Charna Dibner


March 2024 - EASD IGIs conference in Munich

Pr. Charna Dibner shared her research at the esteemed Pancreatic islet cells in inter-organ communication conference hosted by EASD. These 3 days at Schloss Hohenkammer stimulated excellent scientific discussion and collaboration. Her young investigators, Dr. Georgia Katsioudi and Dr. Andrew Biancolin, presented their latest work in posters, which were attended by field leading experts in islet biology. Looking forward to our next EASD in September!



FEBRUARY 2024 - An award for excellence in teaching

On Thursday 25 January 2024, the Association des Étudiant-es en Médecine de Genève (AEMG, Geneva Medical Students' Association) awarded prizes to members of the Department of cell physiology and metabolism for the excellence of their teaching.

The prize for the best bachelor's examination in human medicine went to Dr Thierry Brun from the Department of cell physiology and metabolism, to Pre Charna Dibner from the Department of surgery and to Dre Ilse Kern from the Department of Children and Adolescents , HUG. However, it also goes to all those involved in the Nutrition, Digestion and Metabolism Unit, a crucial unit that enables second-year bachelor students to acquire essential knowledge about the digestive system, nutritional balance and metabolism.


NOVEMBER 2023 - Diabetes and Obesity Open Day at UNIGE

Scientific presentations open to the public were given throughout Tuesday, November 7 by the different teams of the PHYM department, in order to introduce the world of Research around these pathologies.

We were pleased to present to you the theme of our laboratory "Biological rhythm and diabetes" and we hope to see many of you again next year!



OCTOBER 2023 - Distinction of Pre DIBNER's team by ISREC

The ISREC Cancer Research Foundation awards more than 3 million francs each year as part of its TANDEM collaborative funding program. This year, out of 6 award-winning research teams, 3 are carrying out their work within UNIGE and HUG. 

Charna Dibner (UNIGE), in collaboration with Alfredo Addeo and Wolfram Karenovics (HUG) will study the influence of human circadian rhythms on lung cancer.


SEPTEMBER 2023 - Appointment of Pre DIBNER as a new member of the DLA (Daylight Academy)

The DLA specializes in the fields of medical anthropology, sleep sciences, scientific communication, molecular biology, plant physiology and chronobiology. Its members, who come from all over the world and span all disciplines, conduct research related to “Daylight”. This constitutes active participation and contribution to the Annual Conference, General Assembly and other academy activities.


JULY 2023 - Lab Retreat to Les Diablerets: Engaging scientific discussions and fresh air!
