Open Science


  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8210551
  • Description: This dataset contains whole body kinematics and 3D ground reaction forces and moments from 30 subjects (10 with bilateral vestibulopathy, 10 with unilateral vestibulopathy, and 10 healthy subjects) during gait at three different walking speed: slow, comfortable, and fast. Three repetitions of these gait were performed by each subject. They were instrumented with 35 reflective placed on the whole body according to the Convention Gait Model 1.0. Three force plates sampled at 1000 Hz (AMTI Accugait, Watertown, MA, USA) were used to record 3D ground reaction forces and moments.
  • Associated code: -
  • Associated projects: EVI
  • Publication Date: 03.08.2023
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  • DOI: 10.26037/yareta:xkxgaw6ewjdhfntdhtj7upepxy
  • Description: A full dataset of asymptomatic human gait and other movements including marker trajectories, inertial sensors and pressure insoles. Ten participants wore these devices on a 10-meters walkway in a laboratory.
  • Associated code: -
  • Publication Date: 22.12.2022
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  • DOI: 10.26037/yareta:33ylesvms5heboezppb7nkcpau
  • Description: This database includes motion capture of the knee kinematics of 8 patients (mean ± SD: age, 70.4 ± 8.9 years; height, 161.9 ± 10 cm; weight, 78.6 ± 26.7 kg; 7 females) with end-stage knee osteoarthritis (grade III to IV on the Kellgren–Lawrence classification) that underwent total knee arthroplasty. Patients performed a standardized barefoot treadmill gait analysis using the KneeKG™ system (Emovi, Montreal, Canada) one week before and three months after TKA. Additionally, passive flexion-extension was recorded before and after total knee arthroplasty implantation using the Knee 3 computer assisted surgery system (Brainlab, Munich, Germany). The anatomical axes of the KneeKG™ and CAS systems were homogenised using two-level, multi-body kinematics optimisation. Knee kinematics computations followed the International Society of Biomechanics conventions.
  • Associated code: -
  • Associated projects: KIS
  • Publication Date: 29.09.2022
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  • DOI: 10.26037/yareta:2al7pd6y7rgkzkd6nolwp6ucji
  • Description: This database includes: - Raw Dicom images of bi-plane X-rays for 28 patients before and after total hip arthroplasty - Identification of parameters performed 3 times by 2 operators: 1 - Position of anatomical points of the pelvis and femur 2 - 3D geometric parameters of the pelvis and femur - Dependant of surgery & posture - Independant of surgery & posture 3 - Acetabular & Global Offsets
  • Associated code: -
  • Associated projects: PATH
  • Publication Date: 12.01.2022
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  • DOI: 10.26037/yareta:ghvxtm3d2naenafsu6ungo2sny
  • Description: This deposit contains data from clinical examinations and clinical gait analysis from a sample of children with cerebral palsy. Clinical examination data are in the form of composite scores. Clinical gait analysis data are the sagittal kinematics of the pelvis, hip, knee, and ankle computed with the conventional gait model. Data are separated based on the diagnosis, i.e. unilateral or bilateral cerebral palsy.
  • Associated code: -
  • Associated projects: -
  • Publication Date: 30.09.2021
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  • DOI: 10.26037/yareta:vynrqmr3hvegrcnh2oemxkwwb4
  • Description: This database includes the biomechanical features of the fastest of three instrumented Timed Up-and-Go (iTUG) test of 71 THA patients and 52 controls. Patients performed the iTUG test before and 6 months after surgery while controls performed the test only once.
  • Associated code: -
  • Associated projects: PATH
  • Publication Date: 22.07.2021
Fusion MOCAP-EOS  
  • DOI: 10.26037/yareta:md6wej4guvbufkqge322mqyu5i
  • Description: This deposit contains motion capture files during walking and bi-plane x-rays of 2 patients with hip osteo-arthritis and 2 patients with total hip arthroplasty.
  • Associated projects: PATH
  • Publication Date: 19.12.2019
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  • Publication Date: 21.10.2019

Shared Code

  • Description: The proposed routine can be used to calculate gait events in gait trials based on Auto-Selection methodology.
  • Associated data: -
  • Initial Commit: 17.05.2021

  • Description: Simulate marker misplacement combining different directions and magnitudes
  • Initial Commit: 13.04.2020

  • Description: This graphical user interface is used to identify anatomical points of the lower limb and skin markers with radio-opaque beads on bi-plane x-rays
  • GitLabl Link: Here
  • Associated projects: PATH
  • Initial Commit: 03.02.2020

  • Description: The proposed routine can be used to check whether the fusion of motion capture and medical imaging can reduce the marker misplacement errors.
  • Associated projects: PATH
  • Initial Commit: 31.01.2020



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  • Description: Kink gait deviations and clinical impairments
  • Link: Here


  • Description: Impact of marker misplacement with conventional gait model. Play with the markers misplaced and see the impact on the kinematics