GSEM accredited by AACSB as top business school

The UNIGE Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM) has been awarded AACSB business accreditation known worldwide as the most recognized form of specialized accreditation for business programs.

AACSB accreditation will enable the GSEM, and more broadly the UNIGE, to consolidate its position in international rankings, attract and place the best students and professors, and establish partnerships with other leading schools © Jacques Erard - UNIGE 

The Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM) of the University of Geneva (UNIGE) has been awarded the prestigious AACSB accreditation. This accreditation is a key step in the development of the faculty created in 2014, and recognises the excellence of its research and teaching. It will enable the GSEM, and more broadly the UNIGE, to consolidate its position in international rankings, attract and place the best students and professors, and establish partnerships with other leading schools.

The UNIGE Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM)  has been awarded AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) business accreditation upon review of all bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree programs. AACSB accreditation is known, worldwide, as the longest-standing, most recognized form of specialized accreditation that an institution and its business programs can earn. With its AACSB accreditation, the UNIGE becomes part of a select group of less than 6% of institutions offering business programs who are accredited.

“I am delighted that the University of Geneva, Geneva School of Economics and Management, has been awarded AACSB business accreditation, which is an important milestone for our School’s development,” said Professor Markus Menz, Dean of the GSEM. “The accreditation process has been instrumental for our strategy, especially for our mission to educate responsible leaders for a diverse and changing society. I sincerely thank our students, alumni, colleagues, and supporters for their dedication and commitment to our accreditation journey over the past years!”

Professor Audrey Leuba, Rector of the University of Geneva, said: “I am extremely proud  that our Geneva School of Economics and Management has received the prestigious AACSB accreditation. This recognition demonstrates the commitment of the University of Geneva and the GSEM to academic excellence and high standards, which are imperative to meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s society. It underlines the quality of teaching and the dedication of faculty and staff. This accreditation will undoubtedly enhance the value of the GSEM degree, and therefore the attractiveness of its graduates, opening up numerous professional prospects and facilitating their integration into the Swiss and international job markets.”

Rigorous selection process

AACSB accreditation is a voluntary, nongovernmental process that includes a rigorous external review of a school’s mission, faculty qualifications, curricula, and ability to provide the highest-quality programs. AACSB’s accreditation processes are ISO 9001:2015 certified.

Following several self-evaluation reports, the GSEM was reviewed by three Deans from foreign business schools during a visit in November 2023. In their report, they commended the GSEM for its collegiate culture, high-quality degree programs and research, and its “Geneva Advantage,” resulting in “impressive initiatives creating positive impact in society.”

AACSB values and celebrates diversity among its membership. Accredited members share a common purpose—preparing learners for meaningful lives. AACSB provides a platform for business schools to work together to foster engagement, accelerate innovation, and amplify impact in business education—and create a shared sense of responsibility to have a positive impact on society. Accredited members undergo a continuous improvement review process every six years.

A young, cutting-edge Faculty

Building on a history of over 100 years, but established in its current form in 2014, the GSEM’s mission is to educate responsible leaders for a diverse and changing society. About 1600 students are enrolled in the GSEM’s AACSB and AMBA-accredited undergraduate, graduate, and executive programs in management, economics, finance, business analytics, statistics, and information systems.

Focusing on the interdisciplinary areas of analytics/digital, governance, and sustainability, the GSEM benefits from a ‘‘Geneva Advantage’’ — its unique location in Geneva, a region that is home to many international organizations, non-profit organizations, multinational corporations, and financial institutions — together with its dedicated staff of about 200, including 60 internationally recognized faculty members.

About AACSB International

Established in 1916, AACSB International (AACSB) is the world’s largest business education alliance, connecting educators, learners, and business to create the next generation of great leaders. With members in over 100 countries and territories, AACSB fosters engagement, accelerates innovation, and amplifies impact in business education. Learn how AACSB and business schools from around the world are leading boldly in business education at aacsb.edu.

About the University of Geneva

Founded in 1559, the University of Geneva (UNIGE) now ranks among the top 50 universities worldwide. As a versatile institution with international reach, it fully integrates into the international landscape of Geneva while also contributing to the cultural, social, and economic development of the region. UNIGE is a member of the League of European Research Universities (LERU) and the 4EU+ European alliance, with its research quality being internationally recognised. It has been honoured with numerous distinctions, including several Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals. UNIGE hosts nearly 18,000 students from 150 countries across its nine faculties and thirteen interfaculty centres. www.unige.ch

30 Apr 2024


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