Filming at UNIGE
Terms and Conditions of Shooting at UNIGE
These general conditions apply to all filming and photo shootings inside the UNIGE buildings.
2. By "media representative", the present document means any person or company producing a video or photographic report for public broadcasting via a media outlet, a website, a platform or a social network.
3. Media representatives must respect the rules of courtesy and not disrupt the smooth running of university activities when filming or taking photographs.
4. Media representatives must ensure that they respect the ethical principles of their profession, including the Declaration of the Duties and Rights of Journalists in all cases where it applies.
5. Media representatives must have permission to film, photograph or record on University premises.
6. The request for authorisation must be addressed to the UNIGE Communications Department using the online form.
7. Media representatives undertake to respect the present conditions for filming and taking photographs, as well as any specific conditions set out in the authorisation.
8. The University's Communication Department issues authorisations when the demand:
· is directly related to the subject covered by the media representatives,
· does not contradict the values and missions of the institution,
· does not disrupt the smooth running of university activities,
· is not made for commercial purposes or for political or religious propaganda,
· complies with security requirements.
9. In principle, authorised shootings shall take place during the opening hours of the university buildings. Filming may be authorised outside these hours; any costs incurred are to be borne by the media representatives.
10. No authorisation is required when media representatives are expressly invited by the University to a press conference or a public event held by the institution. In this case, they must comply with the recommendations made by the organisers of the event.
11. No authorisation is required when media representatives are invited by University staff for an interview in their office on a topic directly related to the staff member's area of specialisation or activity. Media representatives shall inform the Communications Department of their presence.
12. When media representatives are invited by a member of staff to his or her office, they shall refrain from taking photographs outside that office.
Protection of personality
13. In general terms, every precaution must be taken to ensure the full respect of the personal rights of any individual in the University buildings, whether a member of the University community or a third party.
14. In particular, any individual filmed in classrooms, offices, auditoriums, laboratories, workshops, technical rooms and service corridors must have given their written consent by means of the consent form.
15. If the shooting conditions do not allow all individual consents to be obtained (e.g. shootings in corridors or in an auditorium), the dates, times and locations of the shooting must be displayed in the building, in a visible and clear manner, before and during the shooting. Consent is still required for any close-up photography of a person or group of people.