
Diabetes Spotlight: New Faculty Centre and Journée Portes Ouvertes, Nov 24

After the successful launch of the new Faculty Diabetes Centre this past October 27th, 2015, PHYM diabetes researchers gear up for the 13th annual “Journée Portes Ouvertes du Diabète et Obésité”, which will take place in the CMU on Tuesday November 24th, 2015.

The Faculty Diabetes Centre is comprised of a network of researchers and clinicians, including 19 principal investigators from the CMU, HUG and Sciences. Amongst these are 8 PHYM/Associate members Profs. Foti, Maechler, Trajkovski, Wehrle-Haller, Rohner-Jeanrenaud, Szanto, Wollheim, as well as Roberto Coppari, who is also one of the two Coordinators of the Centre. The launch of the Centre consisted of a full day symposium with talks from PHYM members Salvatore Fabbiano (Trajkovski), Jorge Altirriba Gutierrez (Rohner-Jeanrenaud), Dorothea Portius (Foti), Pierre Maechler, and Xavier Brenachot (Coppari), as well as an address by Coordinator Prof. Coppari. The aims of the Centre are to increase: collaborations between research and/or clinical groups, translational potential of pre-clinical findings, visibility, fundraising, recruitment and teaching on the theme of metabolic homeostasis and disorders.

For more information:

The 13th annual Journée Portes Ouvertes Diabète et Obésité is a full day event open to the public, hosted by the CMU and the Faculty Diabetes Centre, where 10 different posts will be manned by Unige researchers on various topics within the theme of Diabetes and Obesity. The goal is to increase public awareness of this world-wide epidemic, and increase public understanding of life habits and biological mechanisms that increase the risk of developing these diseases. PHYME members will be hosting the following posts: 2) Appetite and Body Weight (Rohner-Jeanrenaud), 3) Fatty liver and insulin resistance (Foti), 4) How do insulin-producing cells work? (Maechler), and 9) Stem cells and diabetes (Brun).

For more information:












Posted by: P. Nunes

11 Nov 2015
