Enseignants et chercheurs / Staff

Grigory Mikhalkin

Prof. Grigory Mikhalkin

Professeur ordinaire

+41 22 379 00 90
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Grigory Mikhalkin studied at Leningrad and Michigan State University under supervision of Oleg Viro and Selman Akbulut. After getting his PhD in 1993, he had postdoctoral training in Princeton, Bonn, Toronto, Berkeley and Harvard (1993-2000). He became associate and then full Professor in the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, and then the University of Toronto in Toronto, before joining the University of Geneva in 2008.


Mikhalkin is considered to be one of the founders of Tropical Geometry, a domain of algebraic geometry governed by the (max,+)-calculus, where the geometric objects degenerate to their piecewise-linear limits. Grigory's research was distinguished by the prize of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society in 1999 and by the Silver Medal of the Mexican Mathematical Society in 2011.


Mikhalkin held the Canada Research Chair in 2004-2009, the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Bessel Research Award of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation in 2007-2008, the European Research Council Advanced Grant in 2010-2015, and the Chair of Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris in 2013-2015. The work of Mikhalkin was presented at the Bourbaki seminar in 2003, he was a Geometry speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 2006.


Domaines de recherche :

  • Géométrie et topologie

Enseignement :

Groupe de recherche :


Groupe :

Enseignants et chercheurs / Staff