Widefield Scanners (3 systems)

Zeiss Axioscan.Z1 (Tel. 94 782)

The Axio Scan.Z1 is a powerful slide scanner for automated imaging of large numbers (100 slides) of brightfield as well as multi-channel fluorescence slides.Axio Scan.Z1 features high numerical aperture dry objectives for high resolution and is able to scan whole 3D volumes.



  • Automated upright slide scanning microscope in widefield (fluorescence and/or brightfield)
  • Suitable for high content screening assays and for imaging and analysis of a large sample sets
  • Slide holders for standard slides (26 x 76 mm) or big slides (52 x 76 mm)


Detailed specifications


  • 5x /NA 0.25 Fluar
  • 10x / NA 0.45 Plan Apochromat
  • 20x /NA 0.8 Plan Apochromat
  • 40x /NA 0.95 Korr Plan Apochromat
Axioscan-5X.png Axioscan-10X.png Axioscan-20X.png Axioscan-40X.png


  • Hitachi HV-F202FCL camera (color camera), 1600 x 1200 pixel (2 MP), 4.4 µm pixel
Objective Micron/ pixel value
5x 0.88
10x 0.44
20x 0.22
40x 0.11


  • Hamamatsu Orca Flash 4 camera monochrome camera 16 bit (fluorescence camera), 2048 x 2048 pixel (4 MP), 6.5 µm pixel
Objective Micron/ pixel value
5x 1.3
10x 0.65
20x 0.325
40x 0.163

Illumination Filter Sets

Name Excitation  Dichroic Emission
Dapi G 365 395 BP 445/50
eGFP BP 470/40 495 BP 525/50
Cy3 BP 550/25 570 BP 605/70
mPlum BP 587/25 605 BP 647/70
Cy5 BP 640/30 660 BP 690/50


  • Windows 7 64bits
  • ZEN 2 (blue edition)