About us

Doron Merkler

Pr Doron Merkler

Academic Coordinator

022.372 49 43

Doron Merkler, MD, is a Full Professor and neuropathologist within the division of clinical pathology and heads a research group in the Department of Pathology and Immunology (PATIM) at the University of Geneva.

He graduated in 2000 and accomplished his medical doctorate in 2002 at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Zurich. Subsequently, he obtained an SNF scholarship and participated in the postgraduate course of experimental medicine and biology and worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the Brain Research Institute at the University of Zurich. He continued his medical training in neuropathology at the University Centre of Göttingen in Germany, and worked as a postdoc at the Institute of Experimental Immunology at the University of Zurich. In 2008 he received his specialist title and accomplished the habilitation in 2009. In 2010 he was awarded an SNSF Professorship and in 2016 he was tenured as Associate Professor and 2020 as Full Professor. Furthermore, he works as senior physician as neuropathologist in the division of clinical pathology at the University Hospitals of Geneva. His research focuses on the immunopathogenesis of inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system.

About us