HR & Careers: academic careers

Since March 1st, 2021, the Faculty of Medicine has introduced a new format of curriculum vitae for researchers applying for a new position or for promotion, that is meant to be used from the beginning of their career to professor positions. Beyond an administrative modification, this new CV is in line with the spirit of the DORA declaration, which aims to detach the evaluation of research from impact factors, as well as with the UNIGE's strategy to promote an open science, with quality research based on cooperation and knowledge sharing.
The curriculum vitae (CV) should indeed give an overview of a person's studies, professional career, academic achievements and other accomplishments. It focuses in particular on the research and teaching activities, but should also highlight their management skills and their commitments to the Institution and to the community. The CV is, in principle, a public document and the information it contains must be verifiable. The new template proposed by the Faculty of Medicine should contain information that allows for both a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the person's academic career; results and achievements relevant to the purpose of the CV should therefore be included.
How to fill in the academic CV?
Each section of the template provides instructions to guide the author.
- Sections marked with asterisks are mandatory. The others need only be filled in if they are relevant (specialty, professional advancement, etc.).
- A complete list of publications, teaching and other achievements should be provided on request.
- A list of publications from the last 5 years should be attached and should contain only peer-reviewed publications (divided into the following sections: original articles, reviews, letters and editorials) and should mention the Open Access status of the publications (e.g. open access journal or monograph, hybrid journal, deposit in an institutional archive with or without embargo, paper only, etc.).
- For members of the UNIGE community, the list of publications may be extracted from the Archive ouverte. The list of teachings of the last 5 years can also be attached.
- Asterisks should not appear in the finalized CV.
Please note that CV preparation takes time!