Ekaterine Berishvili
- Ekaterine Berishvili: STS Excellence Award, Swiss Transplantation Society 20th Annual Meeting January 26-27, 2023, Thune, Switzerland , 20’000 CHF
- Fanny LEBRETON: Les cellules amniotiques épithéliales humaines augmentent leurs propriétés immunomodulatrices lors de l’exposition à l’interféron γ et protègent les îlots pancréatiques contre les cytokines pro-inflammatoires. 21ème réunion annuelle de la Société Francophone de Transplantation (Genève, dec. 07-10.2021), Les Meilleures Communications.
- Kevin BELLOFATTO: Homemade hydrogel from human amniotic membrane improves islet transplantation outcomes in diabetic immunodeficient mice. IPITA 2021 online congress (oct. 20-23 2021), Best Oral Abstract Award, $500.
- Fanny LEBRETON: Human amniotic epithelial cells immunomodulatory properties protect islets against inflammatory cytokines in vitro. IPITA 2021 Virtual Congress (oct. 20-23 2021), Best Oral Abstract Award, $500.
Charles-Henri Wassmer: Bioengineered Organoids composed of islet cells, human umbilical vein endothelial cells and human amniotic epithelial cells improve islet function and survival in a diabetic mouse model. 10th EPITA Symposium & 39th AIDPIT Workshop (Innsbruck, jan. 26-27 2020). Best Oral Presentation in Basic Science, 750 €.
Fanny LEBRETON: Insulin-producing organoids engineered from islet and amniotic epithelial cells to treat diabetes. 18th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Transplantation Society (Thun, jan 20-23.2020), Laboratory paper Award, 1'500 CHF.
- Fanny LEBRETON: Couvrir les îlots avec un bouclier de cellules amniotiques épithéliales humaines les protège contre l'hypoxie et améliore l'implantation et la revascularisation après transplantation dans un modèle diabétique murin. 19ème réunion annuelle de la Société Francophone de Transplantation (Bordeaux, dec. 04-06.2019), Les Meilleures Communications.
- Fanny LEBRETON: Shielding human islets with human amniotic epithelial cellsenhances islet engraftment and revascularization. Journée annuelle de recherche clinique et fondamentale sur le foie, le pancréas, le tube digestif et la transplantation des Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (Genève, nov. 17.2019) Prix Gilles Mentha (catégorie Recherche fondamentale), 1'500 CHF.
- Charles-Henri Wassmer: Bioengineering of novel vascularized, insulin-secreting, immunoprotective 3D organoids in a humanized mouse model. Prix de la Fondation Henriette Meyer, Faculté de Médecine de l'Université de Genève, 10,000 CHF.
Fanny LEBRETON: Shielding Islets with Human Amniotic Epithelial Cells Protects Islets Against Hypoxia and Enhances Islet Engraftment and Revascularization after Transplantation in a Murin Diabetic Model. 17th World Congress of the IPITA (Lyon, jul. 02-05.2019), IPITA Travel Award, $1000.
- Charles-Henri Wassmer: Assessment of Insulin Sensitivity in Pancreas and Islet Transplant Recipients. 17th World Congress of the IPITA (Lyon, jul. 02-05.2019), IPITA Travel Award, $1000.