Journal Clubs are in the program "Genomics and Digital Health" of the doctoral school in "Life Sciences from the Faculties of Medicine and Science" and are open to all programs of the PhD school of Life Science, and external participants. It is taught by PIs participating in the program and several external teachers. It will cover a wide range of selected topics in Digital Health and Data Science for Digital Health..

  • Digital Health (DH)
  • Genomics
  • Methodology in Research
  • Ethical and Security Issues in DH
  • Semantics and Interoperability
  • Computational biomedical sciences
  • Natural Language Processing in Health
  • Health Data Analytics
  • Machine Learning in Health
  • Health Data Representation
  • Biomedical Signal Processing
  • Public Health
  • Community Health


On Wednesdays from 11am to 12pm

Room H4-02-A (Biotech Campus)

Zoom access

More info here


October 23rd François Fleuret Prof UNIGE, Attention Models, World Models, and Going Beyond World Understanding 

In this talk I will first present the standardattention-based operations that have been so successful for large languagemodels, and will show how we have used these techniques to devisestate-of-the-art world models for reinforcement learning. The I will exposepreliminary results for the self-generation of non-NLP reasoning tasks thatexpend a basic set of simple hand-designed reasoning challenges. This approachprovides a blueprint of a possible strategy to develop abstract reasoningbeyond reinforcement learning, without using human-generated data.

Attention models: 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 5.3, 7.1.

World models:

November 6th Stéphane Meystre Prof SUPSI, Opening the Treasure Trove Chest: AI to Enable Clinical Data Reuse for Research and Care Support

Dr. Meystre is Professor of Biomedical Informatics and Director of the new Institute of Digital Technologies for Personalised Healthcare (MeDiTech) at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) in Lugano,Switzerland. He has amedical background, with an MD from the University of Lausanne in Switzerland and several years of clinical experience. His training in medical informatics includes a MS from the University of California, Davis and a PhD from the University of Utah, both in the United States.

November 27th Timothy Frayling, Prof UNIGE, Genetic heros and victims: how linkages between human genetic data and electronic medical records could improve patient care

Tim Frayling is a human geneticist, working in common and rare disease since 1993. From 2023 he has led a new team at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva studying the genetics and genomics of common metabolic disease focusing on type 2 diabetes, obesity and related conditions. 

January29th Janna Hastings, Prof, Dr. UZH, Catching the wave: Language models accelerate biomedical literature processing

Since August 2022, Janna Hastings is Assistant Professor of Medical Knowledge and Decision Support at the Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care, Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich, and Vice-Director of the School of Medicine at the University of St. Gallen. The focus of her research is on digitalization in the clinic and how new digital technologies can be harnessed to accelerate biomedical discovery and improve the working lives of clinicians.

February 26th Douglas Teodoro, Prof. UNIGE, Language and Vision Models for Text and Image Analyses in Healthcare

Douglas Teodoro is assistant professor at Département de radiologie et informatique médicale, Faculté de médecine, UNIGE since July 2021.

March 12th Dimitri Van De Ville, Prof EPFL, Neuroimaging to probe brain dynamics and networks

Dimitri Van De Ville is Professor at the Neuro-X Institute of the EPFL and jointly affiliated with the Department of Radiology and Medical Informatics at the Faculty of Medicine, UNIGE. He is the Director of the Medical Image Processing Laboratory (MIPLAB), located at the Campus Biotech in Geneva. The focus of his research is on developing and applying computational neuroimaging techniques such as brain network analysis and signal dynamics. His work is building bridges between signal processing, machine learning, network science, and applications to cognitive and clinical neurosciences. 

March 26th Henning Müller, Prof. HEVS, Metric recommendations and pitfalls in medical image analysis validation

Henning Müller studied medical informatics at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, then worked at Daimler-Benz research in Portland, OR, USA. From 1998-2002 he worked on his PhD degree in computer vision at the University of Geneva, Switzerland with a research stay at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Since 2002, Henning has been working for the medical informatics service at the University Hospital of Geneva. Since 2007, he has been a full professor at the HES-SO Valais and since 2011 he is responsible for the eHealth unit of the school. Since 2014, he is also professor at the medical faculty of the University of Geneva. In 2015/2016 he was on sabbatical at the Martinos Center, part of Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA, USA to focus on research activities. Henning was coordinator of the ExaMode EU project, the Khresmoi EU project and scientific coordinator of the VISCERAL EU project. Since early 2020, he is also a member of the Swiss National Research Council.

April 9th Olivier Michelin, Prof. UNIGE/HUG

April 30th Guillaume Andrey, Prof. UNIGE/HUG

May 28th Habib Zaidi, Prof. UNIGE/HUG,

June 18th Jérôme Schmid, Prof. HEDS

June 25th Marc Abramowicz, Prof. UNIGE/HUG