

Model Checking Contest 2024

An event dedicated to the evaluation of model checking tools using Petri Net benchmarks.

PNSE 2024

A workshop that promote the use of Petri Nets in the Software Engineering Domain and for advanced application.

PENGE 2024

The workshop aims to attract short papers that present examples for the use of Petri nets for elegant modeling, analysis or problem solving. The examples should be comprehensible, self- contained and ideally demonstrate advantages of Petri Net techniques compared to other approaches. A particular objective of the workshop is the collection of examples that can be used for exemplary modeling or application of analysis concepts in education.

Petri Net Course

The Petri Net Course is a satellite event of the 45th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency (Petri Nets 2024). This course offers a thorough introduction to Petri Nets in four half-day modules on Sunday and Monday with an option of a tutorial module (Tuesday) on applications of Petri Nets and new developments presented by experts in the area. Two alternative tutorials will be offered. Each module of the course can be taken separately. In particular, the lectures on Tuesday can be followed as independent tutorials.