
Centre d'études humanitaires Genève

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The Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies is a unique teaching, research and humanitarian exchange platform for humanitarian action. We are a joint Centre of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies and the University of Geneva, two internationally renowned centres of academic excellence.


We are dedicated to equipping current and aspiring humanitarian professionals with access to past and latest evidence-based knowledge to better respond to the needs of populations in crisis. Our wide range of academic courses provides in-depth training on various humanitarian topics such as negotiation, protection, planetary health, and addressing sexual violence, as well as project management in humanitarian settings. They are based on an innovative pedagogical model designed for adult education, in order to strengthen the practitioners’ competencies and apply the theoretical knowledge, developed during the courses, directly to their professional environment.

Each year, over 200 students participate in our unique courses which are designed to help a range of people, including humanitarian professionals wanting to increase or diversify their expertise, graduate students who want to enter the field of humanitarianism, and other professionals who want to swap sectors. Our tailor-made courses, developed with our humanitarian partners, including Iinternational Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Médecins Sans Fontières (MSF), reflect the current trends and needs within the humanitarian sector.


We conduct various research projects looking at under developed areas of interest in humanitarian action.

Our interdisciplinary research projects foster critical analysis of the humanitarian sector to encourage reflection on professional practices as well as the politics of humanitarianism and humanitarian organisations.

We also promote critical reflection of the humanitarian system through research projects developed by our researchers on current issues either in the field or in collaboration with major humanitarian organisations and academic centres. Current research includes analysis of the impact of attacks on healthcare, migration to and within Europe and the health implications, and health systems thinking in humanitarian settings.

hurst_ppt.png  Direction
  Prof. Samia Hurst

  Département de Santé et médecine communautaires

 DSMC : Sâmila Tankhimovitch
  Tél. : +41 79 553 12 08

  IEH2 :