Isabella Eckerle



Research assistant

+41 22 379 55 77

Catia Alvarez is a biochemist who graduated from the University of Geneva. She obtained her Master's degree in Biochemistry in 2018, focusing on attachment receptors involved in viral entry of enterovirus 71 during an internship in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Medicine. In 2020, she joined Professor Isabella Eckerle's research group in the Department of Medicine as a research assistant, where she studied the side effects of the rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine (Ebola virus vaccine) in collaboration with Professor Claire-Anne Siegrist's team. Since 2022, she has been working with Médecins Sans Frontières to assess the effectiveness of the recombinant hepatitis E vaccine HEV239 (Hecolin) during a hepatitis E epidemic in Bentiu, South Sudan.

In December 2023, Catia obtained her CAS in Laboratory Medicine from the University of Geneva, strengthening her expertise in medical diagnostics, laboratory management and quality assurance. This additional qualification underlines her commitment to honing her skills and making significant contributions to the field of laboratory medicine.

ORCID : 0000-0002-4247-2837

Pubmed: Catia Alvarez


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