

Statut Juridique d'Entreprise Durable en Suisse, Livre blanc du groupe d’experts juridique, Giulia Neri-Castracane, Alliance pour les Entreprises Durables, December 2023

Social Enterprise Law A Multijurisdictional Comparative Review, Dana Brakman Reiser, Steven A. Dean & Giedre Lideikyte Huber (eds), Larcier Intersentia, December 22, 2023

Fondations, planification successorale et gouvernance familiale : Réflexions sur la liberté du disposant dans la transmission de ses actifs et de ses valeurs, Delphine Bottge & Laurie Liccardo, not@lex, Revue de droit privé et fiscal du patrimoine, Schulthess, Editions Romandes, 3/2023

Is the warm glow actually warm? An experimental investigation into the nature of determinants of warm glow feelings, R. T. Bianchi, F. Cova & E.Tieffenbach,  International Journal of Wellbeing, September 2023

Are Self-transcendent Emotions One Big Family? An Empirical Taxonomy of Positive Self-transcendent Emotion Labels, Affective Sciences, Angela Gaia F. Abatista & Florian Cova, June 19, 2023

Current and Potential AI use in Swiss Philanthropic Organizations – Survey Results, SwissFoundations, Camilla della Giovampaola , Maria Cristiana Tudor, Lucia Gomez and Giuseppe Ugazio, June 14, 2023

Nouveautés pour les associations et les fondations - Modifications législatives 2023, Giulia Neri-Castracane & Vincent Pfammatter, first publication in Expert Focus 2023, June, p. 262 ss

A validation and comparison of three measures of participants’ disposition to feel moved (introducing the Geneva Sentimentality Scale), Florian Cova & Jordane Boudesseul, May 30, 2023

Virtual Reality for Philanthropy: A Promising Tool to Innovate Fundraising, Cambridge University Press, Nina M. Sooter and Giuseppe Ugazio, May 18, 2023

Sustainable purpose-driven enterprises - Swiss legal framework in a comparative law perspective, Giulia Neri-Castracane, May 22, 2023

The Normative Effects of ESG Expectations on Companies and their Directors, Henry Peter & Aurélien Rocher, SZW / RSDA, avril 2023, p.453-469

"Numérisation pour les fondations classiques: une opportunité? Un défi à relever", Aline Kratz-Ulmer & Dominique Favre, Expert Focus, April 2023

"For-profit Philanthropy: Elit power and the treat of limited liabilities companies, donor advised funds, and strategic corporate giving" by Dana Brakman Reiser and Steven A. Dean. Reviewed by Giedre Lideikyte Huber, and published online by De Gruyter, April 4, 2023

Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and the New Boundaries of the Firms in the European Union, in European Business Law Review, L. Ventura, n. 34, vol. 2, 239-268, 2023

Sustainable Procurement: The Active Role of the State in Building a Sustainable and Inclusive Economic Growth, in State and Enterprise. Legal Issues in the Global Market, B. De Donno, L. Ventura, eds. by M.R. Mauro and F. Pernazza, Springer, 2023, 259-281