Former collaborators

Fabrice Carnal

Dr Fabrice Carnal

Former collaborator - PostDoc


2007-2011 PhD of Science, Chemistry
Institute F.-A. Forel, University of Geneva, Switzerland
2001-2003 Master of Science, Chemistry
University of Geneva, Switzerland
1998-2001 Bachelor of Science, Chemistry
University of Geneva, Switzerland


2013 – … Post-doctoral research,
"Manufactured Nanomaterials interactions with biomolecules and environmental factors by Monte Carlo simulations"
Institute F.-A. Forel, Environmental Physical Chemistry, University of Geneva

This is part of the EU NanoMILE project which will intend to establish a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of nanomaterial interactions with living systems and the environment, across the entire life cycle of nanomaterials and in a wide range of target species.
2012 – 2013 Post-doctoral research,
"Dynamic properties of ions and polyelectrolytes in model charged porous media by Brownian dynamics simulations"
PECSA Laboratory, University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris
2007 – 2011 PhD Thesis,
"Acid/Base and conformational properties of polyelectrolytes by Monte Carlo simulations: the role of explicit ions, nanoparticles and pH"
Institute F.-A. Forel, Environmental Physical Chemistry, University of Geneva
2005 Temporary research assistant,
"Interactions between Chromium and DNA to better understand the carcirogenic behavior of Chromium in cells"
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Zürich
2002 – 2003 Master Thesis,
"Simulations and Scattering Functions of Polyelectrolyte-Macroion"
Department of Mineral, Analytical and Applied Chemistry, University of Geneva
2002 Training,
"Synthesis and characterization of a ramified polymer: the poly(caprolactone)-g-poly(styren)-g-poly(styren) "
Laboratory of Technology of Composites and Polymers, EPFL, Lausanne
2002 Training,
"Micro-drops reticulation of a new UV-reticulable resin (3M) and test of their resistance by traction’"
Laboratory of Technology of Composites and Polymers, EPFL, Lausanne
2001 Training,
"Elucidation of the photochemical behavior of sulfonylureas using time-dependent density functional theory to better understand their degradation’"
Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Geneva

Former collaborators