Partner foundations
In setting up and facilitating the Centre for Philanthropy, the University of Geneva has worked in close collaboration with foundations of international repute. The Centre has eight strategic partners. All partner foundations have the same status.
The Fondation Hélène et Victor Barbour, a private foundation with its headquarters in Geneva, was created in 1977 by Mr. Victor Barbour, in his own name and that of his wife Hélène.
In accordance with the wishes of its founders, the Fondation Hélène et Victor Barbour focuses its philanthropic activities primarily on the canton of Geneva.
The Foundation provides various forms of financial support (donations, grants, scholarships, awards, etc.) to individuals or institutions in five specific areas:
- the social aspect, more precisely the assistance in precarious individual or family situations,
- the training of young craftsmen or students,
- culture,
- the churches,
- wildlife, especially horses and dogs.
“We are absolutely convinced that knowledge needs to be reinforced and shared so that philanthropy can be disseminated more widely. Creating the new Centre for Philanthropy at UNIGE is a major breakthrough, and we look forward to playing an active role!”
Ariane de Rothschild, President of the Edmond de Rothschild Family Philanthropy
For over 150 years, the Edmond de Rothschild generations have engaged in the arts, and scientific and social initiatives to answer the needs of their time. The family has sustained this tradition of giving, transforming it from charity into philanthropic leadership. Today, the Edmond de Rothschild Family Philanthropy encompasses operational and grant-making foundations. These foundations share a common belief in the power of change-makers to transform the world and are a testament to the family’s commitment to fostering audacity, entrepreneurial spirit, diversity, inclusion, and care for all.
Edmond de Rothschild Family Philanthropy
"By becoming a strategic partner of the Centre for Philanthropy of the University of Geneva, Fondation de France is strengthening its support for research on philanthropy at a time when its development is intensifying and the challenges it faces are immense. As the leading philanthropy network in France, bringing together more than 900 foundations engaged in all areas of public good, we are very pleased to participate in this project of excellence with other major European foundations, and to bring our 50 years of experience to bear on the development of philanthropy."
Pierre Sellal, President of the Fondation de France
“The Leenaards Foundation has chosen to support the Centre’s expansion as an interface at a regional level between practice and research in the philanthropic sector. In signing up to the GCP’s club of strategic partners, the Leenaards Foundation is actively helping to promote good philanthropic practices, an approach that is reflected in its long-standing commitments as part of the SwissFoundations group of charitable associations.”
Brigitte Rorive, President of the Foundation Leenaards
The Leenaards Foundation, which operates in the Lake Geneva region, aims to stimulate initiatives that anticipate, challenge and keep pace with the fast-moving changes taking place in society. The Foundation’s three areas of action are culture, age and society (the quality of life of older people) and science. The Foundation helps actors in these fields devise creative and innovative projects, with particular emphasis on projects that promote the common good and social cohesion.
“Geneva has a long and very rich tradition of philanthropy and humanitarian work, known as the ‘spirit of Geneva’, with an international reputation. As the world around us changes, the field of philanthropy continues to grow. The new Geneva Centre for Philanthropy will capture this spirit at exactly the right moment, helping to advance the knowledge and expertise that will shape the philanthropic initiatives of the future. We are delighted to be actively involved in this endeavour in our role as a founding partner of the Centre for Philanthropy alongside the University of Geneva”.
Hubert Keller, President of the Fondation Lombard Odier
The Fondation Lombard Odier firmly believes in the importance of philanthropy for society. The foundation promotes dialogue between stakeholders and actively participates in platforms for exchange, such as SwissFoundations, the European Foundation Centre and the European Venture Philanthropy Association. The Fondation Lombard Odier also publishes research to support the development of philanthropy in Switzerland and across the globe.
Private foundation in Geneva
The Mercator Foundation Switzerland helps to shape the future. With its network of partners, the foundation develops, tests and disseminates ideas to address the most urgent social and ecological challenges. The foundation initiates and promotes innovative projects, strengthens civil society organisations, forges and supports broad alliances. In this way, Mercator Foundation Switzerland aims to initiate developments towards an open, equal and ecologically sustainable society.
The Mercator Foundation Switzerland