICMI Awards Felix Klein, Hans Freudenthal and Emma Castelnuovo. 65 (2019), 533-536. ICMI Awardees Multimedia Online Resources (AMOR). 66 (2020), 251-253. The Klein Project. 60 (2014), 225-226. Discussion Document for the Twenty-third ICMI Study. Primary mathematics Study on whole numbers. 60 (2014), 227-230. Discussion document twenty-fourth ICMI study. 63 (2017), 521-530. Discussion document twenty-fifth ICMI study: voir BORKO, Hilda and Despina POTARI. 64 (2018), 499-514. Mathematics education and language diversity. 56 (2010), 189-199. Perspectives on the teaching of geometry for the 21st century. 40 (1994), 345-357; 46 (2000), 411-415. Proof and proving in mathematical education. 54 (2008), 199-209. The professional education and development of teachers of mathematics. 50 (2004), 191-200. Renouvellement du Comité exécutif. 56 (2010), 187-188. Renouvellement du Comité exécutif. 59 (2013), 379-379. Renewal of the ICMI Executive Committee. 62 (2016), 313. Renewal of the ICMI Executive Committee. 66 (2020), 255-257. Historical vignettes from the Archives of ICMI. 66 (2020), 591-594. The role of the history of mathematics in the teaching and learning of mathematics. 43 (1997), 199-203; 51 (2005), 365-372. What is research in mathematics education, and what are its results? 39 (1993), 179-186; 47 (2001), 409-411. ICME 14 in 2020 in Shanghai. 64 (2018), 497-498.. ICME 14 in 2020 in Shanghai. 64 (2018), 497-498.ICMI study on teaching and learning of mathematics at university level. 43 (1997), 381-390. ICMI Study on the future of the teaching and learning of algebra. 46 (2000), 209-217. ICMI study on "Challenging mathematics in and beyond the classroom". 51 (2005), 165-176. International Symposium: "One hundred years of LEnseignement Mathématique: Moments of mathematics education in the 20th century". 46 (2000), 219-222; 47 (2001), 181-183. ICMI Study on mathematics education in different cultural traditions: a comparative study of East Asia and the West. 47 (2001), 185-201. Joint ICMI/IASE study on statistics education in school mathematics: challenges for teaching and teacher education. 53 (2007), 179-191. Joint ICMI/ICIAM study on educational interfaces between mathematics and industry. 55 (2009), 197-209. 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education in Hamburg , the biggest ICME so far. 62 (2016), 315-316. Short report on progress of ICMI study 25. 67 (2021), 225-227. voir DORIER, Jean-Luc. 65 (2019), 269-270. voir FURINGHETTI, Fulvia. 51 (2005), 365-372. voir HODGSON, Bernard R. 37 (1991), 89-107; 47 (2001), 173-179; 50 (2004), 187-190; 54 (2008), 191-197; 56 (2010), 411-415; 67 (2021), 455-462; 68 (2022), 237-242; 68 (2022), 521-528. voir HOLTON, Derek. 53 (2007), 429-436. voir HOWSON, Geoffrey. 47 (2001), 181-183. voir STACEY, Kaye. 55 (2009), 397-402. voir TALL, David. 42 (1996), 395-415. - CONNES, Alain: voir BAUM, Paul and Alain CONNES. 46 (2000), 3-42.
- CONNES, Alain and Caterina CONSANI: Spectral triples and ξ-cycles. 69 (2023), 93-148.
- CONRAD, Brian: Chow's K/k-image and K/k-trace and the Lang-Néron theorem. 52 (2006), 37-108.
- Weil and Grothendieck approaches to adelic points. 58 (2012), 61-97.
- CONRAD, Keith: Jacobi sums and Stickelberger's congruence. 41 (1995), 141-153.
- The origin of representation theory. 44 (1998), 361-392.
- CONSANI, Caterina: voir CONNES, Alain and Caterina CONSANI. 69 (2023), 93-148.
- CONSOLE, Sergio, Antonio J. DI SCALA et Carlos OLMOS: Holonomy and submanifold geometry. 48 (2002), 23-50.
- CONSTANTIN, Adrian and Boris KOLEV: The theorem of Kerékjártó on periodic homeomorphisms of the disc and the sphere. 40 (1994), 193-204.
- CONWAY, Anthony and Patrick ORSON: Abelian invariants of doubly slice links. 68 (2022), 243-290.
- COORNAERT, Michel: voir CECCHERINI-SILBERSTEIN, Tullio, Michel COORNAERT and Józef DODZIUK. 58 (2012), 125-130.
- COPPO, M. A.: voir CANDELPERGHER, B., M. A. COPPO et E. DELABAERE. 43 (1997), 93-132.
- voir CANDELPERGHER, Bernard et Marc-Antoine COPPO. 59 (2013), 39-72.
- Daniel CORAY (1947-2015). 61 (2015), 1-2
- CORAY, Daniel, Constantin MANOIL and Israel VAINSENCHER: Nonminimal rational curves on K3 surfaces. 43 (1997), 299-317.
- CORVAJA, Pietro, David MASSER and Umberto ZANNIER: Sharpening `Manin-Mumford' for certain algebraic groups of dimension 2. 59 (2013), 225-269.
- CORVAJA, Pietro, Amos TURCHET and Umberto ZANNIER: Around the Chevalley-Weil theorem. 68 (2022), 217-235.
- COUDÈNE, Yves: Sur l'ergodicité du flot géodésique en courbure négative ou nulle. 57 (2011), 117-153.
- COVOLO, Tiffany and Jean-Philippe MICHEL: Determinants over graded-commutative algebras, a categorical viewpoint. 62 (2016), 361-420.
- CRAINIC, Marius: voir CATTAFI, Francesco, Marius CRAINIC and Maria Amelia SALAZAR. 66 (2020), 187-250.
- DA COSTA, F. P.: Dynamics of a differential system using invariant regions. 53 (2007), 3-14.
- DANI, S.G.: A proof of Margulis' theorem on values of quadratic forms, independent of the axiom of choice. 40 (1994), 49-58.
- DANI, S.G. and G.A. MARGULIS: Values of quadratic forms at integral points: an elementary approach. 36 (1990), 143-174.
- DARPÖ, Erik, Ernst DIETERICH and Martin HERSCHEND: In which dimensions does a division algebra over a given ground field exist? 51 (2005), 255-263.
- DAVIS, Gary: voir CAIRNS, Grant, Gary DAVIS, Daniel ELTON, Alla KOLGANOVA and Paul PERVERSI. 41 (1995), 123-133.
- DAVIS, James F. and Charles LIVINGSTON: Periodic knots, Smith theory, and Murasugi's congruence. 37 (1991), 1-9.
- DÈBES, Pierre: voir BODIN, Arnaud, Pierre DÈBES and Salah NAJIB. 66 (2020), 173-186.
- DEHORNOY, Pierre: Les nœuds de Lorenz. 57 (2011), 211-280.
- DEITMAR, Anton: Benjamini-Schramm and spectral convergence. 64 (2018), 371-394.
- DE JONG, Robin: On the Arakelov theory of elliptic curves. 51 (2005), 179-201.
- DE KONINCK, Jean-Marie et Jacques GRAH: Moyennes sur certains ensembles de diviseurs d'un entier. 42 (1996), 97-123.
- DELABAERE, E.: voir CANDELPERGHER, B., M. A. COPPO et E. DELABAERE. 43 (1997), 93-132.
- DEMAZURE, Michel: Résultant, discriminant. 58 (2012), 333-373.
- DEROIN, Bertrand: Almost-periodic actions on the real line. 59 (2013), 183-194.
- DE ROTON, Anne, Bahman SAFFARI, Harold S. SHAPIRO and Gérald TENENBAUM: Sur le principe d'incertitude pour les familles orthonormales de L2(R). 62 (2016), 285-300.
- DE SHALIT, Ehud and José GUTIÉREZ: On the structure of certain Γ-difference modules. 68 (2022), 341-377.
- DE SMIT, Bart: Factor equivalence results for integers and units. 42 (1996), 383-394.
- DE THÉLIN, Henry: Une démonstration du théorème de recouvrement dAhlfors. 51 (2005), 203-209.
- DICKMANN, Ryan: voir BESTVINA, Mladen, Ryan DICKMANN. George DOMAT, Sanghoon KWAK, Priyam PATEL and Emily STARK. 69 (2023), 235-260.
- DICKS, Warren and H. H. GLOVER: An algorithm for cellular maps of closed surfaces. 43 (1997), 207-252.
- DIJK, G. VAN and Angela PASQUALE: Harmonic analysis on vector bundles over Sp(1,n)/Sp(1)×Sp(n). 45 (1999), 219-252.
- DING, Fan and Hansjörg GEIGES: A unique decomposition theorem for tight contact 3-manifolds. 53 (2007), 333-345.
- DI SCALA, Antonio J.: On an assertion in Riemann's Habilitationsvortrag. 47 (2001), 57-63.
- voir CONSOLE, Sergio, Antonio J. DI SCALA and Carlos OLMOS. 48 (2002), 23-50.
- DIVERIO, Simone and Erwan ROUSSEAU: The exceptional set and the Green–Griffiths locus do not always coincide. 61 (2015), 417-452.
- DOBBS, Neil: Line, spiral, dense. 62 (2016), 91-107.
- DODZIUK, Józef: voir CECCHERINI-SILBERSTEIN, Tullio, Michel COORNAERT and Józef DODZIUK. 58 (2012), 125-130.
- DOLGACHEV, Igor: voir ARTEBANI, Michela and Igor DOLGACHEV. 55 (2009), 235-273.
- DOMAT, George: voir BESTVINA, Mladen, Ryan DICKMANN. George DOMAT, Sanghoon KWAK, Priyam PATEL and Emily STARK. 69 (2023), 235-260.
- DORIER, Jean-Luc: C.I.E.M.: ICME 14 in 2020 in Shanghai / ICME 15 in 2024 in Sydney. 65 (2019), 269-270.
- DOTY, Stephen, Aaron LAUVE and George H. SEELINGER: Canonical idempotents of multiplicity-free families of algebras. 64 (2018), 23-63.
- van den DRIES, Lou and Isaac GOLDBRING: Hilbert’s 5th Problem. 61 (2015), 3-43.
- DRUMM, Todd A.: voir BURELLE, Jean-Philippe, Virginie CHARETTE, Todd A. DRUMM and William M. GOLDMAN. 60 (2014), 43-78.
- DUBUC, Serge: voir BAOUCHE, Amar et Serge DUBUC. 38 (1992), 89-94.
- DUFRAINE, Emmanuel: Classes d'homotopie de champs de vecteurs Morse-Smale sans singularité sur les fibrés de Seifert. 51 (2005), 3-30.
- DUMINIL-COPIN, Hugo and Vincent TASSION: A new proof of the sharpness of the phase transition for Bernoulli percolation on Zd. 62 (2016), 199-206.
- DUSSAULE, Matthieu, Ilya GEKHTMAN, Victor GERASIMOV and Leonid POTYAGAILO : The Martin boundary of relatively hyperbolic groups with virtually abelian parabolic subgroups. 66 (2020), 341-382.
- DUVAL, Julien: voir BERTELOOT, François et Julien DUVAL. 47 (2001), 253-267.
- DYSON, Freeman: The sixth Fermat number and palindromic continued fractions. 46 (2000), 385-389.
- EBELING, Wolfgang and Christian OKONEK: On the diffeomorphism groups of certain algebraic surfaces. 37 (1991), 249-262.
- ECKMANN, Beno: 4-manifolds, group invariants and l2-Betti numbers. 43 (1997), 271-279.
- Lattices, l2-Betti numbers, deficiency, and knot groups. 50 (2004), 123-137.
- EDMONDS, Allan L.: Systems of curves on a closed orientable surface. 42 (1996), 311-339.
- EFRAT, Isaac: Automorphic spectra on the tree of PGL2. 37 (1991), 31-43.
- EINSIEDLER, Manfred, Elon LINDENSTRAUSS, Philippe MICHEL and Akshay VENKATESH: The distribution of closed geodesics on the modular surface, and Duke's theorem. 58 (2012), 249-313.
- EISNER, Tanja: A "typical'' contraction is unitary. 56 (2010), 403-410.
- ELEK, Gábor: The combinatorial cost. 53 (2007), 225-235.
- ELIAHOU, Shalom: Enumerative combinatorics and coding theory. 40 (1994), 171-185.
- ELIAHOU, Shalom and Michel KERVAIRE: Barker sequences and difference sets. 38 (1992), 345-382.
- ELIAHOU, Shalom and Michel KERVAIRE: Corrigendum to "Barker sequences and difference sets". 40 (1994), 109-111.
- ELIAHOU, Shalom and Michel KERVAIRE: Circulant modular Hadamard matrices. 47 (2001), 103-114.
- ELIAHOU, Shalom and Michel KERVAIRE: A note on the Hopf-Stiefel function. 49 (2003), 117-122.
- ELTON, Daniel: voir CAIRNS, Grant, Gary DAVIS, Daniel ELTON, Alla KOLGANOVA and Paul PERVERSI. 41 (1995), 123-133.
- ENGEL, Andreas: Bilinear pairings on elliptic curves. 61 (2015), 211-243.
- EPSTEIN, David B.A. and Carlo PETRONIO: An exposition of Poincaré's polyhedron theorem. 40 (1994), 113-170.
- ERLANDSSON , Viveka, Juan SOUTO and Jing TAO: Genericity of pseudo-Anosov mapping classes, when seen as mapping classes. 66 (2020), 419-439.
- ETERZIL, Ya'acov and Sergei STARCHENKO: A note on o-minimal flows and the Ax-Lindemann-Weierstrass theorem for semi-abelian varieties over C. 63 (2017), 251-261.
- ETINGOF, Pavel and Elisabetta STRICKLAND: Lectures on quasi-invariants of Coxeter groups and the Cherednik algebra. 49 (2003), 35-65.
- EVANS, Ronald J.: The evaluation of Selberg character sums. 37 (1991), 235-248.
- EVRA, Shai, Emmanuel KOWALSKI and Alexander LUBOTZKY: Good cyclic codes and the uncertainty principle. 63 (2017), 305-332.
- FARB, Benson: Automatic groups: a guided tour. 38 (1992), 291-313.
- FARB , Benson and Jesse WOLFSON: Resolvent degree, Hilbert's 13th Problem and geometry. 65 (2019), 303-376.
- FARBER, Michael, Thomas KAPPELER, Janko LATSCHEV and Eduard ZEHNDER: Smooth Lyapunov 1-forms. 50 (2004), 3-17.
- FELIX, Yves, Stephen HALPERIN and Jean-Claude THOMAS: Elliptic spaces II. 39 (1993), 25-32.
- FENG, L. G. and T. Y. LAM: Projective modules over some Prüfer rings. 48 (2002), 345-357.
- FENN, Roger, Dale ROLFSEN and Jun ZHU: Centralisers in the braid group and singular braid monoid. 42 (1996), 75-96.
- FENN, Roger and Colin ROURKE: Klyachko's methods and the solution of equations over torsion-free groups. 42 (1996), 49-74.
- FERRAND, Daniel and Dan LAKSOV: On the structure of endomorphisms of projective modules. 60 (2014), 131-175.
- FILLASTRE, François: From spaces of polygons to spaces of polyhedra following Bavard, Ghys and Thurston. 57 (2011), 23-56.
- FIORAVANTI, Elia: The Tits alternative for finite rank median spaces. 64 (2018), 89-126.
- FISHER, Tom: Some bounds on the coefficients of covering curves. 58 (2012), 99-124.
- FLATH, Daniel, Tom HALVERSON and Kathryn HERBIG: The planar rook algebra and Pascal's triangle. 55 (2009), 77-92.
- FLENNER, Hubert, Shulim KALIMAN and Mikhail ZAIDENBERG: On the Danilov-Gizatullin isomorphism theorem. 55 (2009), 275-283.
- FLORENCE , Mathieu and Giancarlo LUCCHINI ARTECHE: On extensions of algebraic groups. 65 (2019), 441-455.
- FLORENS, Vincent and Gwénaël MASSUYEAU: A functorial extension of the abelian Reidemeister torsions of three-manifolds. 61 (2015), 161-210.
- FLORIS, Enrica: A note on the G-Sarkisov program. 66 (2020), 83-92.
- FLOYD, William J.: voir CANNON, James W., William J. FLOYD and Walter R. PARRY. 42 (1996), 215-256.
- FONTENELE, Francisco and Frederico XAVIER: The index of isolated umbilics on surfaces of non-positive curvature. 61 (2015), 139-149.
- FORESTER, Max and Colin ROURKE: A fixed-point theorem and relative asphericity. 51 (2005), 231-237.
- FORGHANI, Behrang and Keivan MALLAHI-KARAI: Compactifications of horospheric products. 68 (2022), 181-200.
- FOX, Glenn J.: A p-adic L-function of two variables. 46 (2000), 225-278.
- FRANCES, Charles: Une preuve du théorème de Liouville en géométrie conforme dans le cas analytique. 49 (2003), 95-100.
- FRIEDL, Stefan and Takahiro KITAYAMA: The virtual fibering theorem for 3-manifolds. 60 (2014), 79-107.
- FRIEDLAND, Shmuel, Lek-Heng LIM and Jinjie ZHANG: An elementary and unified proof of Grothendieck's inequality. 64 (2018), 327-351.
- FRIGERIO, Roberto: voir BUCHER, Michelle, Roberto FRIGERIO and Tobias HARTNICK. 62 (2016), 317-360.
- FUGLEDE, Bent: Hyperorthogonal family of vectors and the associated Gram matrix. 60 (2014), 31-41.
- FUJIWARA, Koji: voir BESTVINA, Mladen, Kenneth BROMBERG, Koji FUJIWARA and Alessandro SISTO. 65 (2019), 1-32.
- FURINGHETTI, Fulvia: A report on the ICMI study: "the role of the history of mathematics in the teaching and learning of mathematics". 51 (2005), 365-372.
- GABARD, Alexandre: Topologie des courbes algébriques réelles: une question de Felix Klein. 46 (2000), 139-161.
- GAL, Itama: voir ALLCOCK, Daniel, Itamar GAL and Alice MARK. 66 (2020), 5-31.
- GALUZZI, Massimo: voir ALESINA, Alberto and Massimo GALUZZI. 44 (1998), 219-256; 45 (1999), 379-380.
- GARAY, Mauricio D.: Finiteness and constructibility in local analytic geometry. 55 (2009), 3-31.
- GARBIN, Daniel and Jay JORGENSON: Spectral asymptotics on sequences of elliptically degenerating Riemann surfaces. 64 (2018), 161-206.
- GARCIA, Ernesto: voir LESSA, Pablo and Ernesto GARCIA. 66 (2020), 383-407.
- GAROUFALIDIS, Stavros and Thang T. Q. LÊ: A survey of q-holonomic functions. 62 (2016), 501-525.
- GAUSSENT, Stéphane: voir BARDY-PANSE, Nicole, Cyril CHARIGNON, Stéphane GAUSSENT et Guy ROUSSEAU. 59 (2013), 3-37.
- GAUTERO, François: Hyperbolicity of mapping-torus groups and spaces. 49 (2003), 263-305.
- GAVRILOV, Lubomir and Angel ZHIVKOV: The complex geometry of the Lagrange top. 44 (1998), 133-170.
- GEER, G. VAN DER and M. VAN DER VLUGT: The coset weight distributions of certain BCH codes and a family of curves. 48 (2002), 3-21.
- GEIGES, Hansjörg: voir MÜLLER, Stefan and Hansjörg GEIGES. 46 (2000), 95-107.
- voir DING, Fan and Hansjörg GEIGES. 53 (2007), 333-345.
- A contact geometric proof of the Whitney-Graustein theorem. 55 (2009), 93-102.
- GEIGES, Hansjörg and Jesùs Gonzalo PÉREZ: Transversely holomorphic flows and contact circles on spherical 3-manifolds. 62 (2016), 527-567.
- GEIGES, Hansjörg and Charles B. THOMAS: Finite group actions on the 7-sphere. 46 (2000), 403-410.
- GEKHTMAN, Ilya: voir DUSSAULE, Matthieu, Ilya GEKHTMAN, Victor GERASIMOV and Leonid POTYAGAILO. 66 (2020), 341-382.
- GELANDER, Tsachik: Limits of finite homogeneous metric spaces. 59 (2013), 195-206.
- GERASIMOV, Victor: voir DUSSAULE, Matthieu, Ilya GEKHTMAN, Victor GERASIMOV and Leonid POTYAGAILO. 66 (2020), 341-382.
- GENEVOIS, Anthony: Hyperbolicities in CAT(0) cube complexes. 65 (2019), 33-100.
- GENIN, Daniel, Boris KHESIN and Serge TABACHNIKOV: Geodesics on an ellipsoid in Minkowski space. 53 (2007), 307-331.
- GEOGHEGAN, Ross and Andrew NICAS: Higher Euler characteristics (I). 41 (1995), 3-62.
- GETZLER, Ezra: The derived Maurer-Cartan locus. 62 (2016), 261-284.
- GHEYSENS, Maxime: The homeomorphism group of the first uncountable ordinal. 67 (2021), 145-159.
- Dynamics and structure of groups of homeomorphisms of scattered spaces. 67 (2021), 161-186.
- GHRIST, Robert: voir ALEXANDER, Stephanie, Richard BISHOP and Robert GHRIST. 55 (2009), 103-125.
- GHYS, Étienne: Prolongements des difféomorphismes de la sphère. 37 (1991), 45-59.
- voir CAIRNS, Grant and Étienne GHYS. 43 (1997), 133-171.
- Groups acting on the circle. 47 (2001), 329-407.
- Sur la coupe des vêtements - variation autour d'un thème de Tchebychev. 57 (2011), 165-208.
- GINOT, Grégory and Ping XU: Cohomology of Lie 2-groups. 55 (2009), 373-396.
- GLEN, Amy: voir ALLOUCHE, Jean-Paul and Amy GLEN. 56 (2010), 365-401.
- GLOVER, H. H.: voir DICKS, Warren and H. H. GLOVER. 43 (1997), 207-252.
- GOLDBRING, Isaac: voir van den DRIES, Lou and Isaac GOLDBRING. 61 (2015), 3-43.
- GOLDMAN, William M.: voir BURELLE, Jean-Philippe, Virginie CHARETTE, Todd A. DRUMM and William M. GOLDMAN. 60 (2014), 43-78.
- GORDON, Cameron McA.: voir GONZÁLEZ-ACUÑA, Francisco, Cameron McA. GORDON and Jonathan SIMON. 56 (2010), 143-171.
- GONZÁLEZ-ACUÑA, Francisco, Cameron McA. GORDON and Jonathan SIMON: Unsolvable problems about higher-dimensional knots and related groups. 56 (2010), 143-171.
- GHOSH, Anish: voir ATHREYA, Jayadev S. and Anish GHOSH. 64 (2018), 1-21.
- GRAH, Jacques: voir DE KONINCK, Jean-Marie et Jacques GRAH. 42 (1996), 97-123.
- GRAHAM, J.J and G.I. LEHRER: The representation theory of affine Temperley-Lieb algebras. 44 (1998), 173-218.
- GRIGORCHUK, Rostislav I.: voir CECCHERINI-SILBERSTEIN, Tullio G. and Rostislav I. GRIGORCHUK. 43 (1997), 337-354.
- GRIGORCHUK, Rostislav and Igor PAK: Groups of intermediate growth: an introduction. 54 (2008), 251-272.
- GRIGORCHUK, Rostislav, Rostyslav KRAVCHENKO and Alexander Yu. OLSHANSKII: Constructions of torsion-free countable, amenable, weakly mixing groups. 61 (2015), 321-342.
- GROMOV, Mikhaïl: Three remarks on geodesic dynamics and fundamental group. 46 (2000), 391-402.
- On the entropy of holomorphic maps. 49 (2003), 217-235.
- GRÜNBAUM, Branko and G.C. SHEPHARD: Descartes' theorem in n dimensions. 37 (1991), 11-15.
- GRÜNBAUM, F. Alberto, Brian D. VASQUEZ and Jorge P. ZUBELLI: Matrix bispectrality and noncommutative algebras: Beyond the prolate spheroidals. 69 (2023), 335-351.
- GUERVILLE-BALLÉ, Benoît and Jean-Baptiste MEILHAN: A linking invariant for algebraic curves. 66 (2020), 63-81.
- GUICHARDET, Alain: La trace de Dixmier et autres traces. 61 (2015), 461-481.
- GUILLOU, Lucien et Alexis MARIN: Notes sur l'invariant de Casson des sphères d'homologie de dimension trois. (Avec un appendice de Christine LESCOP.) 38 (1992), 233-290.
- GUIRARDEL, Vincent: voir CANTAT, Serge, Dominique CERVEAU, Vincent GUIRARDEL and Juan SOUTO. 66 (2020), 93-134.
- GUTIÉREZ, José: voir DE SHALIT Ehud and José GUTIÉREZ. 68 (2022), 341-377.
- GUZMÁN, Miguel DE: The role of games and puzzles in the popularization of mathematics. 36 (1990), 359-368.
- HAAB, François: voir BURLET, Oscar et François HAAB. 41 (1995), 155-178.
- HADJAR, Amine: Sur les structures de contact du tore T5. 44 (1998), 91-93.
- HÄMMERLI, Jean-François: Some remarks on nonconnected compact Lie groups. 49 (2003), 67-84.
- HALPERIN, Stephen: voir FELIX, Yves, Stephen HALPERIN and Jean-Claude THOMAS. 39 (1993), 25-32.
- HALTER-KOCH, Franz, Pierre KAPLAN, Kenneth S. WILLIAMS et Yoshihiko YAMAMOTO: Infrastructure des classes ambiges d'idéaux des ordres des corps quadratiques réels. 37 (1991), 263-292.
- HAMENSTÄDT, Ursula: New examples of maximal surfaces. 47 (2001), 65-101.
- HÄRER, Henrika: voir BARTHOLDI, Laurent, Henrika HÄRER and Thomas SCHICK. 66 (2020), 33-61.
- HARPE, Pierre DE LA: voir BÉDOS, Erik and Pierre DE LA HARPE. 62 (2016), 1-2.
- HARPE, Pierre DE LA, Anders KARLSSON, Tatiana NAGNIBEDA and Florin RĂDULESCU: Vaughan Jones (1952-2020). 69 (2023), 1-4.
- HARPE, Pierre DE LA et Florin RĂDULESCU: On Bergman space zero sets. Editors' comments on the article by Vaughan Jones. 69 (2023), 37-50.
- HARPE, Pierre DE LA et Georges SKANDALIS: Les réseaux dans les groupes semi-simples ne sont pas intérieurement moyennables. 40 (1994), 291-311.
- HARTNICK, Tobias: voir BUCHER, Michelle, Roberto FRIGERIO and Tobias HARTNICK. 62 (2016), 317-360.
- HASSETT, Brendan, Yuri TSCHINKEL and Jean-Louis COLLIOT-THÉLÈNE: Rationality of complete intersections of two quadrics over nonclosed fields. 67 (2021), 1-44.
- HATCHER, Allen and Dan MARGALIT: Generating the Torelli group. 58 (2012), 165-188.
- HAUG, Carsten: voir ABBONDANDOLO, Alberto, Carsten HAUG and Felix SCHLENK. 65 (2019), 221-267.
- HAULMARK, Matthew, G. Christopher HRUSKA and Bakul SATHAYE: Nonhyperbolic Coxeter groups with Menger boundary. 65 (2019), 207-220.
- HAULMARK, Matthew, G. Christopher HRUSKA and Bakul SATHAYE: A relative Sierpinski theorem: Erratum to
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- HAUSER, Herwig and Dominique WAGNER: Alternative invariants for the embedded resolution of purely inseparable surface singularities. 60 (2014), 177-224.
- HAUSMANN, Jean-Claude: Actions quasi-linéaires sur les sphères. 38 (1992), 55-70.
- Contrôle des bras articulés et transformations de Möbius. 51 (2005), 87-115.
- HAUSMANN, Jean-Claude and Bjørn JAHREN: A simplification problem in manifold theory. 64 (2018), 207-248.
- HAUSMANN, Jean-Claude and Allen KNUTSON: Polygon Spaces and Grassmannians. 43 (1997), 173-198.
- HALVERSON, Tom: voir FLATH, Daniel, Tom HALVERSON and Kathryn HERBIG. 55 (2009), 77-92.
- HEITSCH, James L.: Characteristic classes, elliptic operators and compact group actions. 42 (1996), 265-293.
- HENRY, Philippe: Un mémoire inédit de Lagrange sur le développement successif des courbes. 67 (2021), 95-122.
- HERBIG, Kathryn: voir FLATH, Daniel, Tom HALVERSON and Kathryn HERBIG. 55 (2009), 77-92.
- HERSCHEND, Martin: voir DARPÖ, Erik, Ernst DIETERICH and Martin HERSCHEND. 51 (2005), 255-263.
- HILLMAN, Jonathan A.: An homology 4-sphere group with negative deficiency. 48 (2002), 259-262.
- HINDRY, Marc et Tanguy RIVOAL: Le Λ-calcul de Golomb et la conjecture de Bateman-Horn. 51 (2005), 265-318.
- HINZ, Andreas M.: Square-free tower of Hanoi sequences. 42 (1996), 257-264.
- HO, Wei and Max LIEBLICH: Splitting Brauer classes using the universal Albanese. 67 (2021), 209-224.
- HODGSON, Bernard R.: Regards sur les études de la CIEM. 37 (1991), 89-107.
- Rapport sur les activités de la CIEM pour les années 1999 et 2000. 47 (2001), 173-179.
- Double renouvellement à la CIEM. 50 (2004), 187-190.
- La CIEM en pleine transformation majeure. 54 (2008), 191-197.
- Modifications à l'Énoncé de mandat de la CIEM. 56 (2010), 411-415.
- Once upon a time ... Historical vignettes from the Archives of ICMI: The IMU centennial. 68 (2022), 237-242.
- Once upon a time... Historical vignettes from the Archives of ICMI: The Aarhus ICMI-seminar on the teaching of geometry. 68 (2022), 521-528.
- HOFFMAN, J. William and Jorge MORALES: Arithmetic of binary cubic forms. 46 (2000), 61-94.
- HOLM, Tara S. and Liat KESSLER: The equivariant cohomology of complexity one spaces. 65 (2019), 457-485.
- HOLTON, Derek: Personal thoughts on the ICMI study "The teaching and learning of mathematics at university level". 53 (2007), 429-436.
- HÖRING, Andreas: Positivity of direct image sheaves - a geometric point of view. 56 (2010), 87-142.
- HOWSON, Geoffrey: A report on the International Symposium "One hundred years of LEnseignement Mathématique: Moments of mathematics education in the 20th century". 47 (2001), 181-183.
- HRUSKA, G. Christopher: voir HAULMARK, Matthew, G. Christopher HRUSKA and Bakul SATHAYE. 65 (2019), 207-220.
- voir HAULMARK, Matthew, G. Christopher HRUSKA and Bakul SATHAYE. 66 (2020), 441-445.
- HSIANG, Wu-Yi: A simple proof of a theorem of Thue on the maximal density of circle packings in E2. 38 (1992), 125-131.
- HUDSON, Richard H., Charles J. JUDGE and Turker TEKER: Class number formulae for imaginary quadratic number fields Q(Ö-n) with n squarefree and nº1 (mod 4) or nº2 (mod 4). 45 (1999), 349-355.
- HUEBSCHMANN, Johannes: Cohomology of finitely generated abelian groups. 37 (1991), 61-71.
- HWANG, Andrew D.: A symplectic look at surfaces of revolution. 49 (2003), 157-172.
- IGLESIAS, Patrick: Les origines du calcul symplectique chez Lagrange. 44 (1998), 257-277.
- ILLUSIE, Luc: Catégories dérivées et dualité, travaux de J.-L. Verdier. 36 (1990), 369-391.
- INGALLS, Colin: voir BORWEIN, Peter and Colin INGALLS. 40 (1994), 3-27.
- IVANOV, Nikolai and Lizhen JI: Infinite topology of curve complexes and non-Poincaré duality of Teichmüller modular groups. 54 (2008), 381-395.
- IVIĆ, A.: voir BALASUBRAMANIAN, R., A. IVIĆ and K. RAMACHANDRA. 38 (1992), 13-25.
- IVORRA, Florian et Julien SEBAG: Géométrie algébrique par morceaux, K-équivalence et motifs. 58 (2012), 375-403.
- IZOSIMOV, Anton: voir ALESHKIN, Konstantin and Anton IZOSIMOV. 62 (2016), 143-170.
- JACKSON, Terence: voir BOCHNAK Jacek and Terence JACKSON. 50 (2004), 355-365.
- JAHREN, Bjørn: voir HAUSMANN, Jean-Claude and Bjørn JAHREN. 64 (2018), 207-248.
- JANUSZ, Gerald J.: Permutation groups generated by a transposition and another element. 38 (1992), 41-53.
- JI, Lizhen: Well-rounded equivariant deformation retracts of Teichm ller spaces. 60 (2014), 109-129.
- voir IVANOV, Nikolai and Lizhen JI. 54 (2008), 381-395.
- JI, Lizhen and Anna-Sofie SCHILLING: Toric varieties vs. horofunction compactifications of polyhedral norms. 63 (2017), 375-401.
- JOLISSAINT, Paul: On Property (T) for pairs of topological groups. 51 (2005), 31-45.
- JONES, Vaughan F.R.: A quotient of the affine Hecke algebra in the Brauer algebra. 40 (1994), 313-344.
- Bergman space zero sets, modular forms, von Neumann algebras and ordered groups. 69 (2023), 5-36. Voir aussi: HARPE Pierre DE LA et Florin RĂDULESCU. 69 (2023), 37-50.
- JORGENSON, Jay: voir GARBIN, Daniel and Jay JORGENSON. 64 (2018), 161-206.
- JUDGE, Charles J.: voir HUDSON, Richard H., Charles J. JUDGE and Turker TEKER. 45 (1999), 349-355.
- JURCHESCU, Martin and Marius MITREA: Pluridimensional absolute continuity for differential forms and the Stokes formula. 41 (1995), 217-255.
- KAHANE, Jean-Pierre: voir DIXMIER, Jacques, Jean-Pierre KAHANE et Jean-Louis NICOLAS. 53 (2007), 369-428.
- Sur un ensemble de Besicovitch. 59 (2013), 307-324.
- KAHANE, Jean-Pierre and Eric SAIAS: Sur l'exemple d'Euler d'une fonction compl tement multiplicative de somme nulle. 63 (2017), 155-164.
- KALIMAN, Shulim: voir FLENNER, Hubert, Shulim KALIMAN and Mikhail ZAIDENBERG. 55 (2009), 275-283.
- KANG, Ming-Chang: A genus formula for some plane curves. 50 (2004), 139-146.
- KAPLAN, Pierre et Philip A. LEONARD: Idéaux négativement réduits d'un corps quadratique réel et un problème d'Eisenstein. 39 (1993), 195-210.
- KAPLAN, Pierre and Kenneth S. WILLIAMS: The distance between ideals in the orders of a real quadratic field. 36 (1990), 321-358.
- KAPLAN, Pierre: voir HALTER-KOCH, Franz, Pierre KAPLAN, Kenneth S. WILLIAMS et Yoshihiko YAMAMOTO. 37 (1991), 263-292.
- KAPOVICH, Ilya: The nonamenability of Schreier graphs for infinite index quasiconvex subgroups of hyperbolic groups. 48 (2002), 359-375.
- KAPPELER, Thomas : voir FARBER Michael, Thomas KAPPELER, Janko LATSCHEV and Eduard ZEHNDER. 50 (2004), 3-17.
- KAPPELER, Thomas and Janko LATSCHEV: Counting solutions of perturbed harmonic map equations. 51 (2005), 47-85.
- KARLSSON, Anders and Guennadi A. NOSKOV: The Hilbert metric and Gromov hyperbolicity. 48 (2002), 73-89.
- KARLSSON, Anders: voir HARPE Pierre DE LA, Anders KARLSSON, Tatiana NAGNIBEDA and Florin RĂDULESCU. 69 (2023), 1-4.
- KÁROLYI, Gyula: Cauchy-Davenport Theorem in group extensions. 51 (2005), 239-254.
- KAROUBI, Max and Charles A. WEIBEL: On the covering type of a space. 62 (2016), 457-474.
- KATZ, Nicholas M.: voir BOMBIERI, Enrico and Nicholas M. KATZ. 56 (2010), 203-227.
- Sato-Tate in the higher dimensional case: Elaboration of 9.5.4 in Serre's NX(p) book. 59 (2013), 359-377.
- A note on Galois representations with big image. 65 (2019), 271-301.
- KAUFFMAN, Louis H.: State models for link polynomials. 36 (1990), 1-37.
- KAUFFMAN, Louis H. and Sofia LAMBROPOULOU: On the classification of rational knots. 49 (2003), 357-410.
- KAWASAKI , Morimichi, Mitsuaki KIMURA, Takahiro MATSUSHITA and Masato MIMURA: Bavards duality theorem for mixed commutator length. 68 (2022), 441-481.
- KEBEKUS, Stefan, Stavros KOUSIDIS and Daniel LOHMANN: Deformations along subsheaves. 56 (2010), 287-313.
- KERVAIRE, Michel: Unimodular lattices with a complete root system. 40 (1994), 59-104.
- voir ELIAHOU, Shalom and Michel KERVAIRE. 38 (1992), 345-382.
- voir ELIAHOU, Shalom and Michel KERVAIRE. 40 (1994), 109-111.
- voir ELIAHOU, Shalom and Michel KERVAIRE. 47 (2001), 103-114.
- voir ELIAHOU, Shalom and Michel KERVAIRE. 49 (2003), 117-122.
- KESSLER, Liat: voir HOLM, Tara S. and Liat KESSLER. 65 (2019), 457-485.
- KHESIN, Boris: voir GENIN, Daniel, Boris KHESIN and Serge TABACHNIKOV. 53 (2007), 307-331.
- KILPATRICK, Jeremy and Anna SIERPINSKA: A report on the ICMI study: "What is research in mathematics education, and what are its results?". 47 (2001), 409-411.
- KIMURA, Mitsuaki: voir KAWASAKI Morimichi, Mitsuaki KIMURA, Takahiro MATSUSHITA and Masato MIMURA. 68 (2022), 441-481.
- KITAYAMA, Takahiro: voir FRIEDL, Stefan and Takahiro KITAYAMA. 60 (2014), 79-107.
- KLEIN, David: voir COLLAS, Peter and David KLEIN. 40 (1994), 249-266.
- KLEINBOCK, Dmitry and Nicolas DE SAXCÉ: Rational approximation on quadrics: A simplex lemma and its consequences. 64 (2018), 459-476.
- KLEINER, Israel: Emmy Noether: Highlights of her life and work. 38 (1992), 103-124.
- KLEINERT, Ernst: Units of classical orders: a survey. 40 (1994), 205-248.
- KNUTSON, Allen: voir HAUSMANN, Jean-Claude and Allen KNUTSON. 43 (1997), 173-198.
- KOHNEN, Winfried: Jacobi forms and Siegel modular forms: recent results and problems. 39 (1993), 121-136.
- KOLEV, Boris: Sous-groupes compacts d'homéomorphismes de la sphère. 52 (2006), 193-214.
- voir CONSTANTIN, Adrian and Boris KOLEV. 40 (1994), 193-204.
- KOLGANOVA, Alla: voir CAIRNS, Grant, Gary DAVIS, Daniel ELTON, Alla KOLGANOVA and Paul PERVERSI. 41 (1995), 123-133.
- KOOSIS, Paul: Hartree's theorem on existence of the quantum defect. 46 (2000), 163-207.
- KOUSIDIS, Stavros: voir KEBEKUS Stefan, Stavros KOUSIDIS and Daniel LOHMANN. 56 (2010), 287-313.
- KOWALSKI, Emmanuel: voir EVRA, Shai, Emmanuel KOWALSKI and Alexander LUBOTZKY. 63 (2017), 305-332.
- KRAVCHENKO, Rostyslav: voir GRIGORCHUK, Rostislav, Rostyslav KRAVCHENKO and Alexander Yu. OLSHANSKII. 61 (2015), 321-342.
- KUCHARZ, Wojciech: voir BOCHNAK J., and W. KUCHARZ. 48 (2002), 237-258.
- voir BOCHNAK Jacek and Wojciech KUCHARZ. 51 (2005), 319-330.
- KWAK, Sanghoon: voir BESTVINA, Mladen, Ryan DICKMANN. George DOMAT, Sanghoon KWAK, Priyam PATEL and Emily STARK. 69 (2023), 235-260.
- KWASIK, Sławomir and Reinhard SCHULTZ: Branched coverings and equivariant smoothings of 4-manifolds. 63 (2017), 201-232.
- KWASIK, Sławomir and Fang SUN: Local coefficients revisited. 64 (2018), 283-303.
- KWON , Alice and Dennis SULLIVAN: Complément to the Thurston 3D-geometrization picture. 68 (2022), 379-387.
- LACZKOVICH, Miklós: Linear functional equations and Shapiro's conjecture. 50 (2004), 103-122.
- LAFONT, Jean-François, Gangotryi SORCAR and Fangyang ZHENG: Some Kähler structures on products of 2-spheres. 64 (2018), 127-142.
- LAGARIAS, Jeffrey C., Yusheng LUO and Arnau PADROL: Moser's shadow problem. 64 (2018), 477-496.
- LAGRANGE, Joseph Louis: Sur le développement des courbes [Édité par Philippe Henry]. 67 (2021), 123-144.
- LAKSOV, Dan, Larss SVENSSON and A. THORUP: The Spectral Mapping Theorem, norms on rings, and resultants. 46 (2000), 349-358; 359-360.
- LAKSOV, Dan: voir FERRAND, Daniel and Dan LAKSOV. 60 (2014), 131-175.
- LAM, T. Y.: voir FENG L. G., and LAM T. Y.. 48 (2002), 345-357.
- LAMY, Stéphane: Une preuve géométrique du théorème de Jung. 48 (2002), 291-315.
- LAMBROPOULOU, Sofia: voir KAUFFMAN, Louis H. and Sofia LAMBROPOULOU. 49 (2003), 357-410.
- LANG, Urs and Viktor SCHROEDER: On Toponogov's comparison theorem for Alexandrov spaces. 59 (2013), 325-336.
- LANNES, Jean: Sur les invariants de Vassiliev de degré inférieur ou égal à 3. 39 (1993), 295-316.
- LASS, Bodo: voir BACHER, Roland et Bodo LASS. 52 (2006), 267-293.
- LATSCHEV, Janko: voir FARBER Michael, Thomas KAPPELER, Janko LATSCHEV and Eduard ZEHNDER. 50 (2004), 3-17.
- LATSCHEV, Janko: voir KAPPELER, Thomas and Janko LATSCHEV. 51 (2005), 47-85 .
- LAUDENBACH, François: A note on the Chas-Sullivan product. 57 (2011), 3-21.
- LAUVE, Aaron: voir DOTY, Stephen, Aaron LAUVE and George H. SEELINGER. 64 (2018), 23-63.
- LAWSON, Terry: voir ACOSTA, Daniel and Terry LAWSON. 43 (1997), 27-32.
- LÊ, Dung Tráng et Claude WEBER: Équisingularité dans les pinceaux de germes de courbes planes et C0-suffisance. 43 (1997), 355-380.
- LÊ , Dung Tráng, José SEADE and Alberto VERJOVSKY: Quadrics, orthogonal actions and involutions in complex projective spaces. 49 (2003), 172-203.
- LÊ, Thang T. Q.: voir GAROUFALIDIS, Stavros and Thang T. Q. LÊ. 62 (2016), 501-525.
- LEHRER, G.I.: voir GRAHAM, J.J and G.I. LEHRER. 44 (1998), 173-218.
- LEHRER, Gustav I. and Ruibin ZHANG: Invariants of the special orthogonal group and an enhanced Brauer category. 63 (2017), 181-200.
- LEI, Fu: On the construction of generalized Jacobians. 45 (1999), 17-50.
- LENSTRA, Hendrik W. Jr. and Peter STEVENHAGEN: Primes of degree one and algebraic cases of Čebotarev's theorem. 37 (1991), 17-30.
- LEONARD, Philip A.: voir KAPLAN, Pierre et Philip A. LEONARD. 39 (1993), 195-210.
- LERMAN, Eugene: Gradient flow of the norm squared of a moment map. 51 (2005), 117-127.
- Orbifolds as stacks? 56 (2010), 315-363.
- LESCOP, Christine: voir GUILLOU, Lucien et Alexis MARIN. 38 (1992), 233-290.
- LESSA, Pablo and Ernesto GARCIA: On the discreteness of states accessible via right-angled paths in hyperbolic space. 66 (2020), 383-407.
- LEUZINGER, Enrico: On the Gauss-Bonnet formula for locally symmetric spaces of noncompact type. 42 (1996), 201-214.
- LEVITT, Gilbert: Homéomorphismes dynamiquement simples de l'ensemble de Cantor. 44 (1998), 279-289.
- LEVITT, Gilbert and Vassilis METAFTSIS: Rank of mapping tori and companion matrices. 58 (2012), 189-203.
- LEWARK, Lukas: voir BAADER, Sebastian, Lukas LEWARK and Livio LIECHTI. 64 (2018), 65-88.
- LI-BLAND, David and Eckhard MEINRENKEN: On the Van Est homomorphism for Lie groupoids. 61 (2015), 93-137.
- LIEBLICH, Max: voir HO, Wei and Max LIEBLICH. 67 (2021), 209-224.
- LIECHTI, Livio: voir BAADER, Sebastian, Lukas LEWARK and Livio LIECHTI. 64 (2018), 65-88.
- LIM, Lek-Heng: voir FRIEDLAND Shmuel, Lek-Heng LIM and Jinjie ZHANG. 64 (2018), 327-351.
- LIN, Xiao-Song: Finite type link-homotopy invariants. 47 (2001), 315-327.
- LINDENSTRAUSS, Elon: voir EINSIEDLER, Manfred, Elon LINDENSTRAUSS, Philippe MICHEL and Akshay VENKATESH. 58 (2012), 249-313.
- LINK, Gabriele, Marc PEIGNÉ et Jean-Claude PICAUD: Sur les surfaces non-compactes de rang un. 52 (2006), 3-36.
- LIPSON, Andrew S.: Link signature, Goeritz matrices and polynomial invariants. 36 (1990), 93-114.
- LISCA, Paolo: Smoothly embedded 2-spheres and exotic 4-manifolds. 39 (1993), 225-231.
- voir BENEDETTI Riccardo and Paolo LISCA. 64 (2018), 395-413.
- LIVINGSTON, Charles: voir DAVIS, James F. and Charles LIVINGSTON. 37 (1991), 1-9.
- voir ALLEN, Samantha and Charles LIVINGSTON. 66 (2020), 541-589.
- LODAY, Jean-Louis: Une version non commutative des algèbres de Lie: les algèbres de Leibniz. 39 (1993), 269-293.
- LOEB, Jean-Jacques: Applications harmoniques et hyperbolicité de domaines tubes. 53 (2007), 347-367.
- LÖH, Clara and Roman SAUER: Bounded cohomology of amenable covers via classifying spaces. 66 (2020), 151-172.
- LOHMANN, Daniel: voir KEBEKUS Stefan, Stavros KOUSIDIS and Daniel LOHMANN. 56 (2010), 287-313.
- LÓPEZ DE MEDRANO, Lucía: voir BERTRAND, Benoît, Erwan BRUGALLÉ and Lucía LÓPEZ DE MEDRANO. 64 (2018), 415-457.
- LOTT, John: The zero-in-the-spectrum question. 42 (1996), 341-376.
- LOUVET, Nicolas: A propos d'un théorème de Vershik et Karpushev. 47 (2001), 287-314.
- LOUVET, Nicolas, Yves STALDER et Alain VALETTE: Fonctions conditionnellement de type négatif, représentations irréductibles et propriété (T). 50 (2004), 239-266.
- LUBOTZKY, Alexander: voir EVRA, Shai, Emmanuel KOWALSKI and Alexander LUBOTZKY. 63 (2017), 305-332.
- LUCCHINI ARTECHE, Giancarlo: voir FLORENCE, Mathieu and Giancarlo LUCCHINI ARTECHE. 65 (2019), 441-455.
- LUNA, Dominique: Retour sur un théorème de Chevalley. 45 (1999), 317-320.
- LUO, Yusheng: voir LAGARIAS, Jeffrey C., Yusheng LUO and Arnau PADROL. 64 (2018), 477-496.
- MACIAK, Piotr and Jorge MORALES: Siegel's mass formula and averages of Dirichlet L-functions over function fields. 57 (2011), 393-422.
- MCMULLEN, Curtis T.: Moduli spaces in genus zero and inversion of power series. 60 (2014), 25-30.
- MCSWIGGEN, Colin: The Harish-Chandra integral: An introduction with examples. 67 (2021), 229-299.
- MAEHARA, Hiroshi and Horst MARTINI: Holding convex polyhedra by circular rings. 63 (2017), 273-304.
- MAIRE, Henri-Michel: Polynômes homogènes réels avec gradient à singularité isolée. 38 (1992), 219-232.
- MALLAHI-KARAI, Keivan: voir FORGHANI, Behrang and Keivan MALLAHI-KARAI. 68 (2022), 181-200.
- MANOIL, Constantin: voir CORAY, Daniel, Constantin MANOIL and Israel VAINSENCHER. 43 (1997), 299-317.
- MARGALIT, Dan: voir HATCHER, Allen and Dan MARGALIT. 58 (2012), 165-188.
- MARGULIS, G.A.: voir DANI, S.G. and G.A. MARGULIS. 36 (1990), 143-174.
- MARIN, Alexis: voir GUILLOU, Lucien et Alexis MARIN. 38 (1992), 233-290.
- MARK, Alice: voir ALLCOCK, Daniel, Itamar GAL and Alice MARK. 66 (2020), 5-31.
- MARQUIS, Ludovic: Exemples de variétés projectives strictement convexes de volume fini en dimension quelconque. 58 (2012), 3-47.
- Erratum: Exemples de variétés projectives strictement convexes de volume fini en dimension quelconque. 62 (2016), 3-5.
- MARRAKCHI, Amine and Stefaan VAES: Spectral gap and strict outerness for actions of locally compact groups on full factors. 69 (2023), 353-379.
- MARTINEAU, Sébastien: Ergodicity and indistinguishability in percolation theory. 61 (2015), 285-319.
- MARTINET, Jacques: voir BERGÉ Anne-Marie et Jacques MARTINET. 41 (1995), 335-365.
- MARTINI, Horst: voir MAEHARA, Hiroshi and Horst MARTINI. 63 (2017), 273-304.
- MARTINI, Horst and Margarita SPIROVA: The Feuerbach circle and orthocentricity in normed planes. 53 (2007), 237-258.
- MASSER, David: voir CORVAJA, Pietro, David MASSER and Umberto ZANNIER. 59 (2013), 225-269.
- MASSUYEAU, Gwénaël: voir FLORENS, Vincent and Gwénaël MASSUYEAU. 61 (2015), 161-210.
- MATHÉUS, Frédéric: Empilements de cercles et représentations conformes: une nouvelle preuve du théorème de Rodin-Sullivan. 42 (1996), 125-152.
- MATHEY-PREVOT, Maxime and Alain VALETTE: Wasserstein distance and metric trees. 69 (2023), 315-333.
- MATSUMOTO, Shigenori and Hiromichi NAKAYAMA: Continua as minimal sets of homeomorphisms of S2. 57 (2011), 373-392.
- MATSUMOTO, Yukio, Yoshikazu MATSUTANI, Tsuyoshi SAKAI, Masami ODA and Tsukasa SHIBUYA: On the area of a polygon inscribed in a circle. 53 (2007), 127-153.
- MATSUSHITA, Takahiro: voir KAWASAKI Morimichi, Mitsuaki KIMURA, Takahiro MATSUSHITA and Masato MIMURA. 68 (2022), 441-481.
- MATSUTANI, Yoshikazu: voir MATSUMOTO, Yukio, Yoshikazu MATSUTANI, Tsuyoshi SAKAI, Masami ODA and Tsukasa SHIBUYA. 53 (2007), 127-153.
- MATTHEY, Michel and Ulrich SUTER: The positive cone of spheres and some products of spheres. 47 (2001), 131-160.
- MATTNER, Lutz: Product measurability, parameter integrals, and a Fubini counterexample. 45 (1999), 271-279.
- MATVEEV, Vladimir S. and Marc TROYANOV: Isometries of two dimensional Hilbert geometries. 61 (2015), 453-460.
- MEERSSEMAN, Laurent: A Note on the automorphism group of a compact complex manifold. 63 (2017), 263-272.
- MEILHAN, Jean-Baptiste: voir GUERVILLE-BALLÉ, Benoît and Jean-Baptiste MEILHAN. 66 (2020), 63-81.
- MEINRENKEN, Eckhard: The basic gerbe over a compact simple Lie group. 49 (2003), 307-333.
- On the quantization of conjugacy classes. 55 (2009), 33-75.
- voir LI-BLAND, David and Eckhard MEINRENKEN. 61 (2015), 93-137.
- On the integration of transitive Lie algebroids. 67 (2021), 423-454.
- MENDÈS FRANCE, Michel: Remarks and problems on finite and periodic continued fractions. 39 (1993), 249-257.
- MENDÈS FRANCE , Michel: voir BRLEK Srecko, Michel MENDÈS FRANCE, John Michael ROBSON and Martin RUBEY. 50 (2004), 287-304.
- MELNICK, Karin: A Frobenius theorem for Cartan geometries, with applications. 57 (2011), 57-89.
- MERKURJEV, Alexander and Jean-Pierre TIGNOL: Excellence of function fields of conics. 62 (2016), 421-456.
- METAFTSIS, Vassilis: voir LEVITT, Gilbert and Vassilis METAFTSIS. 58 (2012), 189-203.
- MEYER, Daniel: voir CHAPERON, Marc and Daniel MEYER. 55 (2009), 329-357.
- MICHEL, Philippe: voir EINSIEDLER, Manfred, Elon LINDENSTRAUSS, Philippe MICHEL and Akshay VENKATESH. 58 (2012), 249-313.
- voir COVOLO, Tiffany and Jean-Philippe MICHEL. 62 (2016), 361-420.
- MIESCH, Benjamin: The Cartan-Hadamard Theorem for metric spaces with local geodesic bicombings. 63 (2017), 233-247.
- MIGNOTTE, Maurice: voir BUGEAUD, Yann et Maurice MIGNOTTE. 48 (2002), 147-168.
- MIKHALKIN, Grigory and Johannes RAU: Spines for amoebas of rational curves. 65 (2019), 377-396.
- MILLER, Allison N. and Mark POWELL: Stabilization distance between surfaces. 65 (2019), 397-440.
- MILNOR, John: voir BONIFANT, Araceli and John MILNOR. 63 (2017), 21-61.
- MIMURA, Masato: voir KAWASAKI Morimichi, Mitsuaki KIMURA, Takahiro MATSUSHITA and Masato MIMURA. 68 (2022), 441-481.
- MISLIN, Guido: voir CHATTERJI, Indira and Guido MISLIN. 49 (2003), 85-93.
- MITREA, Marius: voir JURCHESCU, Martin and Marius MITREA. 41 (1995), 217-255.
- MONDAL, Sugata: Systole and λ2g-2 of closed hyperbolic surfaces of genus g. 60 (2014), 3-24.
- MONTGOMERY, Richard: voir BOR, Gil and Richard MONTGOMERY. 55 (2009), 157-196.
- MORALES, Jorge: voir HOFFMAN, J. William and Jorge MORALES. 46 (2000), 61-94.
- : voir MACIAK, Piotr and Jorge MORALES. 57 (2011), 393-422.
- MOREE, Pieter and Robert OSBURN: Two-dimensional lattices with few distances. 52 (2006), 361-380.
- MORIER-GENOUD, Sophie, Valentin OVSIENKO and Serge TABACHNIKOV: SL2(Z)-tilings of the torus, Coxeter-Conway friezes and Farey triangulations. 61 (2015), 71-92.
- MOROZOV, Andrey and Paul SCHUPP: Computable permutations and word problems. 64 (2018), 143-160.
- MÜGER, Michael: On Karamata's proof of the Landau-Ingham Tauberian theorem. 61 (2015), 45-69.
- MÜHLHERR, Bernhard and Richard M. WEISS: Galois involutions and exceptional buildings. 62 (2016), 207-260.
- MULLER, Jean-Michel, Jean-Louis NICOLAS et Xavier-François ROBLOT: Nombre de solutions dans une binade de l'équation A2+B2 =C2+C. 50 (2004), 147-182.
- MÜLLER, Stefan and Hansjörg GEIGES: Almost complex structures on 8-manifolds. 46 (2000), 95-107.
- MURAKAMI, Hitoshi, Tomotada OHTSUKI and Shuji YAMADA: Homfly polynomial via an invariant of colored plane graphs. 44 (1998), 325-360.
- NAGNIBEDA, Tatiana: voir HARPE Pierre DE LA, Anders KARLSSON, Tatiana NAGNIBEDA and Florin RĂDULESCU. 69 (2023), 1-4.
- NAIE, Daniel: The irregularity of cycles multiple planes after Zariski. 53 (2007), 265-305.
- NAJIB, Salah: voir BODIN, Arnaud, Pierre DÈBES and Salah NAJIB. 66 (2020), 173-186.
- NAKAYAMA, Hiromichi: voir MATSUMOTO, Shigenori and Hiromichi NAKAYAMA. 57 (2011), 373-392.
- NAPIER, Terrence and Mohan RAMACHANDRAN: Elementary construction of exhausting subsolutions of elliptic operators. 50 (2004), 367-390.
- NAVAS, Andrés: Sur les groupes de difféomorphismes du cercle engendrés par des éléments proches des rotations. 50 (2004), 29-68.
- NEBE, Gabriele: The normaliser action and strongly modular lattices. 43 (1997), 67-76.
- NEBE, Gabriele and Boris VENKOV: Low-dimensional strongly perfect lattices I: the 12-dimensional case. 51 (2005), 129-163.
- NEUMANN, Walter D. and Jun YANG: Rationality problems for K-theory and Chern-Simons invariants of hyperbolic 3-manifolds. 41 (1995), 281-296.
- NEVO, Amos, voir BOWEN, Lewis, and Amos NEVO. 59 (2013), 133-164.
- voir BURRIN, Claire, Amos NEVO, Rene RÜHR and Barak WEISS. 66 (2020), 259-304.
- NGUYEN, Duc Thọ, Nicolas RAYMOND and San VŨ NGỌC: Boundary effects on the magnetic Hamiltonian dynamics in two dimensions. 64 (2018), 353-369.
- NICAS, Andrew: voir GEOGHEGAN, Ross and Andrew NICAS. 41 (1995), 3-62.
- NICAISE, Johannes: Formal and rigid geometry: an intuitive introduction and some applications. 54 (2008), 213-249.
- NICOLAS, Jean-Louis: voir DIXMIER, Jacques, Jean-Pierre KAHANE et Jean-Louis NICOLAS. 53 (2007), 369-428.
- voir MULLER Jean-Michel, Jean-Louis NICOLAS et Xavier-François ROBLOT. 50 (2004), 147-182.
- NICOLAS, Jean-Louis et Guy TERJANIAN: Une majoration de la longueur des polynômes cyclotomiques. 45 (1999), 301-309.
- NITAJ, Abderrahmane: La conjecture abc. 42 (1996), 3-24.
- NOSKOV, Guennadi A.: voir KARLSSON, Anders and Guennadi A. NOSKOV. 48 (2002), 73-89.
- NYMANN, James E.: The sum of the Cantor set with itself. 39 (1993), 177-178.
- ODA, Masami: voir MATSUMOTO, Yukio, Yoshikazu MATSUTANI, Tsuyoshi SAKAI, Masami ODA and Tsukasa SHIBUYA. 53 (2007), 127-153.
- ODLYZKO, Andrew M. and Bjorn POONEN: Zeros of polynomials with 0, 1 coefficients. 39 (1993), 317-349.
- OH, Hee: voir BENOIST, Yves and Hee OH. 62 (2016), 189-198.
- OHTSUKI, Tomotada: voir MURAKAMI, Hitoshi, Tomotada OHTSUKI and Shuji YAMADA. 44 (1998), 325-360.
- OJANGUREN, Manuel and Ivan PANIN: The Witt group of Laurent polynomials. 46 (2000), 361-383.
- OKONEK, Christian and Antonius VAN DE VEN: Cubic forms and complex 3-folds. 41 (1995), 297-333.
- OKONEK, Christian: voir EBELING, Wolfgang and Christian OKONEK. 37 (1991), 249-262.
- OLMOS, Carlos: voir CONSOLE, Sergio, Antonio J. DI SCALA and Carlos OLMOS. 48 (2002), 23-50.
- On the geometry of holonomy systems. 51 (2005), 335-349.
- OLSHANSKII, Alexander Yu.: voir GRIGORCHUK, Rostislav, Rostyslav KRAVCHENKO and Alexander Yu. OLSHANSKII. 61 (2015), 321-342.
- OPREA, John: The category of nilmanifolds. 38 (1992), 27-40.
- ORSON, Patrick: voir CONWAY, Anthony and Patrick ORSON. 68 (2022), 243-290.
- OSBURN, Robert: voir MOREE, Pieter and Robert OSBURN. 52 (2006), 361-380.
- OTAL, Jean-Pierre: Une remarque sur le spectre des solutions matricielles de l'équation de Riccati. 38 (1992), 3-11.
- OVSIENKO, Valentin: Vector fields in the presence of a contact structure. 52 (2006), 215-229.
- OVSIENKO, V. and S. TABACHNIKOV: Projective geometry of polygons and discrete 4-vertex and 6-vertex theorems. 47 (2001), 3-19.
- OVSIENKO, Valentin: voir MORIER-GENOUD, Sophie, Valentin OVSIENKO and Serge TABACHNIKOV.
61 (2015), 71-92.
- PADROL, Arnau: voir LAGARIAS, Jeffrey C., Yusheng LUO and Arnau PADROL. 64 (2018), 477-496.
- PAK, Igor: voir GRIGORCHUK, Rostislav and Igor PAK. 54 (2008), 251-272.
- PAN, Ivan: Sur les transformations de Cremona de bidegré (3, 3). 43 (1997), 285-297.
- PANIN, Ivan: voir OJANGUREN, Manuel and Ivan PANIN. 46 (2000), 361-383.
- PARIS, Luis: Complex growth series of Coxeter systems. 38 (1992), 95-102.
- PARLIER, Hugo: Hyperbolic polygons and simple closed geodesics. 52 (2006), 295-317.
- PARRY, Walter R.: voir CANNON, James W., William J. FLOYD and W.R. PARRY. 42 (1996), 215-256.
- PASQUALE, Angela: voir DIJK, G. VAN and Angela PASQUALE. 45 (1999), 219-252.
- PATEL, Priyam: voir BESTVINA, Mladen, Ryan DICKMANN. George DOMAT, Sanghoon KWAK, Priyam PATEL and Emily STARK. 69 (2023), 235-260.
- PAYS, Isabelle et Alain VALETTE: Sous-groupes libres dans les groupes d'automorphismes d'arbres. 37 (1991), 151-174.
- PEIGNÉ, Marc: voir LINK Gabriele, Marc PEIGNÉ et Jean-Claude PICAUD. 52 (2006), 3-36.
- PELAYO, Álvaro and Tudor RATIU: Circle-valued momentum maps for symplectic periodic flows. 58 (2012), 205-219.
- PÉREZ, Jesùs Gonzalo: voir GEIGES, Hansjörg and Jesùs Gonzalo PÉREZ. 62 (2016), 527-567.
- PÉREZ-MARCO, Ricardo: On the definition of the Euler Gamma function. 68 (2022), 135-160.
- PERRON, Bernard: A homotopic intersection theory on surfaces: applications to mapping class group and braids. 52 (2006), 159-186.
- PERVERSI, Paul: voir CAIRNS, Grant, Gary DAVIS, Daniel ELTON, Alla KOLGANOVA and Paul PERVERSI. 41 (1995), 123-133.
- PESTOV, Vladimir: MM-spaces and group actions. 48 (2002), 209-236.
- PÉTERMANN, Y.-F. S.: On the average behaviour of the largest divisor of n prime to a fixed integer k. 37 (1991), 213-222.
- PETRONIO, Carlo: voir EPSTEIN, David B.A. and Carlo PETRONIO. 40 (1994), 113-170.
- PETTET, Alexandra and Juan SOUTO: The spine that was not spine. 54 (2008), 273-285.
- PEYRIÈRE, Jacques, WEN Zhi-Ying et WEN Zhi-Xiong: Polynômes associés aux endomorphismes de groupes libres. 39 (1993), 153-175.
- PICAUD, Jean-Claude : voir LINK Gabriele, Marc PEIGNÉ et Jean-Claude PICAUD. 52 (2006), 3-36.
- PINOCHET LOBOS, Antoine and Christophe PITTET: The exact convergence rate in the ergodic theorem of Lubotzky–Phillips–Sarnak and a universal lower bound on discrepancies. 67 (2021), 63-94.
- PIRIO, Luc: Sur la linéarisation des tissus. 55 (2009), 285-328.
- PISIER, Gilles: On a linearization trick. 64 (2018), 315-326.
- PITTET, Christophe: voir PINOCHET LOBOS, Antoine and Christophe PITTET. 67 (2021), 63-94.
- PLAGNE, Alain: Additive number theory sheds extra light on the Hopf-Stiefel o function. 49 (2003), 109-116.
- PLESKEN, Wilhelm: Lattices of covariant quadratic forms. 47 (2001), 21-56.
- POHL, Anke and Don B. ZAGIER: Dynamics of geodesics, and Maass cusp forms. 66 (2020), 305-340.
- POLLACK, Paul: voir CLARK, Pete L. and Paul POLLACK. 65 (2019), 101-116.
- POLYMERAKIS, Panagiotis: voir BALLMANN, Werner and Panagiotis POLYMERAKIS. 67 (2021), 331-367.
- POONEN, Bjorn: Maximally complete fields. 39 (1993), 87-106.
- voir ODLYZKO, Andrew M. and Bjørn POONEN. 39 (1993), 317-348.
- POPA, Mihnea: Kodaira-Saito vanishing and applications. 62 (2016), 49-89.
- POPA, Sorin: On Connes' joint distribution trick and a notion of amenability for positive maps. 44 (1998), 57-70.
- W*-representations of subfactors and restrictions on the Jones index. 69 (2023), 149-215.
- POPESCU-PAMPU, Patrick: Le cerf-volant d'une constellation. 57 (2011), 303-347.
- POTARI, Despina: voir BORKO, Hilda and Despina POTARI. 64 (2018), 499-514.
- POTYAGAILO, Leonid: voir DUSSAULE, Matthieu, Ilya GEKHTMAN, Victor GERASIMOV and Leonid POTYAGAILO. 66 (2020), 341-382.
- POWELL, Mark: voir MILLER, Allison N. and Mark POWELL. 65 (2019), 397-440.
- PRESSLEY, Andrew: voir CHARI, Vyjayanthi and Andrew PRESSLEY. 36 (1990), 267-302.
- PUTMAN, Andrew: A note on the connectivity of certain complexes associated to surfaces. 54 (2008), 287-301.
- The commutator subgroups of free groups and surface groups. 68 (2022), 389-408.
- PY, Pierre: Some noncoherent, nonpositively curved K hler groups. 62 (2016), 171-187.
- QUACH HONGLER, Cam Van and Claude WEBER: Jones polynomial, Tait conjectures and amphicheirals. 69 (2023), 261-274.
- QUEBBEMANN, H.-G.: Atkin-Lehner eigenforms and strongly modular lattices. 43 (1997), 55-65.
- QUEFFÉLEC, Martine et Olivier RAMARÉ: Analyse de Fourier des fractions continues à quotients restreints. 49 (2003), 335-356.
- RACZEK, Mélanie et Jean-Pierre TIGNOL: Ternary cubic forms and étale algebras. 55 (2009), 139-156.
- RĂDULESCU, Florin: voir HARPE Pierre DE LA, Anders KARLSSON, Tatiana NAGNIBEDA and Florin RĂDULESCU. 69 (2023), 1-4.
- voir HARPE Pierre DE LA et Florin RĂDULESCU. 69 (2023), 37-50.
- RADZIWILL, Maksym and Kannan SOUNDARARAJAN: Selberg's central limit theorem for log |ζ (12+it)|. 63 (2017), 1-19.
- RAMACHANDRAN, Mohan: voir NAPIER Terrence and Mohan RAMACHANDRAN. 50 (2004), 367-390.
- RAMARÉ, Olivier: voir QUEFFÉLEC, Martine et Olivier RAMARÉ. 49 (2003), 335-356.
- RAMIREZ, Valente: An example of a non-algebraizable singularity of a holomorphic foliation. 62 (2016), 7-14.
- RAOUFI, Aran: The critical Ising model on amenable graphs of exponential growth. 64 (2018), 305-314.
- RATIU, Tudor: voir PELAYO, Álvaro and Tudor RATIU. 58 (2012), 205-219.
- RAU, Johannes: voir MIKHALKIN, Grigory and Johannes RAU. 65 (2019), 377-396.
- RAVOTTI, Davide: Quantitative equidistribution of horocycle push-forwards of transverse arcs. 66 (2020), 135-150.
- RAYMOND, Nicolas: voir NGUYEN, Duc Thọ, Nicolas RAYMOND and San VŨ NGỌC. 64 (2018), 353-369.
- REEDER, Mark: On the cohomology of compact Lie groups. 41 (1995), 181-200.
- Torsion automorphisms of simple Lie algebras. 56 (2010), 3-47.
- REGENSBURGER, Georg: voir HAUSER Herwig und Georg REGENSBURGER. 50 (2004), 305-353.
- REID, Michael: Tile homotopy groups. 49 (2003), 123-155.
- RESSAYRE, Nicolas: A short geometric proof of a conjecture of Fulton. 57 (2011), 103-115.
- REVOY, Philippe: Le problème facile de Waring. 37 (1991), 223-234.
- RHAM, G. DE: Georges de Rham (1903-1990). 36 (1990), 207-214.
- RIBENBOIM, Paulo: On the factorization of Xn - BX - A. 37 (1991), 191-200.
- Density results on families of diophantine equations with finitely many solutions. 39 (1993), 3-23.
- RIBES, Luis and Benjamin STEINBERG: A wreath product approach to classical subgroup theorems. 56 (2010), 49-72.
- RILEY, Timothy R.: voir AMCHISLAVSKA, Margarita AMCHISLAVSKA and Timothy R. RILEY. 61 (2015), 373-415.
- RIVOAL, Tanguy: voir HINDRY Marc et Tanguy RIVOAL. 51 (2005), 265-318.
- ROBERTS, Paul C.: Recent developments on Serre's multiplicity conjectures: Gabber's proof of the nonnegativity conjecture. 44 (1998), 305-324.
- ROBLOT, Xavier-François: voir MULLER Jean-Michel, Jean-Louis NICOLAS et Xavier-François ROBLOT. 50 (2004), 147-182.
- ROBSON , John Michael: voir BRLEK Srecko, Michel MENDÈS FRANCE, John Michael ROBSON and Martin RUBEY. 50 (2004), 287-304.
- ROEGNER, Katherine: The fanning method for constructing even unimodular lattices. I. 48 (2002), 169-187.
- ROESCH, Pascale: Puzzles de Yoccoz pour les applications à allure rationnelle. 45 (1999), 133-168.
- ROLFSEN, Dale: voir FENN, Roger, Dale ROLFSEN and Jun ZHU. 42 (1996), 75-96.
- RØRDAM, Mikael: Irreducible inclusions of simple C*-algebras. 69 (2023), 275-314.
- ROSAY, Jean-Pierre: Trepreau's example, a pedestrian approach. 39 (1993), 259-268.
- ROURKE, Colin: voir FENN, Roger and Colin ROURKE. 42 (1996), 49-74.
- voir FORESTER, Max and Colin ROURKE. 51 (2005), 231-237.
- ROUSSEAU, Erwan: voir DIVERIO, Simone and Erwan ROUSSEAU. 61 (2015), 417-452.
- ROUSSEAU, G.: Exterior algebras and the quadratic reciprocity law. 36 (1990), 303-308.
- ROUSSEAU, Guy: voir BARDY-PANSE, Nicole, Cyril CHARIGNON, Stéphane GAUSSENT et Guy ROUSSEAU. 59 (2013), 3-37.
- ROUVIÈRE, François: Inverting Radon transforms: the group-theoretic approach. 47 (2001), 205-252.
- ROY, Damien: Une version effective du théorème de Lindemann-Weierstrass par des méthodes d'indépendance algébrique. 59 (2013), 287-306.
- RUBEY , Martin: voir BRLEK Srecko, Michel MENDÈS FRANCE, John Michael ROBSON and Martin RUBEY. 50 (2004), 287-304.
- RUBINSTEIN, J. Hyam, Henry SEGERMAN and Stephan TILLMANN: Traversing three-manifold triangulations and spines. 65 (2019), 155-206.
- RÜHR, Rene: voir BURRIN, Claire, Amos NEVO, Rene RÜHR and Barak WEISS. 66 (2020), 259-304.
- SAFFARI, Bahman: voir DE ROTON, Anne, Bahman SAFFARI, Harold S. SHAPIRO and Gérald TENENBAUM. 62 (2016), 285-300.
- SAIAS, Eric: voir KAHANE, Jean-Pierre and Eric SAIAS. 63 (2017), 155-164.
- SAKAI, Tsuyoshi: voir MATSUMOTO, Yukio, Yoshikazu MATSUTANI, Tsuyoshi SAKAI, Masami ODA and Tsukasa SHIBUYA. 53 (2007), 127-153.
- SALAZAR, Amelia: voir CATTAFI, Francesco, Marius CRAINIC and Maria Amelia SALAZAR. 66 (2020), 187-250.
- SAMELSON, Hans: In defense of Euler. 42 (1996), 377-382.
- SARALEGI-ARANGUREN, Martintxo and Daniel TANRÉ: Variations on Poincaré duality for intersection homology. 65 (2019), 117-154.
- SATHAYE, Bakul: voir HAULMARK, Matthew, G. Christopher HRUSKA and Bakul SATHAYE. 65 (2019), 207-220.
- voir HAULMARK, Matthew, G. Christopher HRUSKA and Bakul SATHAYE. 66 (2020), 441-445.
- SATÔ, Kenzi: A free group acting on Z2 without fixed points. 45 (1999), 189-194.
- SAUER, Roman: voir LÖH, Clara and Roman SAUER. 66 (2020), 151-172.
- DE SAXCÉ, Nicolas: KLEINBOCK, Dmitry and Nicolas DE SAXCÉ. 64 (2018), 459-476.
- SCHAEFFER, Gilles: voir CHERIX, Pierre-Alain and Gilles SCHAEFFER. 44 (1998), 9-22.
- SCHICK, Thomas: voir BARTHOLDI, Laurent, Henrika HÄRER and Thomas SCHICK. 66 (2020), 33-61.
- SCHILLING, Anna-Sofie: voir JI, Lizhen and Anna-Sofie SCHILLING. 63 (2017), 375-401.
- SCHLENK, Felix: voir ABBONDANDOLO, Alberto, Carsten HAUG and Felix SCHLENK. 65 (2019), 221-267.
- SCHMITT, Alexander: Quaternary cubic forms and projective algebraic threefolds. 43 (1997), 253-270.
- On the classification of certain piecewise linear and differentiable manifolds in dimension eight and automorphisms of #i=1b (S2 x S5). 48 (2002), 263-289.
- Relative geometric invariant theory. 67 (2021), 301-330.
- SCHMUTZ SCHALLER, Paul: Teichmüller space and fundamental domains of Fuchsian groups. 45 (1999), 169-187.
- SCHRAUWEN, Robert: Topological series of isolated plane curve singularities. 36 (1990), 115-141.
- SCHREIBER, Veronika, Alexander P. VESELOV and Joseph P. WARD: In search for a perfect shape of polyhedra: Buffon transformation. 61 (2015), 261-284.
- SCHROEDER, Viktor: voir LANG, Urs and Viktor SCHROEDER. 59 (2013), 325-336.
- SCHULTZ, Reinhard: voir KWASIK, Slawomir and Reinhard SCHULTZ. 63 (2017), 201-232.
- SCHUPP, Paul: voir MOROZOV, Andrey and Paul SCHUPP. 64 (2018), 143-160.
- SCHWERMER, Joachim and Ognjen VUKADIN: The stable rank of arithmetic orders in division algebras - an elementary approach. 57 (2011), 155-163.
- SEADE, José: voir LÊ, Dung Tráng, José SEADE and Alberto VERJOVSKY. 49 (2003), 172-203.
- SEBAG, Julien: voir IVORRA, Florian et Julien SEBAG. 58 (2012), 375-403.
- SEDRAKIAN, Naïri and John STEINIG: A particular case of Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions. 44 (1998), 3-7.
- SEELINGER, George H.: voir DOTY, Stephen, Aaron LAUVE and George H. SEELINGER. 64 (2018), 23-63.
- SEMENOV, Yu. S.: On the rational forms of nilpotent Lie algebras and lattices in nilpotent Lie groups. 48 (2002), 191-207.
- SERRE, Jean-Pierre: Gèbres. 39 (1993), 33-85.
- La vie et l'uvre d'André Weil. 45 (1999), 5-16.
- Groupes de Coxeter finis: involutions et cubes. 68 (2022), 99-133.
- SHAFIKOV, Rasul and Alexandre SUKHOV: Rational approximation and Lagrangian inclusions. 62 (2016), 487-499.
- SHALLIT, Jeffrey: Real numbers with bounded partial quotients: a survey. 38 (1992), 151-187.
- SHAPIRO, Boris: voir BØGVAD, Rikard and Boris SHAPIRO. 62 (2016), 117-142.
- SHAPIRO, Boris and Guillaume TAHAR: On existence of quasi-Strebel structures for meromorphic k-differentials. 67 (2021), 187-207.
- SHAPIRO, Harold S.: voir DE ROTON, Anne, Bahman SAFFARI, Harold S. SHAPIRO and Gérald TENENBAUM. 62 (2016), 285-300.
- SHARIFI, Romyar T.: On cyclotomic polynomials, power residues, and reciprocity laws. 43 (1997), 319-336.
- SHARPE, Richard W: voir CAIRNS, Grant and Richard W. SHARPE. 36 (1990), 175-196.
- SHASTRI, Parvati: Hurwitz quaternionic integers and Seifert forms. 39 (1993), 107-119.
- SHEPHARD, G.C.: voir GRÜNBAUM, Branko and G.C. SHEPHARD. 37 (1991), 11-15.
- SHEPHARD, G.C.: How to turn a tetrahedron into a cube and similar transformations. 59 (2013), 115-131.
- SHIBUYA, Tsukasa: voir MATSUMOTO, Yukio, Yoshikazu MATSUTANI, Tsuyoshi SAKAI, Masami ODA and Tsukasa SHIBUYA. 53 (2007), 127-153.
- SHIFFMAN, Bernard: Synthetic projective geometry and Poincaré's theorem on automorphisms of the ball. 41 (1995), 201-215.
- SHIGENORI, Matsumoto: Basic partitions and combinations of group actions on the circle: A new approach to a theorem of Kathryn Mann. 62 (2016), 15-47.
- SHLYAKHTENKO, Dimitri L.: An inequality for non-microstates free entropy dimension for crossed products by finite abelian groups. 69 (2023), 381-397.
- SHORT, Hamish and Bert WIEST: Orderings of mapping class groups after Thurston. 46 (2000), 279-312.
- SUKHOV, Alexandre: voir SHAFIKOV, Rasul and Alexandre SUKHOV. 62 (2016), 487-499.
- SIBURG, Karl Friedrich: A dynamical systems approach to Birkhoff's theorem. 44 (1998), 291-303.
- SIERPINSKA, Anna: voir KILPATRICK, Jeremy and Anna SIERPINSKA. 47 (2001), 409-411.
- SILVER, Daniel S. et Susan G. WILLIAMS: Torsion numbers of augmented groups with applications to knot and links. 48 (2002), 317-343.
- SIMMONS, David: The Hurwitz continued fraction expansion as applied to real numbers. 62 (2016), 475-485.
- SIMON, Jonathan: voir GONZÁLEZ-ACUÑA, Francisco, Cameron McA. GORDON and Jonathan SIMON. 56 (2010), 143-171.
- SISTO, Alessandro: Projections and relative hyperbolicity. 59 (2013), 165-181.
- voir BESTVINA, Mladen, Kenneth BROMBERG, Koji FUJIWARA and Alessandro SISTO. 65 (2019), 1-32.
- SITARAM, A.: voir BAGCHI, S. C. and A. SITARAM. 36 (1990), 67-91.
- SKANDALIS, Georges: voir HARPE, Pierre DE LA et Georges SKANDALIS. 40 (1994), 291-311.
- SKOROBOGATOV, Alexei: Del Pezzo surfaces of degree 4 and their relation to Kummer surfaces. 56 (2010), 73-85.
- SKORUPPA, Nils-Peter: Quick lower bounds for regulators of number fields. 39 (1993), 137-141.
- SORCAR, Gangotryi: voir LAFONT, Jean-François, Gangotryi SORCAR and Fangyang ZHENG. 64 (2018), 127-142.
- SOUNDARARAJAN, Kannan: voir RADZIWILL, Maksym and Kannan SOUNDARARAJAN. 63 (2017), 1-19.
- SOUNDARARAJAN, Kannan and Asif ZAMAN: A model problem for multiplicative chaos in number theory. 68 (2022), 307-340.
- SOUTO, Juan: voir PETTET, Alexandra and Juan SOUTO. 54 (2008), 273-285.
- voir CANTAT, Serge, Dominique CERVEAU, Vincent GUIRARDEL and Juan SOUTO. 66 (2020), 93-134.
- voir ERLANDSSON, Viveka, Juan SOUTO and Jing TAO. 66 (2020), 419-439.
- SPIROVA, Margarita: voir MARTINI, Horst and Margarita SPIROVA. 53 (2007), 237-258.
- SPRINGBORN, Boris: The hyperbolic geometry of Markov's theorem on Diophantine approximation and quadratic forms. 63 (2017), 333-373.
- STACEY, Kaye: Looking back to the future of the teaching and learning of algebra. (C.I.E.M.) 55 (2009), 397-402.
- STALDER, Yves: voir LOUVET Nicolas, Yves STALDER et Alain VALETTE. 50 (2004), 239-266.
- STARCHENKO, Sergei: voir ETERZIL, Ya'acov and Sergei STARCHENKO. 63 (2017), 251-261.
- STARK, Emily: voir BESTVINA, Mladen, Ryan DICKMANN. George DOMAT, Sanghoon KWAK, Priyam PATEL and Emily STARK. 69 (2023), 235-260.
- STEINBERG, Benjamin: voir RIBES, Luis and Benjamin STEINBERG. 56 (2010), 49-72.
- STEINIG, John: voir SEDRAKIAN, Naïri and John STEINIG. 44 (1998), 3-7.
- STEVENHAGEN, Peter: voir LENSTRA, Hendrik W. Jr. and Peter STEVENHAGEN. 37 (1991), 17-30.
- STEVENS, Jan: Semistable K3-surfaces with icosahedral symmetry. 48 (2002), 91-126.
- STOIMENOW, Alexander: Newton-like polynomials of links. 51 (2005), 211-230.
- STRICKLAND, Elisabetta: voir ETINGOF, Pavel and Elisabetta STRICKLAND. 49 (2003), 35-65.
- STUDER, Luca: Note on the distortion of (2,q)-torus knots. 62 (2016), 109-116.
- SULLIVAN, Dennis: voir KWON, Alice and Dennis SULLIVAN. 68 (2022), 379-387.
- SUN, Fang: voir KWASIK, Sławomir and Fang SUN. 64 (2018), 283-303.
- SUTER, Ulrich: voir MATTHEY, Michel and Ulrich SUTER. 47 (2001), 131-160.
- SVENSSON, Larss: voir LAKSOV, Dan, Larss SVENSSON and A. THORUP. 46 (2000), 349-358; 359-360.
- SWARUP, G.A.: voir BRIDSON, Martin R. and G.A. SWARUP. 40 (1994), 267-289.
- ŚWIĄTKOWSKI, Jacek: voir BALLMANN, Werner and Jacek ŚWIĄTKOWSKI. 45 (1999), 51-81.
- SZAMUELY, Tamás: Sur la loi de réciprocité de Kato pour les anneaux locaux de dimension 2. 43 (1997), 77-91.
- SZENES, András and Michèle VERGNE: [Q,R] = 0 and Kostant partition functions. 63 (2017), 471-516.
- TABACHNIKOV, Serge: Poncelet's theorem and dual billiards. 39 (1993), 189-194.
- Parametrized plane curves, Minkowski caustics, Minkowski vertices and conservative line fields. 43 (1997), 3-26.
- voir GENIN, Daniel, Boris KHESIN and Serge TABACHNIKOV. 53 (2007), 307-331.
- voir MORIER-GENOUD, Sophie, Valentin OVSIENKO and Serge TABACHNIKOV. 61 (2015), 71-92.
- voir OVSIENKO, V. and S. TABACHNIKOV. 47 (2001), 3-19.
- TAHAR, Guillaume: voir SHAPIRO, Boris and Guillaume TAHAR. 67 (2021), 187-207.
- TAÏBI, Olivier: voir CHENEVIER, Gaëtan and Olivier TAÏBI. 68 (2022), 61-98.
- TAKHTAJAN, Leon A.: Goldman form, flat connections and stable vector bundles. 68 (2022), 409-440.
- TALL, David: Understanding the processes of advanced mathematical thinking. 42 (1996), 395-415.
- TANRÉ, Daniel: voir SARALEGI-ARANGUREN, Martintxo and Daniel TANRÉ. 65 (2019), 117-154.
- TAMVAKIS, Harry: Bott-Chern forms and arithmetic intersections. 43 (1997), 33-54.
- The connection between representation theory and Schubert calculus. 50 (2004), 267-286.
- The theory of Schur polynomials revisited. 58 (2012), 147-163.
- TAO, Jing: voir ERLANDSSON, Viveka, Juan SOUTO and Jing TAO. 66 (2020), 419-439.
- TASSION, Vincent: voir DUMINIL-COPIN, Hugo and Vincent TASSION. 62 (2016), 199-206.
- TEKER, Turker: HUDSON, Richard H., Charles J. JUDGE and Turker TEKER. 45 (1999), 349-355.
- TENENBAUM, Gérald: Uniform distribution on divisors and Behrend sequences. 42 (1996), 153-197.
- Remarques sur les valeurs moyennes de fonctions multiplicatives. 53 (2007), 155-178.
- voir DE ROTON, Anne, Bahman SAFFARI, Harold S. SHAPIRO and Gérald TENENBAUM. 62 (2016), 285-300.
- TERJANIAN, Guy: NICOLAS, Jean-Louis et Guy TERJANIAN. 45 (1999), 301-309.
- TEXIER, Benjamin : Basic matrix perturbation theory. 64 (2018), 249-263.
- THOMAS, Charles B.: voir GEIGES, Hansjörg and Charles B. THOMAS. 46 (2000), 403-410.
- THOMAS, Jean-Claude: voir FELIX, Yves, Stephen HALPERIN and Jean-Claude THOMAS. 39 (1993), 25-32.
- THORUP, A.: voir LAKSOV, Dan, Larss SVENSSON and A. THORUP. 46 (2000), 349-358; 359-360.
- TIBĂR, Mihai: Carrousel monodromy and Lefschetz number of singularities. 39 (1993), 233-247.
- TIGNOL, Jean-Pierre: voir RACZEK, Mélanie et Jean-Pierre TIGNOL. 55 (2009), 139-156.
- voir MERKURJEV, Alexander and Jean-Pierre TIGNOL. 62 (2016), 421-456.
- TILLMANN, Stephan: Normal surfaces in topologically finite 3-manifolds. 54 (2008), 329-380.
- TOJEIRO, Ruy: Liouville's theorem revisited. 53 (2007), 67-86.
- TOMA, Matei: A short proof of a theorem of Camacho and Sad. 45 (1999), 311-316.
- TORRES, Rafael: An equivalence between pseudo-holomorphic embeddings into almost-complex Euclidean space and CR regular embeddings into complex space. 63 (2017), 165-180.
- TRAUTWEIN, Samuel: A survey of the GIT picture for the Yang-Mills equation over Riemann surfaces. 63 (2017), 63-153.
- TRIESTINO, Michele: On James Hyde's example of non-orderable subgroup of Homeo(D,∂D). 66 (2020), 409-418.
- TROYANOV, Marc: voir MATVEEV, Vladimir S. and Marc TROYANOV. 61 (2015), 453-460.
- TSANOV, Valdemar V.: Triangle groups, automorphic forms, and torus knots. 59 (2013), 73-113.
- TSCHINKEL, Yuri: voir HASSETT, Brendan, Yuri TSCHINKEL and Jean-Louis COLLIOT-THÉLÈNE. 67 (2021), 1-44.
- TSUBOI, Takashi: Rationality of piecewise linear foliations and homology of the group of piecewise linear homeomorphisms. 38 (1992), 329-344.
- TURAEV, Vladimir and Leonid VAINERMAN: The Tambara-Yamagami categories and 3-manifold invariants. 58 (2012), 131-146.
- TURCHET, Amos: voir CORVAJA, Pietro, Amos TURCHET and Umberto ZANNIER. 68 (2022), 217-235.
- URIBE-VARGAS, Ricardo: On singularities, "perestroikas" and differential geometry of space curves. 50 (2004), 69-101.
- ULAS, Maciej: On products of disjoint blocks of consecutive integers. 51 (2005), 331-334.
- VAES, Stefaan: voir MARRAKCHI, Amine and Stefaan VAES. 69 (2023), 353-379.
- VAINERMAN, Leonid: voir TURAEV, Vladimir and Leonid VAINERMAN. 58 (2012), 131-146.
- VAINSENCHER, Israel: voir CORAY, Daniel, Constantin MANOIL and Israel VAINSENCHER. 43 (1997), 299-317.
- VALETTE, Alain: voir PAYS, Isabelle et Alain VALETTE. 37 (1991), 151-174.
- voir LOUVET Nicolas, Yves STALDER et Alain VALETTE. 50 (2004), 239-266.
- voir MATHEY-PREVOT, Maxime and Alain VALETTE. 69 (2023), 315-333.
- VAN DE VEN, Antonius: voir OKONEK, Christian and Antonius VAN DE VEN. 41 (1995), 297-333.
- VASQUEZ, Brian D.: voir GRÜNBAUM F. Alberto, Brian D. VASQUEZ and Jorge P. ZUBELLI. 69 (2023), 335-351.
- VENKATARAMANA, T. N.: voir ARÉS-GASTESI, Pablo and T. N. VENKATARAMANA. 55 (2009), 127-137.
- VENKATESH, Akshay: voir EINSIEDLER, Manfred, Elon LINDENSTRAUSS, Philippe MICHEL and Akshay VENKATESH. 58 (2012), 249-313.
- VENKOV, Boris: voir NEBE, Gabriele and Boris VENKOV. 51 (2005), 129-163.
- VERDE-STAR, Luis: Interpolation approach to the spectral resolution of square matrices. 52 (2006), 239-253.
- VERGNE, Michèle: voir BERLINE, Nicole, Michèle VERGNE and Michael WALTER. 63 (2017), 403-470.
- voir SZENES, András and Michèle VERGNE. 63 (2017), 471-516.
- VERJOVSKY, Alberto: voir LÊ, Dung Tráng, José SEADE and Alberto VERJOVSKY. 49 (2003), 172-203.
- VERNICOS, Constantin: voir COLBOIS Bruno, Constantin VERNICOS et Patrick VEROVIC. 50 (2004), 203-237.
- VEROVIC, Patrick: voir COLBOIS Bruno, Constantin VERNICOS et Patrick VEROVIC. 50 (2004), 203-237.
- VESELOV, Alexander P.: voir SCHREIBER, Veronika, Alexander P. VESELOV and Joseph P. WARD. 61 (2015), 261-284.
- VILLANI, Vinicio: A report on the ICMI study: "Perspectives on the Teaching of Geometry for the 21st Century". 46 (2000), 411-415.
- VLUGT, M. VAN DER: voir GEER, G. VAN DER and M. VAN DER VLUGT. 48 (2002), 3-21.
- VOICULESCU, Dan-Virgil: Miscellaneous on commutants mod normed ideals and quasicentral modulus II. 69 (2023), 217-233.
- VŨ NGỌC, San: voir NGUYEN, Duc Thọ, Nicolas RAYMOND and San VŨ NGỌC. 64 (2018), 353-369.
- VUKADIN, Ognjen: voir SCHWERMER, Joachim and Ognjen VUKADIN. 57 (2011), 155-163.
- WADE, Richard D.: The lower central series of a right-angled Artin group. 61 (2015), 343-371.
- WAGNER, Dominique: voir HAUSER, Herwig and Dominique WAGNER. 60 (2014), 177-224.
- WALTER, Michael: voir BERLINE, Nicole, Michèle VERGNE and Michael WALTER. 63 (2017), 403-470.
- WANG, Jinmin, Zhizhang XIE and Guoliang YU: Approximations of delocalized eta invariants by their finite analogues. 69 (2023), 51-91.
- WARD, Joseph P.: voir SCHREIBER, Veronika, Alexander P. VESELOV and Joseph P. WARD. 61 (2015), 261-284.
- WEBER, Claude: voir LÊ, Dung Trang et Claude WEBER. 43 (1997), 355-380.
- voir QUACH HONGLER Cam Van and Claude WEBER. 69 (2023), 261-274.
- WEBSTER, Sidney M.: Double valued reflection in the complex plane. 42 (1996), 25-48.
- WEI, Qiaoling: Subtleties of the minimax selector. 59 (2013), 209-224.
- WEIBEL, Charles A.: voir KAROUBI, Max and Charles A. WEIBEL. 62 (2016), 457-474.
- WEN, Zhi-Xiong: voir PEYRIÈRE, Jacques, WEN Zhi-Ying et WEN Zhi-Xiong. 39 (1993), 153-175.
- voir PEYRIÈRE, Jacques, WEN Zhi-Ying et WEN Zhi-Xiong. 39 (1993), 153-175.
- WEISS, Barak: voir BURRIN, Claire, Amos NEVO, Rene RÜHR and Barak WEISS. 66 (2020), 259-304.
- WEISS, Richard M.: voir MÜHLHERR, Bernhard and Richard M. WEISS. 62 (2016), 207-260.
- WIEST, Bert: voir SHORT, Hamish and Bert WIEST. 46 (2000), 279-312.
- WILLIAMS, Floyd L.: An analogue of Huber's formula for Riemann's zeta function. 38 (1992), 133-149.
- WILLIAMS, Kenneth S.: voir HALTER-KOCH, Franz, Pierre KAPLAN, Kenneth S. WILLIAMS et Yoshihiko YAMAMOTO. 37 (1991), 263-292.
- WILLIAMS, Susan G.: voir SILVER, Daniel S. et Susan G. WILLIAMS. 48 (2002), 317-343.
- voir KAPLAN, Pierre and Kenneth S. WILLIAMS. 36 (1990), 321-358.
- WILSON, John S.: Free subgroups in groups with few relators. 56 (2010), 173-185.
- WILTON, Henry: Alternating quotients of free groups. 58 (2012), 49-60.
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Mise à jour: 6 janvier 2024 / Updated: January 6 2024