The Digital Humanities and the Department of Philosophy have been awarded an ERC Synergy Grant

An ERC Synergy Grant has been awarded to Dr. des. Roberta Padlina of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Geneva (UNIGE), along with her project partners:

  • Prof. Leone Gazziero of CNRS (France),
  • Prof. Tony Street of Cambridge University (UK)
  • Prof. Shahid Rahman from the University of Lille (France).

The project also benefits from the participation of Prof. Laurent Cesalli of UNIGE's Department of Medieval Philosophy, who joins as senior member of the team.

The grant, titled “RevLogRedux - Logic in Reverse Redux. Illegitimate Argumentative Moves in the Arabic, Byzantine, Hebrew and Latin Medieval Traditions", has a planned duration of 6 years and marks the 1st ERC Synergy Grant awarded to UNIGE under the European Horizon Europe framework program.

With a total budget of approximately 10 million euros, including over 4.5 million euros allocated to UNIGE, it represents one of the largest European grants the university has ever received.

This achievement highlights the vitality and excellence of the humanities and social sciences at UNIGE.

The Research and Grants Office extends its warmest congratulations to the members of the RevLogRedux team.

6 Nov 2024