
PhD Booster Edition 2021: Meet the winners!

Discover the winners of the third edition of the Booster and the video presentation of their thesis projects. This year Anna, Anissa, Benoît, Nisheet and Rebecca stood out after a competitive selection process.

The success of the previous editions encourages us to propose a “Booster” every year to offer to five young researchers a very formative and useful experience for their career. All previous winners have received grants to finance international experiences and improve their communication skills, which are a major asset for their future.

Our goal is to continue to promote young talents in biomedical research and to obtain grants that will benefit their careers.

The Faculty of Medicine warmly thanks the donors of the Booster programme: Fondation Zython, Fondation de Reuter, Fondation privée des HUG, Fondation Bertarelli, Fondation Damm-Etienne, Fondation Hubert Tuor and Mrs Jean Pastré.

PROJEct presentations

Dora Godinho
Présentation  du programme Booster

Anissa Boutabla
Levez-vous, tenez-vous debout: un nouveau dispositif pour rétablir l'équilibre

Anna Höfler
Lutter contre l’obésité: ce que les atomes peuvent nous apprendre

Benoît Gilbert
Microbiote intestinal et polyarthrite rhumatoïde

Nisheet Patel
Comment notre cerveau prend-il ses décisions?

Rebecca Sipione
Régénération des neurones olfactifs : comment retrouver le sens de l'odorat ?