(Future) parents follow the guide!

Parenthood and all related issues require a community. This guide is for members of the University of Geneva – staff and students – who are parents or planning to become parents, as well as their superiors or academic supervisors.

Studying as a parent

No legal provisions forbid students on maternity leave from studying and sitting exams. It is possible to modify study plans, but this needs to be planned in advance with the academic advisors.

You will need to discuss the possibility of taking your child to class with each member of teaching staff. It may be possible to reach an agreement for recording the class.


Most faculties allow part-time studies for reasons such as maternity, work, family responsibilities, educational responsibilities or illness.



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Studying part-time

 Requesting leave
It is possible to interrupt your studies during pregnancy or for family reasons, while remaining registered at the university, for a period set by the applicable study regulations. The leave is granted by the dean of the faculty.
During the leave, only the fixed fees, i.e. CHF 65 per semester, are due.


emoji_objectsTo do

Contact the academic advisor for your faculty/institute/centre/school to find out the conditions and to confirm your decision. Then follow the instructions given by the faculty/institute/centre/school. The request for leave must be received by the faculty/institute/centre/school by the deadline and in accordance with the procedure defined by the faculty/institute/centre/school.



It is also possible to interrupt your studies by exmatriculating, although this is not advisable. Your student status is then lost and you will have to go through the whole registration procedure again when you decide to resume your studies.



UNIGE admissions service (in French)
Cantonal population and migration office (OCPM): route de Chancy 88, Case Postale 2652, 1213 Onex, 1211 Geneva 2, ocp(at)etat.ge.ch.


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