
For the users coming from the University Medical Center (CMU):
From the C or D buildings of the CMU, go to the SS level, pass by the Animal Facility and keep going straight.

how to request an access to the facility?
The PIPPA facility is within the BATLab which access is regulated by HUG policies. Furthermore the facility itself is a restricted area due to radiation safety.
To access you will need a HUG badge, and an authorisation provided by the radiation safety officer (Didier Colin).
HUG has requested that we limit the number of authorisations. Therefore, we aim at providing one access per research group, preferably to a PI or to a permanent staff.

* Be aware that you will have to provide the following documents :
- Valid identity card or passeport
- Work permit for foreign workers
- Working contract
- Curriculum vitae
- ID picture (no selfie please)