Past events

Disorder and Interactions in quantum systems

Date: 11-22 September, 2023

Venue: FONDATION BONINCHI Chemin du Nant-d'Aisy 11 1246 Corsier-CH

Organizers: Hugo Duminil-Copin (UNIGE) and Thierry Giamarchi (UNIGE)

The workshop delved into two key facets of the localization/delocalization dilemma: the intricate dynamics of many-body localization on one hand, and the enigmatic delocalization phase observed in the renowned Anderson model of an electron in a disordered medium on the other. These fundamental inquiries, straddling the realms of mathematics and physics, have experienced a resurgence of interest propelled by groundbreaking advancements in our comprehension of these phenomena. Notable developments include the elucidation of concepts such as the landscape function, cascade of resonance phenomena, random paths expansions, and random band matrices, among others.


List of participants:

Hugo Duminil-Copin (UNIGE)

Aleksandr Logunov (UNIGE)

Dmitry Abanin (UNIGE)

Marcel Filoche (ESPCI)

Michael Aizenman (Princeton)

Nicolas Laflorencie (Toulouse)

Simone Warzel (Munich)

Stanislav Smirnove (UNIGE)

Svitlana Mayboroda (ETH Zurich)

Thierry Giamarchi (UNIGE)

Wojciech De Roeck (KU Leuven)

Antti Knowles (UNIGE)

Trishen Gunaratnam (UNIGE)

John imbrie (University of Virginia)

Romain Panis (UNIGE)

