(Future) parents follow the guide!

Parenthood and all related issues require a community. This guide is for members of the University of Geneva – staff and students – who are parents or planning to become parents, as well as their superiors or academic supervisors.

Childcare and schools

University childcare (eve)
The University of Geneva offers spaces for the exclusive use of its community in three nurseries (EVE): Allobroges (14 quai du Cheval-Blanc), Baud-Bovy (2-4-6, passage Baud-Bovy), Le Cheval Blanc (11 quai du Cheval-Blanc) and Lina Stern (3 avenue de Champel).

The cost for parents is calculated on the basis of the family's income. The criteria for attribution of spaces are defined by the Rectorate.


emoji_objectsTo do

To apply for a space or if you have any other questions, please contact:

The University early years information office (BIPU), bipu(at)unige.ch, 022 379 10 82 (Tuesday 14:00–17:00 and Thursday 9:00–12:00), Mirabeau building, rue De-Candolle 4, 1205 Geneva, arcade on the ground floor.

Childcare facilities in Geneva
Different types of childcare are available in the city of Geneva from birth until school.
Childcare facilities in Geneva (in French)
Subsidised childcare facilities in Geneva (in French)


To apply
The early years information office (BIPE) centralises applications for all subsidised facilities in Geneva.
Parents who live or work in the city of Geneva can apply for a place in a nursery on the city of Geneva's website or by taking the required documents to the BIPE office.
Applications are possible from the 12th week of pregnancy.
If a suitable space becomes available, you will be contacted directly by the nursery that your child could attend.


Important: Applications must be reactivated every six months or they are cancelled. People who work at UNIGE and live in the city of Geneva can apply both to the BIPU and the BIPE. Spaces in childcare facilities are scarce; families are therefore encouraged to maximize their chances by considering multiple childcare solutions.
Early years information office (BIPE), 022 418 81 81, Rue Cendrier 8, 1201 Geneva
Childcare facilities in other municipalities
Other childcare facilities are available in the municipalities of Geneva and Vaud, as well as in neighbouring France. For more information, contact the municipalities directly.

List of municipal childcare facilities in Geneva's suburbs


Temporary childcare facilities


Care at home


Sick children


Chaperon Rouge (emergency babysitting), route des acacias 9, 1211 Geneva 4, 022 304 04 82, chaperon.rouge(at)croix-rouge-ge.ch


Parent–child centre


Le Cerf-volant, bd Carl-Vogt 82, 1205 Geneva, 022 329 58 90


Babysitting platforms


Les 3 fées, babysitting service from birth until adolescence, les.3.fees(at)hotmail.com



School and education
In the Canton of Geneva, school is compulsory for children who are 4 years old by 31 July of the current year, until age 15. Compulsory school is followed by compulsory training up to the age of 18:




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Wraparound care
The intercommunal group for extracurricular activities (GIAP) provides wraparound care for children attending primary school in the canton of Geneva (1P to 8P): morning supervision, 7:00–8:00 – in some suburban municipalities and neighbourhoods of the city of Geneva and only for children in 1P to 4P (4–7 years old); midday supervision and lunch, 11:30–13:30; afternoon supervision and snack, 16:00–18:00.


Registration for wraparound care takes place in May directly at the schools.



Intercommunal group for extracurricular activities (GIAP) (in French), bd des Promenades 20, 1227 Carouge, 022 304 57 00


Holidays and Wednesdays – Activities
Information on the various extracurricular classes and activities is often available at the schools.

The Geneva foundation for youth centres (FASe) oversees the activities carried out by neighbourhood youth and activity centres in the canton of Geneva during these periods.