
The Geneva Institute for Theoretical Sciences (G.IST) is an inter-faculty instiute of the University of Geneva that was established in 2023. It is a collaboration between the UNIGE Sections of Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics. G.IST is a beacon of scientific excellence that is committed to nurturing brilliance in the global scientific community. We invite esteemed scientists from around the globe to the picturesque shores of Lake Geneva, which offer a perfect backdrop for in-depth discussions, brainstorming, and seminars. Our mission? To cultivate the future of science by fostering dynamic exchanges of knowledge and expertise.


G.IST organizes intense, short two-week workshops in an exceptional venue. These workshops gather 10 to 20 world experts to identify and resolve major open problems at the frontier of knowledge and science. Central to our ethos is the emphasis on interaction. By bringing together a diverse array of global and local UNIGE scientists, we create an environment ripe for cross-pollinating innovative ideas. Participants are granted significant autonomy, affording them the flexibility and time to delve deeply into the most enigmatic challenges of our era.


Our institute spans across mathematics, physics, and computer science, with a solid commitment to fostering interdisciplinary collaboration. We actively encourage applications of these disciplines, hosting workshops at the intersections of fields such as neuroscience, biology, and beyond. At G.IST, we believe in the power of collective intelligence and collaborative exploration to push the boundaries of human understanding.


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