Serge Vulliémoz

Louise de Wouters

Mme Louise de Wouters


+41 22 372 8294


I hold a master's degree in biomedical engineering from the Free University of Brussels (ULB), with a year of study at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, followed by a master's valorisation at EPFL. I am currently pursuing a PhD in Brain Connectivity in Epilepsy at the University of Geneva and HUG, under the supervision of Pr. Serge Vulliémoz and Pr. Pieter van Mierlo. 

Current project

As part of the Sinergia consortium, I am acquiring and processing electroencephalography (EEG) data from patients with epilepsy with the aim of highlighting brain connectivity alterations in this disease. On the side, I am working on the integration of brain structural and functional data through the Graph Signal Processing (GSP) framework. The goal is to assess the GSP method based on EEG signals, and to study how structure-function coupling during spikes could predict surgical outcomes in patients with epilepsy.


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