
Former collaborators

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  • Photo
    Dr Julio Alegre Stelzer

    Former PhD student

    Dr Julio Alegre Stelzer

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    Mrs Juliana Bohnenberger

    Former PhD student fellowship

    Mrs Juliana Bohnenberger

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    Dr Alonso Cartuche

    Former PhD student fellowship

    Dr Alonso Cartuche

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    Mr Naresh Devarajan

    Former collaborator of Institute F.-A. Forel, PhD Student

    Mr Naresh Devarajan

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    Mr Fabio dos Santos Correia

    Former PhD student FNS Mobility

    Mr Fabio dos Santos Correia

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    Dr Irene Gallego

    Former collaborator - PostDoc

    Dr Irene Gallego

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    Dr Ziyu Guan

    Former PhD student fellowship "Using the algae to improve the fresh water quality"

    Dr Ziyu Guan

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    Dr Claire Marie Loudon

    Former PhD - Assistant;" Low fitness variants in microbial communities : maintenance or extinction?"

    Dr Claire Marie Loudon

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    Mrs Ting Lyu

    Former excellence scholarship PhD student

    Mrs Ting Lyu

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    Dr Evanthia Mantzouki

    Former collaborator - PostDoc; Cyanobacteria dynamics under eutrophication and climate change

    Dr Evanthia Mantzouki

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    Dr Jorrit Mesman

    Former PhD student

    Dr Jorrit Mesman

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    Mrs Maysan Nashashibi

    Former research Assistant

    Mrs Maysan Nashashibi

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    Mrs Ena Suarez

    Former collaborator - Research Assistant - PhD student

    Mrs Ena Suarez

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    Mrs Marie-Caroline Tiffay

    Former collaborator - PhD Student

    Mrs Marie-Caroline Tiffay

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    Dr Patrick Venail

    Former collaborator - Senior Research and Teaching Assistant

    Dr Patrick Venail

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    Dr Joren Wierenga

    Former PhD student

    Dr Joren Wierenga

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    Mr Xujian Xu

    Former PhD fellowships

    Mr Xujian Xu

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