Master of advanced studies in clinical medicine
The Master of advanced studies (MAS) in clinical medicine is a professionally-oriented diploma. It emphasises the academic aspect of the medical specialisation training, which is by nature essentially clinical.
- It meets the needs of academic recognition for physicians who come from non-European states and who are undertaking their specialisation within the Geneva University Hospital institutions.
- It is defined by a framework regulation and by a set of internal rules specifically adapted for each type of specialisation.
- It is designed for Swiss or foreign physicians who are starting their antepenultimate year of specialisation.
- The Master of advanced studies (MAS) in clinical medicine is equivalent to 150 credits ECTS.
The MAS takes four semesters and covers the last two years of specialisation. The study programme is composed of three parts:
- Full-time clinical immersion (90 credits)
- Structured theoretical teaching (30 credits)
- End of studies dissertation (30 credits)
Appraisals are scheduled for the three training sectors, modalities of which are developed in the framework regulation and in the set of internal rules for each speciality.
Physicians wishing to register for a MAS in clinical medicine programme must:
- have consulted the framework regulation of the MAS and the set of internal rules specifically referring to the elected specialisation;
- answer all the conditions of prerequisites that are specific to each specialisation (please check set of internal rules);
- have imperatively identified a host service within the Geneva University Hospitals (Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève - HUG), where physicians will be able to undergo their clinical immersion. Candidates must apply directly to the head of the hospital service or to the person in charge of the elected MAS programme.
- In order to achieve their clinical immersion, candidates must be recruited as an ordinary assistant physician (intern) or as an extraordinary assistant physician. Extraordinary assistant physicians must prove to have adequate revenu to live in Geneva, approved by the HUG human resources head office.
Once all these conditions are fulfilled, candidates can submit their application to the scientific committee of the MAS by email to Annick Salzmann, Scientific Advisor.
Applications must include the following:
- certified copies of medical diploma for all diplomas awarded in states outside of the European Union and official transcript of diploma;
- curriculum vitae;
- certificate from the HUG service confirming recruitment of candidate as an ordinary or an extraordinary assistant physician for the clinical immersion;
- certificate of acceptance from the person in charge of the MAS.
Enrolment and registration within programme
- Once the scientific committee admits eligibility to the programme, the candidate can enrol at the Students' Administrative Office of the University of Geneva (please check procedure).
- Candidates who have never been enrolled with the University of Geneva can enrol online.
- Once enrolment with the University of Geneva is achieved, the students' secretariat of the Faculty of medicine can proceed to registering the candidate to the programme. Please contact:
Martine Pernod (tel. +41 22 379 90 13)
Students' secretariat - 4th floor - Office 4050 A
CMU - Rue Michel Servet 1 - CH-1211 Genève 4
Opening hours: 9h30 - 12h30
The framework regulation of the Master of advanced studies (MAS) in clinical medicine provides the general rules with regards to the MAS diploma. The rules specific to each specialisation diploma are included in the internal regulations of each available MAS.
Proposed MAS
There are currently 22 diplomas approved by the academic authorities.
General information
The MAS in allergology, clinical immunology and transplantation immunology seeks to achieve the following general goals:
- to gain the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical know-how in order to exercise an independent activity in all fields covering allergology, clinical immunology and transplantation immunology;
- to assimilate knowledge within a pluridisciplinary approach, while getting acquainted with other fields related to allergology, clinical immunology and transplantation immunology;
- to correctly interpret recommendations, publications and scientific reports within the speciality.
Minimum preliminary training
- 3 years of general medical service
- 1 year of allergology, clinical immunology and transplantation immunology.
Head of programme
Pr Jörg SEEBACH, Head of service
Immulogy and allergology service - Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4 - CH-1211 Genève 14
Tel. +41 22 372 93 72
MAS in allergology, clinical immunology and transplantation immunology regulations
MAS in clinical medicine rules and regulations (54 Ko, )
Useful links
General information
The aims of the MAS in angiology are the following:
- to gain the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical know-how in order to exercise an independent activity for a global patient coverage within the entire field of vascular diseases (veins, arteries and lymphatic vessels);
- to assimilate knowledge within a pluridisciplinary approach, while getting acquainted with other angiology related fields;
- to correctly interpret recommendations, publications and scientific reports within the speciality.
Minimum preliminary training
- 2 years of general medical service
- 1 year of dermatology and venereology, vascular surgery, radiology, of general medical service or of cardiology
- 1 year of angiology
Head of programme
Pr Marc Righini, Médecin-chef de service
Angiology and hemostasis service - Hôpitaux Universitaires Genevois
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4 - CH-1211 Genève 14
Tel. +41 22 372 72 92
MAS en médecine clinique règlement cadre
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General information
The aims of the MAS in cardiology are the following:
- to gain the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical know-how in order to exercise an independent activity for a global patient coverage within the specialty and for first contact medicine within the field of cardio-vascular diseases;
- to assimilate knowledge within a pluridisciplinary approach, while getting acquainted with other cardiology related fields;
- to correctly interpret recommendations, publications and scientific reports with the speciality.
Minimum preliminary training
- 2 years of general medical service
- 2 years of cardiology
Head of programme
Pr François MACH, head of service
Cardiology service
Department of internal medicine - Hôpitaux Universitaires Genevois
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4 - CH-1211 Genève 14
Tel. +41 22 372 71 92
MAS en médecine clinique règlement cadre
Useful weblinks
General information
The MAS in orthopedic surgery and motor apparatus traumatology enables candidates to improve their postgraduate training in one of the following orthopedic surgery sub-specialities :
- Adult reconstructive surgery
- Adult osteoarticular traumatology
- Pediatric orthopedia and orthopedic traumatology
- Foot and ankel surgery
- Sports medicine and othopedia
- Hand surgery
- Rachis surgery
- Fundamental research in the motor apparatus field
The MAS programme should enable candidates the following:
- to gain the necessary theoretical knowledge, the clinical competence and medical ethics in order to master complex clinical situations related to osteoarticular surgery and more specifically to the considered sub-speciality;
- to contribute through academic level research to the advancement of knowledge in the chosen field.
Minimum preliminary training
- 1 year of postgraduate training in basic surgery in a recognised institution
- 2 years of postgraduate training in orthopedic surgery in a recognised institution
Head of programme
Orthopedic surgery and motor apparatus traumatology service
Departement of surgery - Hôpitaux Universitaires Genevois
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4 - CH-1211 Genève 14
Tel.+41 22 372 78 23
MAS en chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologie de l'appareil moteur règlement
MAS en médecine clinique règlement cadre
Useful websites
General information
The Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) degree in clinical medicine, with a specialisation in visceral surgery, is a university degree of specialization that allows the candidates to train in visceral surgery and to go further into their postgrade training in one of the fields of the visceral surgery among which:
- Oeso-gastric surgery
- Kidney, liver and gall bladder surgery
- Colorectal surgery
- Abdomen surgery
- Bariatic surgery
- Robotic surgery and new technologies
- Transplantation (kidney, liver, pancreas, islets, small intestine)
The MAS programme should enable candidates:
- to gain the necessary theoretical knowledge, the clinical competence and medical ethics in order to master complex clinical situations related to the field of visceral surgery and abdominal transplantation;
- to contribute through academic level research to the advancement of knowledge in the chosen field.
Minimum preliminary training
- 2 years of postgraduate training in visceral or transplantation surgery of which at least one year in the Geneva University Hospital or in a recognized institution.
Head of programme
Visceral surgery service
Department of surgery - Hôpitaux universitaires genevois
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4- CH-1211 Genève 14
Tel.+41 22 372 77 02
MAS en chirurgie viscérale (60 Ko, )
Chirurgie viscérale programme opératoire (24 Ko, )
MAS règlement cadre (54 Ko, )
Liens utiles
General information
The aims of the MAS in endocrinology and diabetology are the following:
- to gain the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical know-how in order to exercise an independent activity in all the fields of endocrinology and diabetology;
- to assimilate knowledge within a pluridisciplinary approach, while getting acquainted with other disciplines related to endocrinology and diabetology;
- to correctly interpret recommendations, publications and scientific reports within the speciality.
Minimum preliminary training
- 2 years of general medical service
- 1 year of specific training in endocrinology and diabetology
Head of programme
Endocrinology, diabetology and nutrition service
Department of internal medicine - Hôpitaux Universitaires Genevois
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4 - CH-1211 Genève 14
Tel. +41 22 372 93 02
MAS en endocrinologie et diabétologie règlement
MAS en médecine clinique règlement cadre
Useful links
General information
The aims of the MAS in infectiology and infection control and prevention are the following:
- to gain the necessary knowledge in epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of all contagious diseases as well as the practical know-how in order to exercise an independent activity;
- to assimilate knowledge within a pluridisciplinary approach while getting acquainted with other fields related to the medicine of infectious diseases, to infection prevention and epidemiology;
- to correctly interpret recommendations, publications and scientific reports within the speciality.
Minimum preliminary training
- 3 years of general medical service or paediatrics
- 1 year in the field of infectious diseases, experimental infectiology, epidemiology or the prevention of infectious diseases
Head of programme
Pr Laurent Kaiser, Head of service
Infectious diseases service
Department of internal medicine - Hôpitaux Universitaires Genevois
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4 - CH-1211 Genève 14
Tel. +41 22 372 98 00
MAS en infectiologie et prévention et contrôle de l'infection règlement
MAS in infectiology and infection control and prevention - English version
MAS en médecine clinique règlement cadre
Useful weblinks
General information
The aims of the MAS in medical oncology are the following:
- to gain the necessary knowledge and the practical know-how in order to exercise an independent activity in all the fields related to medical oncology;
- to assimilate knowledge within a pluridisciplinary approach while getting acquainted with other disciplines concerned with malignant tumours medicine;
- to correctly interpret recommendations, publications and scientific reports within the speciality.
On a two semester basis, doctors have the opportunity to choose, among the following rotations, two items that they did not undertake during the years of training in clinical oncology preceding the admission to the MAS:
- Oncology outpatient clinic
- Hospital consultations and oncology therapy unit
- Onco-surgery unit
- Onco-gynecology unit
- Clinical neurosciences and dermatology (NEUCLID) consultation (ORL, neurosurgery, bone metastases)
- Onco-genetic unit
- Onco-geriatrics (supportive care, palliative care)
Minimum preliminary training
- 2 years of general medical services
Head of programme
Professeur Alfredo ADDEO, Head of service
Oncology service
Department of internal medicine - Hôpitaux Universitaires Genevois
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4 - CH-1211 Genève 14
Tel. +41 22 372 98 76
MAS en médecine clinique règlement cadre
Useful weblinks
General information
The MAS in clinical medicine, with a specialisation in oto-rhino-laryngology, is a specialised university diploma certifying that the successful candidate :
- has gained the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical know-how in order to exercise an independent activity in the ORL fields, in a reliable, efficient and effective manner and respectful of working ethics;
- is able to master emergency situations relating to his/her field of specialisation;
- knows all preventive measures regarding all ailments of this speciality;
- has developed good analytical skills in order to correctly interprete recent literary data;
- is capable of contributing to the development of the speciality through research activities of an academic level.
Minimum preliminary training
- at least one year in a recognized institution, in a field of surgery other than ORL surgery;
- a minumum of two years in ORL, of which at least one year in a recognized university establishment.
Head of programme
Oto-rhino-laryngology and cervico-facial surgery service
Department of clinical neuroscience
Hôpitaux universitaires genevois
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4 - CH-1211 Genève 14
Tel. +41 22 37 282 42
MAS en médecine clinique règlement cadre
Useful links
General information
The MAS in clinical medicine with a specialisation in oto-rhino-laryngology and head and neck surgery is a university specialisation diploma certifying that a successful candidate :
- has gained the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical know-how in order to exercise an independent activity in the ORL and head and neck surgery fields, in a reliable, efficient and effective manner and respectful of working ethics;
- is able to master emergency situations relating to his/her field of specialisation;
- knows all preventive measures regarding all ailments of this speciality;
- has developed good analytical skills in order to correctly interprete recent literary data;
- is capable of contributing to the development of the speciality through research activities of an academic level.
Minimum preliminary training
- at least one year in a recognized institution, in another surgical field than ORL
- to have undertaken a general ORL training for four years, of which three in an established university centre.
Head of programme
Oto-rhino-laryngology and cervical-facial surgery
Department of clinical neuroscience - Hôpitaux universitaires genevois
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4 - CH-1211 Genève 14
Tel. +41 22 37 282 42
MAS ORL et chirurgie tête et cou
MAS en médecine clinique règlement cadre
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General information
The aims of the MAS in psychiatry and psychotherapy are the following:
- to gain the necessary theoretical knowledge in the field of prevention, diagnosis, treatment as well as the scientific bases of psychiatric disorders and illnesses;
- to gain the necessary practical know-how in order to advise and take care of psychiatric patients in a professional manner, either on an autonomous basis or in collaboration with other medical or paramedical specialists, or as a consultant for other specialists.
Minimum preliminary training
- 3 years of postgraduate training in psychiatry and psychotherapy in on or several psychiatric services of the psychiatric department of the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG)
- 1 year within another clinical discipline
Head of programme
Consultations - Service of adult psychiatry
Psychiatrics departement - HUG
Rue du 31 Décembre 36 - CH-1207 Genève
Tel. +41 22 382 31 03
MAS en psychiatrie et psychothérapie règlement
MAS en médecine clinique règlement cadre
Useful weblinks
General information
The aims of the MAS in geriatric psychiatry and psychotherapy are the following:
- to gain the necessary theoretical knowledge in the field of prevention, diagnosis, treatment as well as the scientific bases of psychiatric disorders and illnesses specific to age advancement;
- to gain the necessary practical know-how in order to advise and take care of aged psychiatric patients in a professional manner, either on an autonomous basis or in collaboration with other medical or paramedical specialists, or as a consultant for other specialists.
Minimum preliminary training
- To have either already obtained a specialised degree in adult psychiatry and psychotherapy or to have achieved the final year (or last two years in the case of part-time training) of training in adult psychiatry (5th year in specific psychiatric training) within the geriatric psychiatry service of the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG), with the project of pursuing training.
Head of programme
Geriatric psychiatric service - Psychiatric department
Hôpital des Trois Chêne
Chemin du Petit Bel-Air 1 - CH-1225 Chêne-Bourg
Tel. +41 22 305 50 01
MAS en psychiatrie et psychothérapie de la personne âgée règlement
MAS en médecine clinique règlement cadre