
Cancelled: lecture from Pr Arun Shukla

The lecture from Pr. Arun SHUKLA, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India, invited by Pr. Miriam STOEBER entitled “Structure function and regulation of G protein-coupled receptors” is cancelled.


The overarching theme of his research is to understand the structure function and regulation of GPCRs and leverage this information to design and discover novel therapeutics with minimal side-effects. His research has elucidated the details of how clinically prescribed drugs for a range of human disorders interact with and regulate the function of their cognate receptors in human body. They have also discovered previously unappreciated mechanisms that GPCRs utilize to receive the information outside the cells and relay the message across the cell membrane. 

For more details, visit his website.


On the same research topic

23 Nov 2023
