Former collaborators

Alonso Cartuche

Dr Alonso Cartuche

Former PhD student fellowship

Former PhD fellowships at the Department F.-A. Forel for environmental
and aquatic sciences

 "Linking phytoplankton diversity to water quality" merit scholarship from the Ministry of Higher Education, science, technology and innovation SENESCYT of Ecuador


May 2015 – 2020

PhD thesis: "Linking phytoplankton diversity to water quality"
Supervisor: Prof. Bastiaan Ibelings & Dr. Patrick Venail
F.-A. Forel Institute – University of Geneva, Switzerland

October 2012 - December 2013

Master in water resources management : "The new culture of water and the integrated management of river Paquizhapa, southern Ecuador"
Supervisor: Prof. Luis del Romero
University of Valencia, Spain

September 1998 – July 2003 Bachelor in agricultural and Agroindustrial sciences
Faculty of Agricultural and Agroindustrial Sciences
Polytechnic Salesian University, Cuenca Ecuador


  • The new culture of water and the integrated management of river Paquizhapa, southern Ecuador. University of Valencia, Spain.
  • Water governance and Andean tropical agroecology in Kuchiankas and Kamanchay communities, Morona Santiago, Ecuador.
  • Sustainable production initiatives for the preservation of natural diversity and water sources in the community of Huasipamba, Santa Isabel, Azuay Ecuador.
  • Management plan of the Community reserve the moor "Mesarrumi" Pucara, Azuay Ecuador.
  • Moors conservation and water sources, productive development and food security in Puculcay community, Pucara, Azuay Ecuador.
  • Sustainable management and conservation of the moors and watershed of the San Fernando community, Saraguro, Loja Ecuador.

Former collaborators