4 mai 2023: Pr Manuel Mayr


suivi d'un apéritif

Hôtes: Pr Pierre FONTANA & Pre Marie-Luce BOCHATON-PIALLAT,
Département de médecine & Département de pathologie et immunologie,
Faculté de médecine UNIGE

prof. Manuel Mayr

BHF Professor for Cardiovascular Proteomics
School of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine & Science
King’s College London

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«Proteomics Strategies to Identify
New Diagnostic and Therapeutic Targets »

The talk will highlight exemplars of novel approaches that combine plasma and tissue proteomics with mechanistic follow-up experiments. To the best of our knowledge, we have acquired the largest proteomics datasets on cardiac and vascular tissues to date (www.cardiovascularproteomics.eu).

 Our overall aim is to harness proteomics to obtain a better understanding of human cardiovascular diseases and provide a resource for therapeutic target identification and biomarkers for treatment stratification.

Manuel Mayr is the British Heart Foundation (BHF) Professor for Cardiovascular Proteomics. He qualified in Medicine from the University of Innsbruck (Austria) in 1999. He then moved to London to undertake a PhD on combining proteomics and metabolomics. Upon completion of his PhD in 2005, he achieved promotion to Professor at King’s College London in 2011. In 2017, he has been awarded a BHF Personal Chair.

His group uses proteomics in combination with other -omics technologies to integrate biological information in disease-specific networks that drive pathophysiological changes. While studying molecular interactions has been a research focus for many years and has provided important insight into biology, the attention has now shifted towards a more integrative network biology approach (Nat Rev Cardiol. 2021;18(5):313-330). He has published more than 275 peer review scientific papers.

His academic achievements have been recognised by the inaugural Michael Davies Early Career Award of the British Cardiovascular Society (2007), the inaugural Bernard and Joan Marshall Research Excellence Prize of the British Society for Cardiovascular Research (2010), the Outstanding Achievement Award by the European Society of Cardiology Council for Basic Cardiovascular Science (2013) and most recently the President's Distinguished Lecture of the International Society for Heart Research (2022).

4 mai 2023

Frontiers in biomedicine