
Precision Oncology

Precision Oncology is an approach to cancer research that leverages advances in bioinformatic and -omic technology to personalize treatment. This involves identifying specific changes within an individual's tumor that may contribute to its growth and spread, and using that information to guide the selection of treatments that are most likely to be effective for that particular patient. This approach considers not only the genetic alterations of tumor cells but also the characteristics of seemingly normal cells that coexist within tumor cells and that may either operate to attack and eliminate tumors or be coopted by tumor cells to promote their growth. By taking into account the makeup of each patient's tumor, Precision Oncology aims to improve the accuracy of diagnosis, predict the likelihood of treatment response, and ultimately lead to better patient outcomes. This approach is becoming increasingly important as we recognize that cancer is not a single disease, but rather a collection of many diseases with distinct profiles, each requiring a tailored approach to treatment.

Our researchers

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  • Photo
    Prof. Alfredo Addeo

    Consultant Oncologist , Tumor immunology and immunotherapy

    Prof. Alfredo Addeo
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    Prof. Valentina Garibotto

    Head of the Division of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular imaging – HUG

    Prof. Valentina Garibotto

    022 372 72 52

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    Dr. Thibaud Kössler

    Médecin adjoint, responsible d’unité Oncologie

    Dr. Thibaud Kössler
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    Dr. Intidhar Labidi-Galy

    Pathogenesis and precision medicine in breast and ovarian cancer, Lab Leader

    Dr. Intidhar Labidi-Galy

    CMU - 6th floor, Room A06.2910.c
    +41 22 379 54 82

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    Prof. Mikaël Pittet

    Understanding and manipulating the immune system to fight against cancer, group leader & CRTOH Coordinator

    Prof. Mikaël Pittet
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    Dr Petros Tsantoulis

    Precision oncology, Lab leader

    Dr Petros Tsantoulis

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