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Overcoming eating disorders
Head of the Service of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (SPEA) since October 2017, Prof. Nadia Micali is an internationally recognized expert on eating disorders and eating behaviour. She talks to us about these problems that affect 10% of children and a quarter of adolescents.
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Drugs of abuse : identifying the addiction circuit
What happens in the brain of compulsive drug users? UNIGE researchers have pinpointed the circuit of the brain that controls addictive behaviour.
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Dopamine, a key component of heroin addiction
UNIGE scientists have deciphered the decisive role of dopamine in heroin addiction mechanisms, also paving the way for non-addictive analgesic treatments and drugs.
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Resynchronizing neurons to erase schizophrenia
By increasing the excitability of a subpopulation of “defective” inhibitory neurons, researchers at the UNIGE restore the synchronization of neural networks in the hippocampus, and are thus able to suppress certain behavioural symptoms associated with schizophrenia.
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Electricity sparks neuronal diversity
UNIGE researchers have discovered that bioelectrical potential is a driving force for stem cells to generate different types of neurons during embryogenesis.
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Synapses of the reward system at stake in autistic disorders
Swiss scientists have discovered that the difficulty in managing social interactions found in people with autism is due to poor maturation of the synapses.