Published on maintaining mental health and developing coping skills
The objective of this new web app, designed by caregivers and researchers, is to help people with temporary/reactional or chronic psychological suffering to find coping strategies to better cope with the crisis in the broadest sense: health, containment, de-confinement, post-confinement, societal and economic uncertainties, adaptations needed in the medium and long term.
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The Harmful Effects of Stress Unraveled – Alexandre Dayer
The 12th Synapsy newsletter is rich with interviews and portraits of students, clinical scientists and more senior researchers from the developmental stress working group of Synapsy (work package 4, WP#4). Its objective is to evaluate the long-term effect of exposure to stress at different developmental stages. Please take your time to discover their ideas and the exciting progress they are making!
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Halfway between cell biology and patient care
Zoé Schilliger was one of the three 2019 winners of the Synapsy clinician-researcher grant. She is embarking on a PhD on anxiety that is based on the expertise of two Synapsy work packages. It is a fascinating project that combines Zoé’s shared interest in practical psychiatry and fundamental research.
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Anti-stress meditation
Is meditation effective as an early intervention to reduce reactivity to stress and anxiety? The Mindfulteen study investigates the question using brain imaging.
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Breaking the transmission of trauma
Children of mothers with post-traumatic stress disorder have difficulty processing their emotions. Defining the neural bases of this dysfunction will help develop future treatments.
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Making a living on two wheels and electroencephalography
Virginie Perizzolo tells us how cycling and speech therapy helped her recently graduate from the Lemanic Neuroscience Doctoral School.