Serge Stoll

Dr Serge Stoll
Senior Lecturer in Analytical, Environmental Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter Science (Department F.-A. Forel for environmental and aquatic sciences, University of Geneva)
+41 22 379 03 33
Short Resume
Serge Stoll received his PhD in Physical Chemistry by working in the field of soft matter science at the University Louis Pasteur, France. After joining Professor Buffle's research group in the department of analytical, inorganic and applied chemistry at the University of Geneva in Switzerland, he became senior scientist. Then he was promoted senior lecturer, teaching environmental, soft-condensed and analytical chemistry to undergraduate and graduate students in chemistry and general chemistry in medicine. Then he moved to the Institute Forel in the field of environmental sciences and takes an active part in the development of the Institute of Environmental Sciences in Geneva. He has authored and co-authored about 100 publications in reference international journals, three book chapters, invited papers and supervised about 10 PhD thesis works, and was chosen for his work to represent Switzerland at the CERC3 Workshop on Colloidal Synthesis and Characterization, Bristol UK. He is also part of the Institut Universitaire de France selection committee and co-editor of the Journal of Colloid Science and Biotechnology.
Teaching Activities
Main emphasis lies on courses in colloid and polymer chemistry, which include introductory to advanced courses for students, and courses for professionals. He further participate in teaching of general chemistry within the Master of environmental sciences including advanced courses in Environmental Sciences (Aquatic chemistry, Chemical processes in the environment, water quality and management, Atmosphere Chemistry) at the Geneva Institute of Environmental Sciences (ISE).
Research Interests
The fate and transport of contaminants, such as manufactured nanoparticles, micro-plastics introduced by rivers or by atmospheric inputs in waters by human activities, needs to be understood to evaluate their long-term impacts on the ecosystems as well as their influences and effects on biota. Numerical modelling as well as experimental studies using state-of-the-art techniques are performed in his group to understand the factors controlling the structure, diffusion, aggregation and sedimentation of colloids, biopolymers and manufactured nanoparticles. In particular dynamic modelling (Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics) is used to understand the association of large biomacromolecules (polysaccharides, proteins,…) with nanoparticles as well as the evolution of their aggregates and sedimentation rates. In all cases a major goal is to relate molecular and supramolecular processes to macroscopic ones.
This fundamental research is being applied within environmental chemistry and for industrial process control such as the rational design of flocculants used in water treatment and drinking water production, as well as to better understand the fate and impact of manufactured nanoparticles in aquatic systems.
His group is part of two large scale European projects (NanoFASE and NanoMILE), supported by the Swiss National Research Foundation and is collaborating with many European and international groups.
Key Recent References