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symplectic [2022/05/02 14:58] kalinin0symplectic [2022/09/16 15:26] kalinin0
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
 ===== GeNeSys: Geneva-Neuchâtel Symplectic geometry seminar ===== ===== GeNeSys: Geneva-Neuchâtel Symplectic geometry seminar =====
-  2022, April 27, Friday, Université de Neuchâtel 
-  Yakov Eliashberg (Stanford, visiting ITS-Zürich) 
-  ** Honda-Huang'work on contact convexity revisited**+----------------     
 +**2022, September 27, Tuesday, Université de Neuchâtel** 
 +  Richard Hind (University of Notre Dame)   
 +  Obstructing Lagrangian isotopies 
 +  Room B107, 14:00 
 +I will describe some obstructions to the existence of Lagrangian tori in subsets of Euclidean space, and also to isotopies between the tori. The obstructions come from holomorphic curves and In simple situations are sharp. As a consequence we can derive obstructions to certain 4 dimensional symplectic embeddings, which turn out not to be especially strong, but the analysis does lead to precise statements about stabilized ellipsoid embeddings. Results are taken from joint works with Emmanuel Opshtein, Jun Zhang and Kyler Siegel and Dan Cristofaro-Gardiner. 
 +  Joé Brendel (Université de Neuchâtel and Tel Aviv University) 
 +  Lagrangian tori in S^2 x S^2 
 +  Room E213, 16:00 
 +There is an obvious family of Lagrangian tori in $S^2 \times S^2$, namely those obtained as a product of circles in the factors. We discuss the classification of such product tori up to symplectomorphisms and note that the non-monotone case is qualitatively very different from the monotone one. In the proof, we use a symmetric version of McDuff'probes. The resulting classification can be used to tackle many related questions: Which of the above tori are the image of a product torus in a ball under a Darboux embedding? What is the Hamiltonian monodromy group of the product tori? How many disjoint copies (up to Hamiltonian isotopy) of a given product torus can be packed into the ambient space? Why does the Lagrangian analogue of the flux conjecture fail so badly? If time permits we will say something about exotic tori, i.e. tori which are not symplectomorphic to product tori. This is partially based on joint work with Joontae Kim.  
 +2022, July 15, Friday, Université de Genève 
 +  Kyler Siegel (University of Southern California) 
 +  "On the symplectic complexity of affine varieties"
 Abstract Abstract
 +Symplectic topology is a framework for studying global features of spaces, lying somewhere between differential topology and algebraic geometry in terms of flexibility versus rigidity. In this talk we introduce a new notion of "symplectic complexity" for smooth complex affine varieties. This captures purely symplectic features which are different from classical topological invariants such as homology, and it also goes beyond the standard usage of Floer theory. As our main application, we study symplectic embeddings between divisor complements in complex projective space, giving a complete characterization in many cases. 
 +Welcome and lunch. 11h-14h
 +Lecture 1. 14h-15h
 +Lecture 2. 15h30.
 +2022, April 29, Friday, Université de Neuchâtel
 +  Yakov Eliashberg (Stanford, visiting ITS-Zürich)
 +  "Honda-Huang's work on contact convexity revisited"
 Two years ago Ko Honda and Yang Huang proved a series of remarkable results concerning contact convexity in high dimension. Two years ago Ko Honda and Yang Huang proved a series of remarkable results concerning contact convexity in high dimension.
 Unfortunately, their proof is extremely involved and not easy to follow. I will explain in the talk another proof,  joint with Dishant Pancholi. Unfortunately, their proof is extremely involved and not easy to follow. I will explain in the talk another proof,  joint with Dishant Pancholi.
 While it follows the same overall strategy as Honda-Huang’s proof,  it is drastically simpler in its implementation. While it follows the same overall strategy as Honda-Huang’s proof,  it is drastically simpler in its implementation.
 +Welcome and lunch. 12h-14h
 Lecture 1. 14h-15h Lecture 1. 14h-15h
 Lecture 2. 15h30. Lecture 2. 15h30.
symplectic.txt · Dernière modification : 2023/11/27 17:55 de slavitya_gmail.com