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fables [2020/03/31 13:00] weronikafables [2022/06/14 09:05] kalinin0
Ligne 3: Ligne 3:
 The normal starting time of this seminar is 16.30 on Monday. The normal starting time of this seminar is 16.30 on Monday.
 +  Thursday, June 16, 2022
 +  16:00, room 1-07
 +*Prof.  Yakov Eliashberg (Stanford)*
 +*“Topology of spaces of Legendrian knots via Algebraic K-theory”*
 +Abstract: The highly non-trivial stable homotopy groups of the Waldhausen’s
 +h-cobordism space inject into the homotopy groups of spaces of appropriate Legendrian submanifolds. For instance,  there is  a  homotopically non-trivial 2-parametric family of Legendrian unknots in ${\mathbb R}^{2n+1}$ for a sufficiently large $n$. This is a joint work with Thomas Kragh.
 +  Monday, Dec, 20th, 16h15 - 18h15
 +**On the asymptotics of Arakelov invariants**
 +We will discuss the asymptotics of invariants of Riemann
 +surfaces motivated by Arakelov theory. These invariants play a
 +fundamental role in bounds for the number of geometric torsion points on
 +curves. We will show that their asymptotic behaviour in families of
 +degenerating Riemann surfaces is controlled by their tropical counterparts.
 +  Fri 17.12.2021, 13h30, room 6-13
 +  Andras Szenes
 +**Diagonal bases and wall-crossings in moduli spaces of vector bundle**
 +The idea  of the calculation of the Hilbert function of the moduli spaces of vector bundles on Riemann surfaces goes back to the works of Michael Thaddeus in the early 90’s.
 +I describe joint work with Olga Trapeznikova where this plan is carried out in detail, which uses only basic tools of Geometric Invariant Theory and a combinatorial/analytic device introduced by myself: the diagonal basis of hyperplane arrangements.
 +  Nov 1, 16h15. Room 06-13
 +  Vasily Golyshev (Moscow, Bures-sur-Yvette) 
 +**Markov numbers in number theory, topology, algebraic geometry, and differential equations**
 +I will explain how the Markov numbers arise in different mathematical
 +disciplines, and sketch the links. A recent contribution will be discussed, too.
 +  2020, Wednesday, May 20, 16:00 (CEST), Virtual seminar, Lionel Lang (Stockholm University)
 +Meeting ID: 592 872 9514  Password: (the number of lines on a cubic surface)
 +**Co-amoebas, dimers and vanishing cycles**
 +In this joint work in progress with J. Forsgård, we study the topology of maps P:(\C*)^2 \to \C given by Laurent polynomials P(z,w). 
 +For specific P, we observed that the topology of the corresponding map can be described in terms of the co-amoeba of a generic fiber. When the latter co-amoeba is maximal, it contains a dimer (a particularly nice graph) whose fundamental cycles corresponds to the vanishing cycles of the map P. For general P, the existence of maximal co-amoebas is widely open. In the meantime, we can bypass co-amoebas, going directly to dimers using a construction of Goncharov-Kenyon and obtain a virtual correspondence between fundamental cycles and vanishing cycles.
 +In this talk, we will discuss how this (virtual) correspondence can be used to compute the monodromy of the map P.
 +  2020, Tuesday, April 7, 17:00, Virtual seminar (EDGE seminar) Grigory Mikhalkin (Geneva)
 +Meeting ID: 870 554 816 Password: 014504 
 +**Area in real K3-surfaces**
 +Real locus of a K3-surfaces is a multicomponent topological surface. The canonical class provides an area form on these components (well defined up to multiplication by a scalar). In the talk we'll explore inequalities on total areas of different components as well a link between such inequalities and a class of real algebraic curves called simple Harnack curves. Based on a joint work with Ilia Itenberg.
   2020, Monday, March 31, 17:00, Virtual seminar, Vladimir Fock (Strasbourg)   2020, Monday, March 31, 17:00, Virtual seminar, Vladimir Fock (Strasbourg)
 +Meeting ID: 737 573 471
 **Higher measured laminations and tropical curves** **Higher measured laminations and tropical curves**
Ligne 17: Ligne 87:
 ---- ----
-  2020, Monday, March 16, 16:30, Battelle, Alexander Veselov (Loughborough University)[POSTPONED TILL APRIL]+  2020, Monday, March 16, 16:30, Battelle, Alexander Veselov (Loughborough University)[POSTPONED]
 **On integrability, geometrization and knots** **On integrability, geometrization and knots**
fables.txt · Dernière modification : 2023/12/05 11:54 de slavitya_gmail.com