

Encourager le don – Opportunité d'un registre des personnes morales exonérées d'impôts pour but d'utilité publique à Genève, Zachary Pico, Expert Focus 2024, juin, p. 312 ss 

The double holding foundation model, Empowering sustainable stewardship in business, Giulia Neri-Castracane & Delphine Bottge, SZW-RSDA, octobre 2024

Empresas B y Sociedades BIC. Perspectiva comparada de las empresas con propósito, Carlos Vargas Vasserot Jaime Alcalde Silva William H. Clark Jr., Tirant lo Blanch, 03/07/2024. Préface écrite par Henry Peter.

Leveraging AI to Map SDG Coverage and Uncover Partnerships in Swiss Philanthropy, Maria Cristiana Tudor, Lucia Gomez, Camilla Della Giovampaola, Hubert Halopé, and Giuseppe Ugazio. In: Walker, T., Wendt, S., Goubran, S., Schwartz, T. (eds) Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp 175-206, 24 January 2024

Honesty is predicted by moral values and economic incentives but is unaffected by acute stress, Nina M. Sooter, Rajna Gibson Brandon, Giuseppe Ugazio, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 03/2024

From diversity to pluralism: is everyone included?, Laetitia Gill & Maja Spanu, The Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, 02/2024. This article is part of the Dialogue special issue for the 2023 ERNOP Conference, Safe Space for Philanthropy: Diversity and Inclusion.