Thursday 12 September 2019

(Open to public)


9h 30-10h Welcome coffee


10h-10h45 Introduction

Çağla E. Aykaç (University of Geneva)

The Challenges of Place Naming Studies in Turkey

Frédéric Giraut (University of Geneva)

Theoretical Propositions on the Politics of Place Naming


10h45-12h30. Place Naming in Turkey: Historical Perspectives and Challenging Memory

Chair:Çağla E. Aykaç

Kerem Öktem (University of Graz)

Place Naming & Social Engineering

Asena Günal (Anadolu Kültür) & Murat Çelikkan (Hafiza Merkezi)

On the City that Remembers


14h- 18h. Negotiating Conflictual Contemporary Place Naming: Actors & Processes

(1) Chair:  Jean-François Pérouse (IFEA)

Emrah Altınok (Bilgi University)

Toponymy of Difference: Mapping the Social Space and the Toponymic Tapestry in Gülsuyu-Gülensu

Pınar Dinç (Lund University)

Dersim Anatolian High School in Ataturk Neighborhood of Tunceli: Naming, renaming, and contingent openings in Turkey


(2) Chair: Kerem Öktem (University of Graz)

Beril Çakır (University of Amsterdam)

Urban Landscape and Politics of Place-Naming: Rebuilding Memory

Bülent Batuman (Bilkent University)

Claiming the Nation (-space): Toponymy and Islamist Nation building.

Cyril de Preux (University of Geneva)

Contemporary Place Naming Practices in a Strategic Neighborhood: Başakşehir



Friday 13 September 2019

(Reserved to participants and guests)


9h30-10h45 Challenging the Politics of Place Naming in Turkey

Chair: Murat Çelikkan (Hafiza Merkezi)

Jean-François Pérouse (IFEA)

Ce que veut dire ne pas nommer: rues anonymes à Istanbul      

Frédéric Giraut & Mélissa Wanjiru (University of Geneva & Kenyata University)

Hotspots and Comparatives Perspectives in Political Toponymy


10h45-12h. Open Discussion: Sorting emerging issues and relevant comparative perspectives


13h30-16h. Roundtable: Research Agenda

Chairs: Çağla E. Aykaç & Frédéric Giraut

13h30-14h15. Place (re)naming observatory: Monitoring what, how and why?

14h15-15h. On methods and sources

15h-16h30. Collective Publication and research agenda