Administration & Dean's Office


Faculty Administrator - HR and Budget
Emma Acampora
T. 022 37 95 003

Faculty Administrator - Operational Services 
Sophie Ferchichi
T. 022 37 95 058

Faculty Administrator - University Clinic of Dental Medicine 
Chiara Di Antonio
T. 022 37 94 001



Dean's Assistant
Nadia Jenny
T. (022 37) 95 033

Administrators' Assistant, College of Professors & Participatory Board
Leslie Riat
T.(022 37) 95 003

Academic Scientific Associate
Dr. Annick Salzmann
T. (022 37) 95 931

Hospital -Academic Scientific Associates
Dr. Béatrice Ninet-Bescher
T. (022 37) 95 005
Dr. Yves Mattenberger
T. (022 37) 95 946

Secretariat - Operational Services
Muriel Pache
T. (022 37) 95 130

Scientific Associate - pregraduate education
Alexandra Mühle
T. (022 37) 95 028

Secretariat - pregraduate education
Samantha Bene
T. (022 37) 95 227

Secretariat - postdraduate education
Marie-France Chatelain
T. (022 37) 95 082

Communications Officer - Events
Alexandra Mandofia
T. (022 37) 95 911

Press and Information Officer
Victoria Monti
T. (022 37) 94 158

Communications Assistant
Margarita Burgueño
T. (022 37) 95 384

Head of Fundraising
Dora Godinho
T. (022 37) 95 283

Nomination Commissions
Olivia Michel
T. (022 37) 95 026
Viviane Burghardt
T. (022 37) 94 295

Assistant - Privat-Docent Commission, MD-PhD Commission, Prize Commission
Maude Ligonnet
T. (022 37) 95 010

Karin Faessler
T. (022 37) 93 017

HR - Professors and Teaching staff
Véronique Stiot
T. (022 37) 95 009

HR - Assistants/Junior Lecturers/ Technical and Admin staff

Killian Scharding
T. (022 37) 95 072
Virginie Sandana
T. (022 37) 95 023
Jenna Volanthen
T. (022 37) 95 030

HR Specialist - Assistants/Junior Lecturers/ Technical and Admin staff/ Teaching staff
Anne-Sylvie Renggli Chal
T. (022 37) 95 190

Daniel Madarnas
T. (022 37) 95 008

Budget/funds Assistant 
Marie-Lise Cubizolle
T. (022 37) 95 286

Secretariat - Research and Von Meissner Foundation
Christelle Dougé
T. (022 37) 95 004

Reception & Logistics assistant
Catherine Bulliard
T. (022 37) 95 119