
Two PHYM members won the i-Teams first prize

i-Teams brings together the brightest undergraduate and graduate students, as well as postdocs, and the university’s ground-breaking research to develop commercially viable strategies and build valuable university-industry links. Three teams of students, doctoral students and post-doctoral students, coached by project leaders, competed in the 10th i-Teams session.

The first prize went to the Fillase project team, led by Professor Gürkan Kaya, a specialist in dermatology at the UNIGE Faculty of Medicine and the HUG in collaboration with two PHYM members, Marta Balkota, a PhD student in the laboratory of Prof. Pierre Maechler and Marta Correia de Sousa, a postdoctoral fellow in the Obesity, Liver Metabolic Disorders and Cancer laboratory. The winners thank Laura Magnabosco for her precious input in developing the business idea.

The aim of the project is to create a solution that can improve the quality of life of people with increased exogenous and endogenous accumulation of hyaluronic acid in the skin. This will be achieved through the use of an exclusive topical cream whose main component is hyaluronidase.

The second and third prizes went to the SmartGase project, augmented reality glasses for people suffering from hemineglect, and the Neuroloop project, how to focus in a world of distraction.


The Fillase team, who was awared the 1st prize. From left to right: Marta Balkota, Dr Marta Correia de Sousa, Pr Gürkan Kaya.

Other achievements in the Department

22 Feb 2024
