Past events


Watch GCP CONFERENCES and seminar in 2024

2 October 2024 | 12.00 - 1.45 pm | Philanthropy Lunch | Art Donations to Museums

In collaboration with the Art Law Foundation and with the participation of Dr. Anne Laure Bandle, Dr. Peter Mosimann and Prof. Dr. Xavier Oberson

Art donations play a pivotal role in enriching the collections of museums. This panel will analyze the legal framework governing art donations, exploring the intricacies of donor agreements and the obligations they impose on museums. Additionally, we will examine the tax implications for donors and museums, highlighting the benefits and potential pitfalls associated with charitable contributions of art. Beyond the legal and financial aspects, the panel will shed light on the practices and policies that museums employ to accept and integrate donated works into their collections.



Prof. Henry Peter - Director of the Geneva Centre for Philanthropy (GCP), University of Geneva

PRESENTATION - 12.20-12.30 pm

Dr. Anne Laure Bandle - Attorney at law, lecturer at the Art-Law Centre and the Geneva Centre for Philanthropy (GCP), director of the Art Law Foundation

PANEL DISCUSSION AND Q&A - 12.30-1.40 pm

Dr. Peter Mosimann – Attorney at law, former lecturer in copyright and art law at the University of Basel

Prof. Dr. Xavier Oberson – Professor in Swiss and international tax law at the University of Geneva, attorney at law

Adèle Aschehoug – Head of Fundraising, Plateforme 10, Lausanne

  • Panel moderated by Dr. Anne Laure Bandle

UPDATE on the activities of the GCP – 1.40-1.45 pm
Mara De Monte, Executive Director, Geneva Centre for Philanthropy (GCP)

18 September 2024 | 12. pm - 2 pm | Philanthropy Lunch | Legislative and Regulatory Changes for Swiss Foundations and Associations

Venue: Auditorium de la Pastorale, CAGI

In collaboration with the International Geneva Welcome Centre (CAGI), the Maison Internationale des Associations (MIA)  and proFonds.

In 2023 and early 2024, Swiss associations and foundations have faced significant legal and regulatory changes, including reforms to corporate law and amendments to the Swiss Code of Obligations, Civil Code, and other related laws. The introduction of mandatory registration with the commercial registry and new transparency requirements has prompted many associations to review and update their statutes. Debates around compensating board members of tax-exempt entities have led to varying practices across different cantons, highlighting a need for harmonization while respecting cantonal autonomy. Regional authorities like Zurich and Vaud have issued new guidelines on compensation, providing clearer frameworks for tax-exempt entities. Case law developments have reinforced the roles of supervisory authorities, while European Court rulings have impacted the rights of associations in climate litigation. Moving forward, the focus on professionalizing the non-profit sector continues, with ongoing legislative efforts to balance effective governance and regulatory compliance. Prof. Giulia Neri-Castracane and Vincent Pfammatter will provide a comprehensive overview of the legislative and regulatory changes, along with key case law developments from 2023 and the first half of 2024, that have impacted Swiss associations and foundations.


INTRODUCTION - 12.15 pm - 12.20 pm

Julien Beauvallet, Head of Civil Society Service, International Geneva Welcome Centre (CAGI)

PRESENTATION - 12.20 pm - 1 pm

  • Prof. Giulia Neri-Castracane, Director of the Commercial Law Department and Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, UNIGE
  • Vincent Pfammatter, Partner at Walder Wyss, Member of the board of proFonds and Academic Fellow of the GCP

Q&A - 1.00 pm - 1.20 pm

UPDATE on the activities of the CAGI, GCP and MIA – 1.25 pm - 1.30 pm

  • Mara De Monte, Executive Director, Geneva Centre for Philanthropy (GCP)
  • Hervé Pichelin, Director, Maison Internationale des Associations (MIA)

30 May 2024 | How can philanthropy influence the international agenda?

The video of the event is now available. Click here to watch it >>

With the participation of:

  • Dr Anita Budziszewska, Member of the Department of Diplomacy and International Institutions, University of Warsaw & Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship Holder at the University of Geneva, Geneva Centre for Philanthropy
  • Dr Ali Mohammadi, President of Global Health & Security Consultants, Geneva and Professor of medical microbiology from UCL, London

  • Prof. Luciano Segreto, Professor of Economic History of Globalization at the University of Florence and Professor of Comparative Business History at the Bocconi University in Milan

  • Manuela Tortora, PhD (UNIGE, Graduate Institute), Former senior staff member, UN Secretariat

Moderation by Prof. Giuseppe Ugazio, Associate Professor & Chair in Behavioral Philanthropy and Finance, Geneva Finance Research Institute (GFRI), University of Geneva (UNIGE)

22 May 2024 | Forum de recherches sociologiques printemps 2024 | Société et santé durable : responsabilités collectives et enjeux citoyens

Format: In-person

Venue: Uni-Dufour, Salle U159

Schedule: 6.15 - 7.45 pm

8e séance - La santé durable : enjeux et défis

  • Prof. Nicolas Duvoux, Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint Denis

For more information, please contact Claudine Burton-Jeangros (claudine.jeangros(at) and/or Sara Vallerani (sara.vallerani(at)

14 March 2024 | 6 - 7.30 pm | International conference on Artificial Intelligence and Philanthropy

Format: In-person

Venue: Les Salons,Théâtre Les Salons, Rue J.-F. Bartholoni 6, 1204 Genève

The purpose of this public conference was to gather prominent scholars and practitioners in the field of AI and social sciences to further widen the discussion on the topic, and create a dynamic and informative exchange of ideas.

Click here to watch the conference >>

7-8 March 2024 | Breaking Bad (Habits): How Can Foundations Move from Siloes to Shaping Future Innovation Ecosystems

Format: In-person

Venue: Milan 20144, Italy (BASE Milano "Cariplo Factory", Via Bergognone 34)

Amongst the speakers :

9 January 2024 | 2 - 5 pm | Legal Framework of Social Enterprises in Switzerland: Current Situation and Prospects

Format: In-person

Venue: Uni-Dufour (salle à confirmer), Rue du Général-Dufour 24, 1204 Genève

The seminar will begin with a presentation of the legal frameworks of social enterprises around the world, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of these specific structures. This will be followed by a presentation on tax issues related to social entrepreneurship, outlining ideas that could be adapted to the Swiss law. We will then look at the situation in Switzerland and the movement initiated by the Alliance for Sustainable Enterprises. The draft legal statute drawn up by the Alliance for Sustainable Enterprise's Legal Experts Group will be presented.


PRESENTATION 1 –  Social Enterprises Law Around the World - 2.05 - 2.45 pm

Q&A –  2.45 - 2.55 pm

PRESENTATION 2 – Social and Sustainable Enterprises and Tax - 2.55 - 3.25 pm

Q&A –  3.25 - 3.35 pm

BREAK - 3.35 - 3.55 pm

PRESENTATION 3 –  Proposal of a New Legal Qualification for Sustainable Enterprises under Swiss Law - 3.55 - 4.40 pm


END –  5 pm

  • Mara De Monte, Executive Director, GCP
    • Prof. Gulia Neri-Castracane, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, UNIGE
    • Prof. Dana Brakman Reiser, Centennial Professor, Brooklyn Law School
    • Prof. Sigrid Hemels, Full Professor, Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam
    • Prof. Giulia Neri-Castracane, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, UNIGE
    • Jonathan Normand, Founder and Executive Director of the Swiss B Lab Chapter
    • Moderated by Prof. Henry Peter, Head, Geneva Center for Philanthropy, UNIGE