What we do
We produce peptides by total chemical synthesis, making use of a suite of peptide synthesizers – single reaction vessel, 6-channel and multiplex (384 wells). Peptides are analyzed and purified by reverse-phase hplc and then authenticated by mass spectrometry. We provide the user with the peptide at a defined purity together with a full synthesis report containing analytical data.

Native chemical ligation
For longer peptides and small proteins, the full-length polypeptide is assembled from two or more fragments in a process called native chemical ligation. In this way it is possible to generate polypeptides of up to 100 amino acids in length.

Post translational modifications
Using total chemical synthesis it is possible to incorporate post-translational modifications (e.g. phosphorylation or acetylation) and non-coded amino acids at specific sites in the polypeptide chain.

How we do it
We synthesize peptides using solid phase peptide synthesis. Automated cyles of deprotection, activation and coupling lead to the growth of a polypeptide chanin of defined sequence on a resin. When the last amino acid has been coupled, the polypeptide is cleaved from the resin so that it can be analyed and purified.

Disulfide bridges and folding
Certain peptides and small proteins require disulfide bridge formation to adopt biologically relevent structures. Where required, we perform folding recations that ensure correct disulfide bridge formation in the target polypeptide.

It is also possible to site-specifically modify synthesized peptides with tags (e.g. biotin) or fluorochromes of choice.