Media Services
The Communications Department of the University of Geneva (UNIGE) is at the disposal of national and international media representatives.
In accordance with the missions of the institution as defined by the law on the University, it aims to inform the public, to reflect on the evolution of science and its contribution to the understanding of society and the environment. By promoting and facilitating access to the results of research, as well as to the expertise of more than 4000 scientists, it contributes to the cultural, social and economic development of the community.
The Communication Department
- answers any question regarding UNIGE, its research and teaching activities, as well as its outreach work;
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- feeds the media with the latest news by means of messages, press releases and press conferences;
Subscribe to our Press Releases
- helps media representatives throughout their research and grants them access to UNIGE experts in every field of its academic work;
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- provides statistical information about the institution and offers a wide access to its image bank and its free-to-publish high resolution pictures for the media;
Access to statistics
UNIGE image bank
- helps UNIGE researchers who wish to share the results of their work with the general public;
Communicating your research