
Award & grant opportunities


In addition to the list below, the Faculty of Medicine and the Geneva Centre for inflammation list key calls for projects.

The search engine from the University of Geneva Pivot-RP can also help you to find finding opportunities.



International Birnstiel Award, for PhD students at an advanced stage of their career

LS2 Young investigator award, for PhD students and postdoctoral fellows, members of the LS2 section Physiology

3R prize from UNIGE, for researchers from UNIGE

Schläfli prize, for young scientists

Gertrude von Meissner research prize, for research projects



Swiss National Science Foundation, various opportunities

ERC grants, various opportunities

Booster programme, for UNIGE PhD students

STARTER & CONFIRM grants HUG, for either translational or advanced research projects

Thorn Foundation, for young researchers

Innosuisse, for high-risk projects with strong innovation potential

Vontobel Foundation, for medical research

Boninchi Foundation, for UNIGE professors


Thematic grants

European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes EFSD, for EASD members

Swiss Diabetes Foundation, for research projects

Geneva & Swiss Cancer League, for research projects

Worldwide cancer research, for research projects

Geneva Lung League, for research projects

Swiss 3R Competence Centre (3RCC), various opportunities

The Bow foundation, for research on GNAO1

Venture competition, for start-ups



Germaine de Staël Program, for collaborations France-Switzerland

Tebu-bio grant, for conference expenses for a research using their tools