[1003] Pharmaco-omics and precision medicine

The research work of the Samer-Daali group strives to personalize and secure drug therapy (personalized or precision medicine approach) by measuring gene-environment-disease interactions at the pharmacokinetic level (drug interactions, in-vitro / in-vivo / in-silico prediction) and exploiting advances in various -omics technologies, including pharmacogenomics.
They revolve around 3 main themes:
a) Development and optimization of tools and models for pharmacological and toxicological applications: in vitro models for assessing drug metabolism and transport (hepatic microsomes, 3D cell models), physiology-based pharmacokinetic prediction and simulation models (PBPK) of drug-genetic-disease interactions, in-vivo tools for the characterization of metabolism and drug transport (phenotyping cocktail).
b) Research of "omic" biomarkers of sensitivity and exposure to xenobiotics. The therapeutic substances studied (Phase I and IV clinical trials) are in particular opioid analgesics and paracetamol as well as thienopyridines antiaggregants.
c) Tools for computerized decision support and securing prescription with the help of information science technologies (linguistic analysis of data).
Collaborations are active with numerous research groups and clinical services (Faculty Center of translational investigation in biomarkers, oncopediatrics, internal medicine, hemostasis, anesthesiology, medical information sciences in particular) and at the interfaculty level with the pharmaceutical sciences.