EULAR Centre of Excellence Rheumatology Research
EULAR collates a register of the top research centres in European rheumatology with a three-fold goal: To develop a group of first-class research centres for active researchers, to enable exchange of fellows' research projects, and to link with Brussels.
A designation is valid for 5 years (beginning and ending in June), after which time a centre can reapply for prolongation.
The Division of Rheumatology at the Geneva University Hospitals and the corresponding groups at the UNIGE Department of Pathology and Immunology have been designated Centre of Excellence in Rheumatology Research by EULAR for the next five years (2023 - 2028).
Congratulations to GCIR members Profs. Gaby Palmer, Cem Gabay, Axel Finckh and their teams!
4 Jul 2023