Standard headers

Structure summary

Power-up routines


Parameter passing
Returning values

Parameter passing: PABs


Foreign language translators

Programming examples
XML >19: the card ROM scanner
XML >1A: the GROM scanner
Calling XMLs: the crude way
Calling GPL and XML: the smooth way
String allocation routine
Passing parameters from Basic
Returning values to Basic


Standard headers can be located either in peripheral cards ROM, in GROMs or in cartridge ROM. In peripheral cards, the header always appear at address >4000. In cartridge ROM it maps at >6000 and can only contain programs. In GROMs there can be a header at the following addresses: >0000, >2000, >4000, >6000, >8000, >A000, >C000, and >E000 in GROM memory. If a header is present at any of these addresses, the first byte must be >AA to to tell the scanning routines there is a header here.

Headers contains lists of programs, subprograms, power-up routines, DSRs and ISRs. Lists are organised as chains of linked items: each item begins with a word pointing to the next item in the list. The word is >0000 for the last item in the list.

Power-up routines are executed when you reset the TI-99/4A, before the user can press a key to leave the main title screen. They can be found in GROMs or peripheral card ROMs, but not in cartridge ROM.

Programs are what appear on the main menu, after the user left the title screen: "Press 1 for TI Basic", etc. Programs can be located in GROMs or in cartridge ROMs, but not in peripheral cards. At some point in time, Texas Instruments modified the system so that programs in ROM won't appear on the main menu: according to which version you have, your console may or may not pick them up.

Subprograms are routines that provide a service to the user. For instance, all Basic CALLs are subprograms. But subprograms can also be called from assembly languages. They can be found in GROMs or peripheral card ROMs, but not in cartridge ROM.

DSRs (Device Service Routines) are special subprograms that deal with files. In Basic, they are called by file operations, and can also be called from assembly. They can be found in GROMs or peripheral card ROMs, but not in cartridge ROM.

ISRs (Interrupt Service Routines) are called when an interrupt was received that did not come from the video-processor. They can only be located in peripheral card ROMs.

Finally, the GROM header at >6000 in base >9800 can have two foreign language translators, used to translate the title screen and the main menu, respectively.

In summary:
Peripheral cards ROMs cannot contain programs, nor translators.
GROMs cannot contain ISRs.
Cartridge ROMs can only contain programs.

Standard header summary

Bytes Content
>x000 >AA indicates a standard header
>x001 Version number
>0xx2 Number of programs (optional)
>x003 Not used
>x004 Pointer to power-up list (>0000 if none)
>x006 Pointer to program list (>0000 if none)
>x008 Pointer the DSR list (>0000 if none)
>x00A Pointer to subprogram list (>0000 if none)

Program, subprogram and DSR lists:

Link to next item --+
Address |
Name length |
Name |
Link to next item: >0000
Name length

Power-up and ISR lists:

Link to next item --+
Address |
Link to next item: >0000


>4000: >AA          Standard header
>4001: >01 Version 1
>4002: >00 No programs allowed in peripheral card ROMs
>4003: >00
>4004: >4010 Ptr to power-up list
>4006: >0000 Ptr to program list (none)
>4008: >4018 Ptr to subprogram list
>400A: >4030 Ptr to DSR list
>400C: >4040 Ptr to ISR list
>4010: >0000        Link to next power-up (no more)
>4012: >4100 Address of power-up routine
>4018: >4022        Link to next subprogram
>401A: >4200 Address of this subprogram
>401C: >04 Name length
>401D: "SUB1" Subprogram name
>4021: >00 Align on even boundary
>4022: >0000 No more subprograms
>4024: >4220 Address of this subprogram
>4026: >01 Name length
>4027: >B3 Subprogram name
>4030: >403A        Link to next DSR
>4032: >4300 Address of this DSR
>4034: >05 Name length
>4035: "MYDSR" DSR name
>403A: >4044 Link to next DSR
>403C: >4300 Address of this DSR (same as above)
>403E: >05 Name length
>403F: "DUMMY" DSR name
>4044: >4022 Trick: subprogram >B3 can also be accessed as a DSR
>4046: >4440 Address of this DSR
>4048: >01 Name length
>4049: >04 DSR name
>4050: >0000        Link to next ISR (no more)
>4012: >4800 Address of ISR routine
>4100: ...          Power-up routine
B *R11 Must return like that
>4200: ...          SUB1 subprogram
INCT R11 Found and executed
B *R11
>4220: ...           >B3 subprogram / DSR
B *R11
>4300: ...           MYDSR and DUMMY DSRs
B *R11
>4440: ...          >04 DSR
B *R11
>4800  ...          ISR
TB 2 Check if interrupt came from this card (e.g using CRU bit 2)
JEQ NOTME Nope: return immediately
... Yep: process interrupt
NOTME B *R11 Return

Power-up routines

As the name indicates, a power-up routine is executed at power-up time, i.e. just after the TI copyright screen has been displayed, before checking if the user has pressed a key. These routines are meant to initialize the card: the one on the interface card sets the PIO port as output, the one on the disk controller reserves room in the VDP memory, etc. They could also be used to take over control of the TI and prevent the user to go to the main menu. Some third party disk controllers have this annoying habit.

The main power-up program is located in the console GROMs, at address >0020. It performs the following actions:

Calling power-up routines

The power-up searching routine uses XML >19 to scan ROMs and XML >1A to scan GROMs. It branches to each power up routine it finds, whether in assembly or in GPL. Routines are called in the following order:

Returning from a power-up routine

Assembly language power-up routines should return with B *R11 in assembly.

It is also possible to return with INCT R11, B *R11 but this will prevent further scanning of peripheral cards for power-up routines. It will not however prevent GPL power-up routines from being called.

Things are a little more complicated in GPL as the main program does not branch to power-up routines directly. Instead the addresses of all power-up routine located are saved on the data stack (whose base is not at its usual location, but at >8300, to allow for more storage space). To branch to the next power-up routine on the list, one must therefore transfer its address to the subroutine stack:

DONE   DST   *>8372,*>8373        Transfer address from data stack to sub stack
DECT @>8372 Update pointer
RTN This will branch to the next routine

If you wanted to shortcut the process and prevent the main program from calling other power-up routines, you should keep searching the data stack until you find an address that is in GROM 0 (i.e. with an address smaller than >1800). This will be the address at which the main routine continues (normally >019F, but it may change according to the GROM version), just branch to it as described above.

       DCLR  >83D0               This must be done to prevent scanning from resuming
L1 DCH >1800,*>8372 Is address in GROM 0?
BS DONE Yes: branch to it
DECT *>8372 Point to next address
BR L1 and try again


A program is what appears on the main menu, after you left the TI copyright screen: "Press 1 for TI-Basic, 2 for Whatever".

There is no limit to the length of a program name, except that it should fit on one screen line, if you want the main menu to look nice. This being said, nothing prevents you to call your program "PROTECTING YOUR WORLD FROM THE ATTACK OF THE GOULISH DEMONS OF THE LEGIONS OF CHAOS" (except good taste, may be...). However, if another program is found after yours, its name will overwrite the third line of your program name.

Note that at this point only the standard character set has been loaded in VDP memory (unless you loaded another one with a power-up routine). Therefore you can only use characters 32 to 96 in your program name, i.e. no lower case.

Calling a program

The main power-up program lists the programs it finds in the following order:

Once the user has selected a program, the system performs the following actions:

Program termination

A program is not supposed to return to the caller: upon completion it typically resets the TI-99/4A. This is achieved by BLWP @>0000 in assembly and by EXIT in GPL.


A subprogram is what you call with the Basic instruction CALL. They can also be called from assembly or any other language. Theoretically there is not limit to the length of a subprogram name, but TI-Basic and the console GROM DSRLNK routine (G@>0010) set a limit of 7 characters (probably because they save the name into the scratch-pad area at >834A-8351).

Calling a subprogram

The calling convention is that the subprogram name (with a leading lenght byte) should be placed in VDP memory, with word >8356-57 pointing at the length byte. Then DSRLNK can be called from GPL with CALL G@>0010.

  • This routine first scans the peripheral card ROMs in the order if their CRU addresses, by calling XML >19.
  • It then repeatedly calls XML >1A to scan the GROMs at base >9800, starting with GROM >0000, then >2000, etc upto >E000.
  • It then repeats the process with bases >9804, >9808, upto >983C.
  • If you're curious, here is a disassembly of XML >19 and XML >1A

    Unfortunately XML >19 and XML >1A cannot be called from assembly since they return to the GPL interpreter. Therefore most assembly language package provide a custom DSRLNK routine that will search the card ROMs. The editor/assembler cartridge also provides an XMLLNK routine and a GPLLNK routine that will allow the programmer to call G@>0010. But that's because it's a GPL cartridge and it contains an XML instruction to return to the assembly caller.

    There are ways around this drawback though. Here is a fairly crude one:

    * This routine messes up the GPL interpreter
    * so that it can call XML >19
    * It expects: the sub name in >834A->8351, name lenght in >8354-55
    * >836D should contain >0A for subprograms, >08 for DSRs
    * It returns by skipping a word if the sub/DSR was found.
    TXML19 MOV  @>83FA,R9      Save GROM base
    LI R0,>0041 Points to a byte containg >0A
    MOV R0,@>83FA Screw up GROM base
           MOV  @>83C4,R12     Save interrupts hook 
    LI R0,RETPT Our return point
    MOV R0,@>83C4 Set it as ISR hook
           MOVB  @>8373,R7      Save sub stack ptr
           CLR  @>83D0         To search all cards
    * LI R0,>1700 (Alternatively: start from that card)
    * MOV R0,@>83D0
    * LI R0,>xxxx (and that link in sub/DSR list)
    * MOV R0,@>83D2 (should point at "next link" word of first sub)
           LWPI >83E0          GPL workspace
    B @>0AC0 Call XML >19
    * MOV @>0CFC,R1 (Safer ?) Get address of XML table 1
    * MOV @>0012(R1),R1 Get vector for XML >19
    * B *R1 Call it
    RETPT  LWPI WREGS          Back to our workspace
    MOV R9,@>83FA Restore GROM base
    MOV R12,@>83C4 Restore ISR hook
    CB @>8373,R7 XML >19 does DECT @>8373 if sub was found
    JEQ NOTFND Not found
    MOVB R7,@>8373 Restore initial value
    INCT R11 Flag: we found it
    NOTFND B *R11 Return to caller

    What this routine does is to change the GROM base used by the GPL interpreter to fetch the next opcode. It changes it to an address in ROM that contain byte >0A, which corresponds to the GPL instruction GT (it could also be >09, >0C or >0D. Just make sure the byte address is lower than >9800).

    Then it installs an ISR hook and calls XML >19 which will scan card ROMs for the subprogram or the DSR we want to call. Whether it was found or not, XML >19 returns to the GPL interpreter. Since the "GROM base" now points at a >0A byte, the interpreter will endlessly execute a GT instructions. I chose GT because it's pretty harmless and 1-byte long.

    As the interpreter enables interrupts between each instruction, our hook is prone to be branched at sooner or later. We then perform some clean up to restore the interpreter in its normal state. Finally we check whether the subprogram (or the DSR) was found.

    Now, here is a more subtle way. It implements a GPLLNK routine that allow an assembly language program to call a GPL routine. It makes use of carefully selected bytes in the console GROMs to simulate an XML instruction and regain control once the GPL routine returns.

    * These routines are used to call GPL and return to assembly

    DUMXML DATA >36B8 This address may vary: check your GROMs
    ADRXML DATA >3FF6 and adjust this value accordingly
    BYTE00 DATA >0003 Address of a >00 byte in GROM (should be OK)
    * This routine calls a GPL subroutine that returns with RTN or RTNC
    * It expects the subroutine address in a data word following the call
    GPLNK1 LI   R1,>8373        Subroutine stack ptr
    MOVB *R1,@WREGS+3 Put it in R1: now pointing at top of stack
    INCT R1 Next free spot
    MOV @DUMXML,*R1+ Push "return" address (dummy XML in GROMs)
    MOV *R14+,*R1 Push desired address
    JMP SK1 Common part with GPLG10
    * This routine emulates a CALL G@>0010. 
    * It is used to call a GPL subprogram/DSR that returns with CALL G@>0012
    * It expects the GROM base in a first data word (if 0, it gets it from >83FA)
    * and a GROM address in a second data word
    GPLNK2 LI   R1,>8373        Subroutine stack ptr
    MOVB *R1,@WREGS+3 Put it in R1: now pointing at top of stack
    INCT R1 Next free spot
    MOV @DUMXML,*R1+ Push "return" address (dummy XML in GROMs)
    MOV *R14+,*R1 Push GROM base
    JNE SK4 Is it >0000?
    MOV @>83FA,*R1 Yes: use current base (from GPL R9)
    SK4 C *R1+,*R1+ Skip a word
    MOV *R14+,*R1 Then push address: this emulates G@>0010

    SK1 MOVB @WREGS+3,@>8373 Update stack ptr
    MOV @ADRXML,R1 Address of the dummy XML vector
    MOV *R1,R2 Save its content
    LI R11,GPLRT Our real return point
    MOV R11,*R1 Place it in the XML table
    LWPI >83E0 Switch to GPL workspace
    S R9,R9 Opcode >00 (i.e. RTN)
    B @>0016 To GPL interpreter with opcode in R9, msb
    * This routine calls an XML that returns to the GPL interpreter
    * It expects the XML number is a data word following the call
    * Alternatively, that word may contain the address to branch at
    GPLXML DATA WREGS,XMLNK2 Calls an XML that returns to the GPL interpreter
    XMLNK2 LI   R1,>8373        Subroutine stack ptr
    MOVB *R1,@WREGS+3 Put it in R1: now pointing at top of stack
    INCT R1 Next free spot
    MOV @DUMXML,*R1 Push "return" address (dummy XML in GROMs)
    MOVB @WREGS+3,@>8373 Update stack ptr
    MOV @>83FA,R2 Get current GROM base
    AI R2,>0402 Make it GROM set address port
    MOVB @BYTE00,*R2 Address of a >00 byte in GROM
    MOVB @BYTE00+1,*R2 Now, next instruction will be a RTN
    MOV @ADRXML,R1 Address of the dummy XML vector
    MOV *R1,R2 Save its content
    LI R11,GPLRT Our real return point
    MOV R11,*R1 Place it in the XML table
    JMP SK2 Common part with XMLLNK

    * This routine calls an XML that returns to the caller
    * It expects the XML number is a data word following the call
    * Alternatively, that word may contain the address to branch at
    XMLNK1 CLR  R1              No need to restore anything
    SK2 MOV *R14+,@>83E4 Put data word in GPL R2
    LWPI >83E0 Switch to GPL workspace
    MOVB R2,R2 Is first byte of data >00
    JNE SK3 No: direct branch to an address
    MOV  R2,R1 Yes: get address from XML tables
    SRL R1,4
    SLA R1,1 Isolate table number
    SLA R2,12
    SRL R2,11 Isolate routine number
    A @>0CFA(R1),R2 Address in table
    MOV *R2,R2 Get vector
    SK3 BL *R2 Call XML
    GPLRT LWPI WREGS GPL will return here: switch to our workspace
    MOV R2,*R1 Restore the data we modified
    RTWP And that's it
    * Calling examples
    DATA >002A Call the LOG subroutine
          BLWP @GPLG10
    DATA >0000,>37BF Call SCREEN
          BLWP @XMLLNK
    DATA >0012 Convert floting point to integer
          BLWP @GPLXML
    DATA >0019 Scan cards for a subprogram (returns to GPL)
          BLWP @GPLXML
    DATA >0AC2 Alternate entry point into XML >19 (skip CLR R1)

    GPLLNK first places a dummy return address on the subroutine stack. This is the address of a >0F byte in the console GROMs. It will be interpreted as XML by the GPL interpreter, and the next byte will be used to find the address where to branch. This may vary according to the GROM version, that's why I put these values in data words. In my console GROM address >36B8 contains >0F4B which corresponds to XML >4B and will get the vector from address >3FF6 (the XML table 4 starts at >3FE0). GPLLNK replaces this word with its return point.

    It also places the desired GPL address on the subroutine stack and finally branches to the GPL interpreter using the special entry point >0016 which expects R9 msb to contain an opcode. In our case, this opcode will be >00, which codes for a RTN instruction. The GPL interpreter will therefore "return" to the address we just placed on the stack, which is the GPL routine we want to call. (I used S R9,R9 instead of CLR R9 because entry point >0016 branches to a JLT that must not be taken for RTN).

    If this routine returns with RTN, the GPL interpreter will just branch to the pseudo XML >4B instruction in GROM, and this will return control to our GPLLNK routine.

    An alternate subroutine, GPLG10 is provided to emulate a call to G@>0010, which the the GPL equivalent of DSRLNK. It saves the GROM base on the stack together with the return address. Subprograms called in this way return with CALL G@>0012 which fetches the base and the address from the stack (all TI-Basic subprograms and DSR do so).

    XMLLNK emulates an XML instruction and calls an assembly language subroutine. It is assumed that this routine will return to the caller. Unfortunately many XMLs in the console ROM don't bother to save the return address and just branch to the GPL interpreter.

    GPLXML it therefore provided to call an XML that returns to the GPL intepreter, and nevertheless regain control afterwards. As it modifies the current GROM/GRAM address, you may want to save this address first, and restore it afterwards.

    And now that we can call GPL routines, let's scan for subprograms the way TI-Basic does: by calling DSRLNK at >0010 in the console GROM. There is only one problem: DSRLNK expects a byte of data after the call: >08 for DSR and >0A for subroutines. Since we are not calling it with a CALL from GPL, the FETC @>836D instruction will return a dummy value. Therefore, OURLNK enters DSRLNK by skipping the FETC instruction, with the proper value already placed in >836D. Unfortunately address >0010 only contains a branch instruction to the real start point of the routine. We'll have to get the branch first, to be able to change the entry point.

    * This routine makes use of GPLLNK to call G@>0010 which scans
    * all card ROMs and all GROMs for the subroutine/DSR we want
    * It expects the name of the sub/DSR in VDP memory (with leading lenght byte)
    * Word >8356 should point at the length byte
    * Byte >836D should contain >08 for DSRs and >0A for subroutines
    OURLNK LI R9,>9C02 GROM set address port
    LI R0,>0010 Address of the GROM DSRLNK routine
    MOVB R0,*R9 Set this address
    SWPB R0
    MOVB R0,*R9
    AI R9,>FBFE Now it becomes the GROM base
    MOVB *R9,R0 Get first byte of address
    SWPB R0
    MOVB *R9,R0 Get second byte
    SWPB R0
    ANDI R0,>1FFF Remove the BR opcode (>40)
    INCT R0 Skips FETC @>836D (since we can't put data in GROM)
    BLWP @GPLG10 Because subprograms return with CALL G@>0012
    WHERE DATA 0 Enter G@>0010 directly (cause we can't FETC @>836D)
           MOVB @>837C,R1     Upon return: See if subprogram was found
    SLA R1,3 by testing Cnd bit
    INCT R11 Skip word if it was found
    NOFND B *R11

    Situation upon entry in a subprogram

    Assembly subprogram called with XML >19 or an equivalent routine are entered with the GPL worskpace >83E0. The following values can be expected:

    R1: Number of times the subprogram was called (normally 1).
    R9: Address of the subprogram
    R11: Return address (to keep scanning)
    R12: CRU base address of the card.
    >83D0-D1: CRU base address of the card
    >83D2-D3: link to next subprogram in the header

    The most usefull are R1 and R12. They allow the possiblility of installing several identical cards in the PE-Box, each with a different CRU address (generally DIP-switch selected). The subprogram can use R12 to know the CRU of the card it is in and R1 to know how many cards were found before. The RS232/PIO card works this way.

    GPL subprograms will find similar informations in the scratch-pad:

    >836C: Number of times the subprogram was called
    >83D0-D1: GROM base (normally >9800)
    >83D2-D3: link to next subprogram in the header

    Returning from a subprogram

    Assembly language subprogram typically return with::

           INCT R11
    B *R11

    This prevents the scanning routine (XML >19 or a clone of it) from scanning further cards for the same subprogram. Unless of course this is precisely what you want to do. In this case, just return with:

           B    *R11            

    GPL subprogram often return with:

            CALL G@>0012      

    since they can expect to have been called by the GPL DSRLNK routine located at >0010 in the console GROM.

    Passing parameters to a subprogram

    Contrarily to DSRs, there is no conventions as how to pass parameters to a subprogram. It depends on the language from which it is called. As a consequence, you'll probably have to write several versions of your subprogram, one for each language it can be called from (or at least have different entry points). For instance, the disk controller card contains a subprogram called "FILES" to be called from TI-Basic and an almost equivalent one called >16 to be called from assembly (the only difference is that you can have upto 16 files in assembly, but only 9 in Basic).

    Subprograms called from assembly

    If the caller is assembly language, the parameters are generally passed on the scratch-pad (so as not to depend from the presence of a memory expansion card). Convenient addresses for that purpose are >834A-8353. If that's not enough space, you could pass a pointer to a VDP memory address in these bytes. Byte >8350 is often used to return an error code: >00 means no error, other values indicate an error.

    Which means you should provide the user with a good doc, so that he/she knows how to call your subprogram. Don't forget to explain the error codes, if any.


    The disk controller card subroutine >12 (file protect/unprotect) expects the following parameters.
    >834C: drive number, from >01 to >03
    >834D: protection code: >00 = unprotect, >FF = protect
    >834E-834F: an address in VDP memory where to find a 10-characters filename.
    It returns an error code in >8350 if something went wrong.

    Subprograms called from Basic

    Things get really messy when parameters must be passed from Basic or Extended basic. That's because the CALL statement does not perform any parameter passing. Therefore, your call must parse the Basic statement to extract the parameter specifications. If these are variables you must then get their values from the Basic symbol table. That's not easy to do, to say the least.

    Let me first mention a simple trick that makes the programer's life easier, but puts some burden on the user. Just tell the user to pass parameters after the subprogram name, separating them with a dot. For instance:

    That's somewhat annoying for the user because CALLs cannot be placed in a variable: CALL A$ is not allowed. Therefore the user must enter a different line for each desired value of a parameter. In the above example, it A can have 16 different values, it means a ON A GOTO to 16 different CALL MYSUB.A=, each with a different value of A...

    The user will certainly prefer this kind of syntax:
    CALL MYSUB(A,"TEST2",U$,512)
    But now the burden is on you!

    First you must parse the basic statement, looking for parameters. Basic codewords are not stored as such in memory: to save place they are converted to 1-byte tokens. For instance, the above statement is encoded as:

    VDP address  Token/bytes  Meaning                          
    >37B4 >17 Line size
    >37B5 >9D CALL
    >37B6 >C8 Unquoted string
    >37B7 >05 String length
    >37B8 MYSUB The name is of course not encoded
    >37BD >B7 (
    >37BE A Variable names are not encoded
    >37BF >B3 ,
    >37C0 >C7 Quoted string "..."
    >37C1 >05 String length
    >37C2 TEST2 Content of the string
    >37C7 >B3 ,
    >37C8 U$ Another variable
    >37CA >B3 ,
    >37CB >C8 Unquoted string
    >37CC 512 Numeric constants are passed as strings
    >37CF >B6 )
    >37D0 >00 End-of-line mark

    You'll find a pointer to the current token in word >832C, and the last processed token is copied in byte >8342. In this example, it will be the >C8 token following the CALL and >832C will contain >37B7.

    TI-Basic programs can be stored in VDP memory or in GRAM. To know where it is, test byte >8389: if it's >00 the program is in VDP memory, otherwise it's in GRAM. Extended basic programs can't be in GRAM but they can be stored in the high memory expansion, if it's present. In this case, a non-zero value in byte >8389 means that the program is in the memory expansion.

    A convenient way to avoid all this hassle is to use XML >1B: it will get the next token (or character) from the adequate memory, put it in >8342 and increment >832C accordingly.

    But first, you must skip the name of your subprogram (easy: you know it's 5 chars long, so just add 5 to >832C). Then make sure there is a parenthesis, fetch each parameter, check for commas and for the closed parenthesis. If you're using GPL, a PARS >B6 instruction comes handy for this job. Finally you must return with >00 in >8342 otherwise Basic will complain.

    But wait, when I said "fetch parameters" I kind of overlooked several problems.

    If the parameter is a string constant ("TEST2" in the example above), no problems: just use it as it is. Almost, that is: the user may have the bad idea to concatenate two string constants with the & operator (e.g. "TEST"&"2"). You must therefore test for this situation: the token for & is >B8.

    If its a numeric constant (512 in the example), you'll have to convert it to a number. That can be easy if your subprogram accept only a limited range of values (e.g. 0 to 9: just fetch the first character and substract >30 from it). If that's not the case, you have to use a string-to-number conversion routine. Fortunately, there is one the the console ROM: XML >11 and that one can be called from assembly. Place the address of the string in >8356 and call XML >11. You'll find the result in floating point format in >834A-8352. If an error occurs, it will be announced in byte >8354. You'll also find the sign in >8375 (>00 positive, >FF negative) and the exponent in >8376, if you have a need for these.

    And what about variables? Oh boy, that's where it becomes really complicated. You must first call XML >13 that will search the Basic symbol table for the variable whose name is pointed at by >832C. If it finds the variable, it places its address in the Basic value stack in word >834A-834B. However, if it does not find it, it returns to the GPL interpreter to announce an error in Basic!

    Now you must get the value of that variable. This is achieved by XML >14: it dumps the value stack entry for the variable pointed at by >834A-834B into bytes >834A-8351. When it returns, you'll find a pointer to the value (in VDP memory) in word >834E. But first you must test byte >834C: it will be >00 for a numeric variable and >65 for a string variable. You may also test >834D: it contains the number of dimensions for array variables (>00 of its not an array). For non-array string variables, you'll find the length of the string in word >8350. I'm not sure it's the case for string arrays. Anyone?

    Oh, and don't forget that here also the user may have used the concatenation operator & to combine several string variables: you'll have to get each and everyone of them using the above method. Of course, you could just forbid the use of this operator and return with a syntax error...

    Finally, you may want to convert floating point numbers to integers. This can be done with XML >12. It will place the result in word >834A-834B and the error code in >8354 (>03 if the number is not in the range -32768 to +32767). A quick trick though: if a floating point number is zero, the first word (in >834A) will be >0000, so no conversion is necessary.

    Ok, will you remember all this? Well, I warned you: parameter passing is a mess with subprograms.

    And just to depress you a little more: I'm not sure XML >13 and XML >14 apply to Extended Basic (in fact I think they don't...).

    Ok, here is an example of parameter passing to a GPL subprogram called from Basic

    * This GPL snippet illustrate parameter passing from Basic to a subprogram
    * It is supposed to be called with CALL TEST(123,A$), the A$ being optional
    MYSUB  CLR   @>834A             Skip our subprogram name in the basic program 
    ST V*>832C,@>834B Get size byte, make it a word
    DINC @>832C Skip size byte
    DADD @>834A,@>832C Skip subprogram name
    XML >1B Get next token
    CEQ >B7,@>8342 Is it ( ?
    BR ERRIS No: incorrect statement
           XML   >1B                Get next token
    PARS >B6 Parse to next param or the >B6 (closed parenthesis)
    CEQ >65,@>834C Is it a string
    BS ERRSN Yes: string-number mismatch
    XML >12 Make it an integer
    DST @>834A,.... Use it
           CEQ   >B3,@>8342         Is next token a , ?
    XML >1B Get next token (we could also have used PARS >B6)
    XML >13 Get symbol address in value stack
    XML >14 Get entry from value stack
    CEQ >65,@>834C Is it a string ?
    BR ERRSN No: string number mismatch
    MOVE @>8350,V*>834E,... Get string, use it
    NOCOMA CEQ   >B6,@>8342         Is there a ) ?
    BR ERRIS No: "Incorrect statement" error
    XML >1B Get next token
    CZ @>8342 Is it >00 (end-of-statement)
    BR ERR1 No: error (optional: CALL does it anyway)
    CALL G@>0012 Return to caller (i.e. Basic)
    ERRSN  CALL  G@>001C            Call error routine (returns to Basic)
    BYTE >20,>7D "String-number mismatch" in console GROM
    ERRIS  CALL  G@>001C            Call error routine (returns to Basic)
    BYTE >20,>2C "Incorrect statement" in console GROM

    Subprograms returning values

    Here again it's easy for subprograms called from assembly: just place the value (or a pointer to it) in the scratch-pad.

    Things are more complicated in Basic, mainly because of string variables. If you want to return a string, you cannot be sure that it will fit in the memory currently allocated for the string variable. Most probably it won't, as the user will call your subprogram with an empty string variable. You must therefore use XML >15 to assign a value to a variable, whether string or number.

    To call XML >15 you first make a copy of the variable entry in the value stack (as returned by XML >14) at the top of the value stack. This is achieved by calling XML >17.

    Then for numeric variables, just place the new floating point value on >834A-8352 and call XML >15: it will transfer the value in the proper memory location. Uh-oh, we have a problem here: there is no XML to convert an integer to a floating point number so you'll have to do it yourself!

    For string variables, you must first get enough room for your string in the Basic string space. There is a GPL routine that does this: place the required number of bytes in >830C-830D and CALL G@>0038, the address of the allocated space will be returned in >831C. You can easily call it from GPL, but if your subprogram is written in assembly language, this may be a problem. You could either use the GPLLNK routine outlined above, or simulate G@>0038 with an assembly routine.

    * This routine is an assembly version of the GPL routine >0038 
    * It allocates space for a string in the Basic string space
    * It is less efficient than the GPL version as it does not
    * perform garbage collection if there is not enough memory.
    * The number of bytes to allocate should be in R2.
    * The allocated address in VDP will be returned in R0.
    * A memory full error can be detected with a JEQ.
    STRAP1 ORI  R15,>2000     Set Eq bit
    MOV @4(R13),R2 Get required string size
    MOV R2,R1 Save it
    C *R2,*R2+ We'll need 4 more bytes
    MOV @>831A,R4 String space address
    MOV R4,R0 Save it for later
    S R2,R4 The space is growing downwards
    MOV @>836E,R3 Basic value stack pointer
    AI R3,>0040 8*8 bytes must be free
    C R4,R3 Do we have room enough?
    JLE MFULL No: memory full (or collect garbage and try again)

    SWPB R1 Put size byte in msb
    BLWP @VSBW Put it in string space
    SWPB R1
    S R1,R0 Adjust string space pointer
    MOV R0,*R13 Return value into R0
    AI R0,-4 Four more bytes needed
    MOV R0,@>831A Save new pointer
    BLWP @VSBW Write dummy value in first byte
    MOVB R1,@>8C00 Clear next 2 bytes
    MOVB R1,@>8C00
    SWPB R1
    MOVB R1,@>8C00 Write size in 3rd byte
    ANDI R15,>DFFF Clear Equ bit to indicate success
    MFULL RTWP Return with Equ bit set to indicate error

    Now you can place your string in the VDP memory at the designated address.

    Then get the Basic variable entry by calling XML >13 and XML >14 successively and push it again on the Basic value stack by calling XML >17.

    Then modify it so that it points at your string in the string space. Finally call XML >15 and that's it (wow).

    In summary, this is how to return variables from a GPL subprogram. All these XMLs can be called from assembly, so you should not have too many problems to come up with an equivalent version in assembly language. I'll leave it to you as an exercise.

    * This GPL routine demonstate how to return a value in a Basic string variable
    SENDST DST   >000E,@>830C    Put string size here
    CALL G@>0038 Will return to Basic if a "memory full" error occurs
           MOVE  @>830C,G@TESTRI,V*>831C  Now put a string into that space 
           XML   >1B             Get first char of variable name (required by XML >13)
    XML >13 Get next symbol (in Basic statement) address
    XML >14 Get its entry in the value stack
    XML >17 Make a new copy of it
    CEQ >65,@>834C (Optional) Make sure it's a string variable
    BR ERRSN If not, call "string-number mismatch" error
           DST   >001C,@>834A    New entry will be a string expression (flag >001C)
    DST @>831C,@>834E Address of our string in the string space
    DST >000E,@>8350 Put string size here
    XML >15 Assign string to string variable
    * This GPL routine demonstrates how to return a value in a Basic numeric variable 
    SENDNM XML   >1B             Get first char of variable name
    XML >13 Get next symbol (in Basic statement) address
    XML >14 Get its entry in the value stack
    XML >17 Make a new copy of it
    CEQ >65,@>834C (Optional) Make sure it's not a string variable
    BS ERRSN If it is, call "string-number mismatch" error
           DST   >4101,@>834A    Now put a floating point number on >834A-8451
    DST >2345,@>834C
    DCLR @>834E
    DCLR @>8350
           XML   >15             Assign it to the variable
    ERRSN  CALL  G@>001C         Call error routine (returns to Basic)
    BYTE >20,>7D "String-number mismatch" in console GROM
    ERRIS  CALL  G@>001C         Call error routine (returns to Basic)
    BYTE >20,>2C "Incorrect statement" in console GROM
    * This is a sample GPL subprogram using the two routines above.
    * Call it from Basic with CALL TEST(A$,X), then print A$ and X.
    TEST DADD >0005,@>831C Length of "TEST", plus size byte
    XML >1B Get next token
    CEQ >B7,@>8342 Make sure there is a (
    CALL SENDST Send a test string
    CALL SENDNM Send a test number
    XML >1B Get last token. Basic will make sure it's >00
    CALL G@>0012 Return to Basic


    DSR stands for Device Service Routine. They are special subprograms meant to access custom functions provided by the card. You could call them "drivers" to follow the PC lingo. The main difference between DSRs and subprograms is that DSRs use the concept of files as a standard way of passing parameters. Therefore, in Basic DSRs are called by file operations (OPEN, CLOSE, PRINT, INPUT, DELETE, OLD, and SAVE). They can also be called from assembly, using a PAB to pass parameters to/from the DSR. DSR names can have from 1 to 7 characters.

    Calling a DSR

    DSRs are called the same way as subprograms. Most of the time, the same scanning routine performs handles both types of calls: all it needs is a parameter to get the first link in a header. This parameter is >0008 for DSRs and >000A for subprograms (see structure of a header, above).

    The situation upon entry in a DSR is therefore just the same as for subprograms.

    Most of the time, a DSR will be able to execute a variety of operations (open a file, close it, etc). The first byte in the PAB is used to pass an opcode, that specifies which operation is to be executed. DSRs are thus more complex that most regular subprograms, but paradoxically easier to use with Basic.

    Returning from a DSR

    Just like subprograms, assembly language DSRs typically return with::

           INCT R11
    B *R11

    This prevents the scanning routine from scanning further cards for the same subprogram. Unless of course this is precisely what you want to do. In this case, just return with:

           B    *R11            

    GROM DSRs, written in GPL, generally return with:

            CALL G@>0012      

    since they can expect to have been called by CALL G@>0010 or the assembly language equivalent of it.

    PAB: Peripheral Access Blocks

    The convention to pass parameters to a DSR is to use a peripheral access block (PAB). This is a bunch of data, generally stored in the VDP memory, that is used to pass parameters to and from the called DSR or subprogram. A PAB has the following structure:

    Byte Function.
    0 Opcode
    1 Err flag + File type
    2 VDP buffer address
    4 Record length
    5 Number of chars
    6 Rec # / file size
    8 Bias / status
    9 Name size
    10+ DSR name

    Byte 0: Opcode

    This byte is used to define the type of operation to be performed by the DSR. The standard opcodes for file operations are the following:

    >00 Open. Opens the file, reserves room in VDP memory to store data in.
    >01 Close. Closes the file, frees the dedicated VDP memory area.
    >02 Read. Input data from the file/peripheral.
    >03 Write. Writes data to the file/peripheral.
    >04 Rewind. Points at a given record (or at top of file).
    >05 Load. Loads a memory image ("program") file.
    >06 Save. Saves a memory image file.
    >07 Delete. Removes a file from the storage unit.
    >08 Scratch. Removes a given record from a file.
    >09 Status. Returns informations about a file.

    Some DSR accept other custom opcodes. For instance, the RS232 DSR accepts:

    >80 Interrupts. A variant of Open that allows for interrupts upon reception of a char on a serial port.

    The Horizon Ramdisk supports several additional opcodes:

    >0A Assembly. Loads and runs a memory-image assembly file.
    >0B Basic. Loads and runs an extended basic file.
    >0C Cartridge. Loads a memory image GPL file.
    >B0 Rambo. Selects a memory bank to be mapped at >6000-7FFF.
    >80 to >8C: same as >00 to >0C, but uses a buffer in CPU memory rather than in VDP memory.

    Byte 1: Err/Type

    The last 5 bits are used by the caller to define the file type. Typically used by Open only.

    Bit Meaning
    0 Error code
    3 >00: Fixed >10: Variable
    4 >00: Display >08: Internal
    5 >00: Update >04: Input
    >02: Output >06: Append
    7 >00: Seq >01: Relative

    The first 3 bits are used by the DSR to return an error code:

    0 (>00): No error. I/O error 0 occurs when the calling subroutine could not find a matching DSR anywhere.
    1 (>20): Write protection. Attempt to write to a write-protected medium.
    2 (>40): Bad attribute. File attributes in the PAB (Dis/Int, Var/Fix, Seq/Rel, rec lenght) don't match attributes on disk.
    3 (>60): Illegal opcode. Unsupported or unknown opcode.
    4 (>80): Memory full. There is no room to store the data or the file definition (e.g more than 127 files).
    5 (>A0): Past end-of-file. Attempt to read past the end of the file.
    6 (>C0): Device error. Something went wrong with the hardware.
    7 (>E0): File error. Anything that do not fit in the above.

    Bytes 2-3: Buffer address

    These two bytes point to a data buffer, generally in VDP memory.

    Read: write data from the file/peripheral into this buffer, record by record.
    Write: take data from this buffer to write it on file, record by record.
    Load: write data from the whole file/peripheral into this buffer in a single operation.
    Save: take data from this buffer to write it on file in a single operation.

    Byte 4: Record length

    For "fixed" files, this is the absolute record length, in bytes. For "variable" files, it is the maximum allowable record length. This byte is not used for "program" files.

    Open: When this byte is >00, replace it with the default record length. Else check if length is ok with that peripheral.
    Read: Maximum number of bytes to transfer.

    Byte 5: Number of chars

    Read: how many bytes have been transfered from the peripheral to the memory buffer.
    Write: how many bytes must be transfered to the peripheral.

    Bytes 6-7: Rec # / File size

    Rewind: point on that record, for next operation (must be Relative, unless record # is 0)
    Scratch: delete that record.
    Load: maximum number of bytes that can be loaded into the memory buffer.
    Save: number of bytes to write to the file/peripheral.

    Byte 8: Bias / Status

    Basic uses this byte to specify a screen bias, i.e. a value to be added to each character in case the DSR wants to display an error message on screen (the Basic bias is >60). This is typically not used as DSRs do not write directly on screen (the CS1 and CS2 DSRs are exceptions to this rule)..

    Status: Return the file status in that byte:

    Bit Meaning when 0 Meaning when 1
    0 >00: File exists >80:File not found
    1 >00: Unprotected >40: File/device protected
    2 not used
    3 >00: Display >10: Internal
    4 >00: Non-program >08: Program
    5 >00: Fixed >04: Variable
    6 >00: Enough space >02: Memory full
    7 >00: Whithin file >01: End-of-file

    N.B. Some DSR return the status after each and every opcode (The Horizon Ramdisk does so), but that's not required by the TI specs.

    Byte 9: Name length

    The size in bytes of the DSR name, including file name and modifiers.

    Byte 10+: DSR name

    The DSR name should start from that byte. Valid DSR names must be 1-7 characters in lenght and should not contain decimal points. Exemples: DSK1, RS232/1.

    Additional parameters can be appended to the DSR name, using decimal points as separators. E.g. a filename DSK1.MYFILE or transmission parameters RS232.BA=4800.DA=8.CR.CH

    What comes after the first decimal point depends on the DSR and is not part of the PAB convention.


    Interrupt service routines (ISRs) only exist in peripheral card ROMs, since the GPL interpreter allows interrupts: a GPL ISR would thus almost certainly be interrupted by a VDP interrupt!. When the main ISR in the console ROM determines that an interrupt did not come from the VDP, nor from the TMS9901 timer, it assumes it came from a peripheral card. It then scans all CRU addresses from >1000 to >1F00 and branches to each and every ISR it finds in any card ROM.

    It is the responsability of the card's ISR to determine whether the interrupt came from that card or not.

    An ISR always returns with B *R11, so that the main ISR can scan other cards. If however you would like to make sure no other card will be scanned, here is how to return:

           C    *R11+,*R11+     Increments R11 by 4: jumps out of the scanning loop
    LI R0,>1E00 This means SBZ 0
    LI R1,>045B This means B *R11
    B R0 Caution: not B *R0

    We can easily jump out of the ISR scanning loop by incrementing R11 by 4. However, this skips an SBZ 0 instruction and results in leaving our card ROM "on", which most probably will crash the system. We must therefore execute this SBZ 0 ourselves. But this instruction cannot be placed in the card ROM since we won't be able to execute a program in there once the ROM is turned off. Therefore, the SBZ 0 and a B *R11 are copied into the scratch-pad into R0 and R1. We then continue execution of the program in our worspace, and execute these two instructions.

    Foreign language translators

    There is one more feature for GROMs: if GROM >6000 in base >9800 has a negative version numbe (i.e. bit 0 is >80), then the power-up routine will branch at >6010 just after is finished drawing the TI title screen. This was means to implement a foreign language translator, that would replace titles in english with titles in whatever language the cartridge provided. Some game cartridges use this trick to take over control of the TI-99/4A, just like some do with the power-up routines.

    After the user pressed a key and the main program menu is displayed, another translator kicks in. Its address is >6013 in base >9800. This leaves you only 3 bytes to install the first translator, but that's all you need for a B G@>xxxx statement. This second translator is in charge of translating the words "PRESS" and "FOR" in the menu (it could possibly translate program name, but that would be quite a task...).

    Revision 1. 3/19/99 OK to release
    Revision 2. 5/28/99 Added "Headers" and "PAB" chapters.
    Revision 3. 6/6/99 Completely modified. Added chapter on subprograms with calling examples, etc.

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